

アメリカ北東部で大雪 ― wallop



Heavy rain, snow and winds walloped the northeast this weekend, leaving 3.2 million people without power from Virginia to Maine and many more wondering: What happened to fall?

“It’s only October,” said Melissa Mack, a resident of Hartford, Conn. “We haven’t even finished the kids’ soccer season.”

Trees with their leaves colored by autumnal glory turned white from snow and became dangerous. The leaves gave the wet snow a landing pad, making branches so heavy that many of them came crashing down, bringing down tens of thousands of power lines with them.

The storm is being blamed for five deaths, including that of a Bronx grandmother who relied on an oxygen machine that shut down when her house lost power.
(More than 3 million without power after East Coast storm. Los Angels Times. October 30, 2011.)


この聞き慣れない単語ですが、"gallop"という単語と関係があります。スペルもよく似ている2つの単語ですが、"gallop"の語源をたどると、"well leap"(よく走る)と言う意味の、"walhlaup"(もしくは、wala hlaupen)というフランク語の表現に遡るそうです。"walhlaup"は、"wal"(戦場)を"hlaup"(駆ける)、すなわち戦場を駆けまわる馬のイメージであり、まさしく”ギャロップ”のイメージと重なります。


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