

glass cliff


さて、1年を締めくくるのに相応しい単語・表現を、などと力んでしましますが、今日は"glass cliff"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。

For many women working in the U.S., 2016 was a year of disappointment. Women's health organization Planned Parenthood suddenly became endangered; Yahoo CEO Marissa Meyer (sic) fell off the glass cliff; the "female Steve Jobs" turned out to be a hoax; and American voters elected a man who bragged about groping women as their president.

But instead of dwelling on the past, let's look to the future, and in particular workplace policies. There's actually quite a bit for women—and workers in general—to be excited for in 2017.
(Valentina Zaria. Here’s What Working Parents Have to Look Forward to in 2017. Fortune. December 29, 2016.)

女性の活躍、社会進出ということは常に話題であり、多くの企業、また政治の場においても課題となっています。ですが、今年は女性初の米国大統領を目指したヒラリー・クリントン氏がトランプ候補に破れ、やはりガラスの天井(glass ceiling)を突き抜けることが叶いませんでした。

また、記事にも出てきますが、インターネット検索大手のYahoo!の女性CEOであるMarissa Mayer氏はCEOという重責に任命された直後に出産をし、ワーキングマザーとしてすぐに職場復帰したことで話題になりましたが、同社の業績は低迷し、最近では個人情報流出事件なども相次ぎ、活躍や成功といったイメージからは隔たりがあると言わざるを得ません。


fell off the glass cliff


この"glass cliff "という表現は2016年のWord of the Yearにノミネートされた単語の1つです。


glass cliff, n. used with reference to a situation in which a woman or member of a minority group ascends to a leadership position in challenging circumstances where the risk of failure is high.



"glass ceiling"における、"glass"は存在するけれども見えない(女性の社会進出を阻む壁)という比喩ですが、"glass cliff"における"glass"は「脆さ」や「不安定さ」の比喩です。


雨の日も風の日も ー rain or shine

日本語では、雨の日も風の日も、と言いますが、英語では、"rain or shine"と言います。字句通りに解釈すると、雨の日も晴れの日も、ということです。

A popular San Diego-based skateboarding company is mourning the death of one of its own: a 70-year-old veteran skateboarder killed in a motorcycle crash in Santa Ysabel.


“Victor worked at Sector 9 for 15 years during which time he performed a number of jobs as well as being a team rider,” Sector 9’s Facebook post read. “Most of all, he was a great ambassador for skateboarding and a legend to many. He was always down to ride skateboards rain or shine, dirt or asphalt. He was very loved by all and will be sorely missed in the skateboard community."
(Skateboarding Community Mourns Death of 70-Year-Old Rider Killed in Santa Ysabel Crash. NBC 7 SAN Diego. November 30, 2016.)

Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsによると、下記のように定義されています。

If someone does something rain or shine or come rain or shine, they do it regularly, regardless of the weather or other circumstances.

"rain or shine"の場合、"rain"は辛い時、"shine"は順風満帆な時を指すと思われますが、日本語の「雨の日も風の日も」は、両方とも厳しい環境を示唆している点が違いますね。


持ち主不明の・・・ ― stray


NEW YORK — A stray backpack prompted the partial evacuation of Trump Tower on Tuesday, though bomb squad technicians quickly determined the unattended bag contained children’s toys and was harmless.

Video posted online showed people running through the Manhattan skyscraper’s public lobby as uniformed police officers waved them toward the exits.

Stephen Davis, the New York Police Department’s top spokesman, said the bomb squad gave the “all clear” around 5 p.m. after examining the backpack left near the entrance to Niketown, a store in the building.
(Jennifer Peltz. Stray bag of toys prompts scare at Trump Tower. The Washington Post. December 27, 2016.)



a stray backpack


"stray"というと、迷子の~という日本語がまず思い浮かぶんですが、ここで"a stray backpack"は、「持ち主不明のバックパック」というのが日本語訳として相応しいように思えます。



多くのコンテクストで使われますが、通常あるべき状態や場所から外れている、というのが中心にある意味で、所有者という持ち主から外れてぽつんと置かれている、という意味では"a stray backpack"という用法も理解できます。



unattended baggage
unclaimed object
any suspicious objects



ということは、"a stray backpack"はちょっとマイナーな表現かもしれないとも思われてきました。


"L"は何の略? ー take the "L"


The standoff between Uber and the California Department of Motor Vehicles over self-driving cars in San Francisco mercifully came to an end last Wednesday, with Uber taking the “L” and removing its cars from San Francisco streets. Now that Uber’s short-lived rebellion is over, spectators are left asking questions like: “What was that all about?”

In a year that government and tech butted heads on many issues and regulations, Uber v. DMV felt extremely unnecessary and petulant. The stake during this weeklong standoff was $150 for a state permit to driving self-driving cars. Uber can afford a trillion state permits, but instead, it went to the barricades, lecturing journalists about how one doesn’t need to wear a belt and suspenders when wearing a dress.
(Seung Y Lee. What was Uber’s endgame in the first place? SAN Francisco Examiner. December 26, 2016.)



taking the "L"






The New York Knicks receive the L for Christmas

It’s Christmas time! What a wonderful time of year for basketball. The first game of the Christmas Day was the Boston Celtics vs the New York Knicks. In a hard fought game, the Knicks fell 114-119. It was an up and down game for New York and in the end, it was defensive woes and forced offense that doomed the Knicks.
(iSportsweb. December 26, 2016.)


unpresidented? ー unpresidential



President-elect Donald Trump has risked further inflaming US relations with China, after he used Twitter on Saturday to accuse China of an “unpresidented [sic] act” in its seizing of an unmanned American submarine this week.

