

ソフトドリンクにも課税? ― environmental defaults


Imposing a special tax on soft drinks would reduce health-care costs and help save many children from obesity and diabetes, a leading United States psychologist will tell a conference in Canberra today.

Professor Kelly Brownell, of the Rudd Centre for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, will tell the Australian Psychological Association's annual conference that human beings are living in a "toxic environment" which is contributing to spiralling rates of obesity.

Professor Brownell is a leading advocate of the introduction of a one penny per ounce tax on beverages with added sugar.

The tax has been considered - but not adopted - by 20 US cities and states.
(Peter Jean. Call to tax soft drinks to reduce obesity. Canberra Times. October 4, 2011.)


Professor Brownell said human beings responded to environmental defaults and this meant that they tended to eat those foods which were most easily available, least expensive and most heavily marketed.

Greater government regulation was needed to protect children from junk food marketing and he rejected self-regulation by industry as ineffective.

というところで、今日の表現ですが、上記の引用にある"environmental defaults"という表現が目に留まりました。



上で引用した記事での、"environmental defaults"の"default"は解釈が難しいところだと思いますが、(我々が置かれている)環境上(environmental)の、(意図的に変えない限りはそのままである、あるいはそのようになってしまう)状態、というように解釈できるでしょうか。


But abortion critics also say that, in fact, women facing unwanted pregnancies in this country don't have as much "choice" as the abortion-rights side claims. "As a woman, my concern with 30 years of Roe is that it has created an abortion mentality," says Carrie Gordon Earll, a bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family, a conservative organization based in Colorado Springs. "Even though most Americans don't like abortion," she says, "it has become the cultural default - almost an automatic assumption that a woman in a less-than-ideal pregnancy will at least consider it." Since Roe, support systems that existed to help women with unwanted pregnancies - such as homes for unwed mothers - have shrunk. A classic cry among abortion-rights forces has been that abortion critics care more about the unborn than the born.
(Linda Feldman. The abortion wars. Christian Science Monitor. 2003.)

ここで用いられている、"cultural default"は恐らく今日取り上げた"environmental defaults"と似た用法だと解釈することができます。


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