“China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented act,” Trump said, misspelling “unprecedented”.

The tweet was later reissued with the correct spelling of “unprecedented”. The tweet containing the error was deleted.

His message – itself without precedent given his status as a president-elect commenting on an international incident before assuming power – was likely to worsen fears of increased US-China tensions under his presidency that have grown over his rhetoric on trade and policy towards Taiwan.
(Donald Trump accuses China of 'unpresidented' act over US navy drone. The Guardian. December 18, 2016.)








In the December issue of Esquire magazine -- which is accompanied by a cover photo of the president in a distinctly unpresidential pose, his legs spread wide, a sly grin planted on his face, like the Elvis he always wanted to be -- Mr. Clinton added that he had made " a studied effort to change the way the American people felt about the government, to make it seem less distant, less alien, less tone-deaf.
(New York Times, 2001)



ホリデーシーズンなのに・・・ - in-law stress




As the Christmas season kicks into high gear and we're surrounded by gorgeously decorated fir trees and songs of yuletide gay, it's easy to forget that the holidays represent a grim time in terms of health statistics. You're more likely to die of natural causes from Dec. 25 through New Year's Day than at any other time of the year.

This spike, identified by sociologist David P. Phillips while combing through death certificates in the United States, has been confirmed in subsequent studies using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other large data sets. It holds true for all ages except for children and for numerous conditions including heart disease, respiratory problems and cancer.

Speculation about why this happens has ranged from in-law stress to the excesses of eating all that fruitcake and drinking all that eggnog, but the prevailing theory accepted by many doctors and researchers has always been about the weather. The colder it is, the more vulnerable people's bodies might be to having a complication from a heart attack, flu or other ailment that they can't recover from.
(Ariana Eunjung Cha. Mystery of the spike in deaths between Christmas and New Year’s gets curiouser and curiouser. The Washington Post. December 22, 2016.)

"in-law stress"という表現が出てきます。


つまり、"in-law stress"というのは、義理の関係がもたらすストレスということになりましょうか!?


How many times do you hear people getting married being frustrated or upset with their in-laws?

On your wedding day, you marry your partner, but get the in-laws for free. And herein lies the challenge. Whilst you can do all of the due diligence that you like about the person that you want to spend all of your life with, you can often end up getting more than you bargained for – as your marriage creates new relationships between you and the in laws, as well as changing the relationships that your partner has with their family.

Putting it simply, there are no guarantees that the person you love has family that you will love. Or that they will love you. When you find yourself in this circumstance, what can you do?
(Philip Owens. DEALING WITH IN-LAW STRESS. Reflective Resolutions. May 11, 2016.)

結婚相手となるパートナーは選べるけれども、その親や兄弟までは選べない・・・。"in-law stress"というのは、やはり親戚づきあいのストレスを言うようです。


’TIS THE SEASON OF IN-LAWS: that special time of year when married people all over the country prepare to unite under one roof with the families that brought their significant others into the world. Careful questions will be asked about how work has been going. Offers to help with the dishes will be extended with practiced earnestness. Some tongues will be held; others won’t be.
(Leon Neyfakh. The weird science of in-laws. The Boston Globe. November 17, 2013.)

ホリデーシーズンに家族と親戚一同が集まるのは洋の東西を問いません。"in-law stress"はホリデーシーズンに付き物ということのようですね。


クリスマスがどうした? ー bah humbug




WASHINGTON — Sen. Chuck Schumer turned into Scrooge this holiday season by firing a group of Democratic staffers just before Christmas.

The incoming Senate minority leader gave a bah-humbug dismissal to nearly all members of the Senate Democratic Media Center on Friday to make way for a more media-savvy team for the camera-friendly Brooklyn senator, Politico reported.
(Marisa Schulz. Chuck Schumer fires staffers right before the holidays. New York Post. December 21, 2016.)



bah-humbug dismissal


"bah humbug"というエントリはお手持ちの辞書にはないかも知れません。ネットで検索すると、

An expression used to show digust at the Christmas season, made famous by the fictional character Ebinizer Scrooge in the Charles Dickens novel 'A Christmas Carol'
(Urban Dictionary)



"bah humbug"とはクリスマスを台無しにしてしまうような態度、言動を取るということなのでしょう。

"bah humbug"はクリスマスに関わらず、落胆や不快感を表すのに使われるようですが、やはりクリスマスとリンクしている場合が多く、下記の用例もそうです。

We're entering that time of year when I remind people to be kind to atheists. Remember, Christmas capitalism has room for all of us.

Yes, I'm an atheist. Not one who's evangelistic about it. No, I'm more your garden variety non-believer who's confident that when you're dead the lights go out. See you later.

I am far from alone. Yet, despite this, most of my fellow New Zealanders celebrate Christmas like they were fresh out of divinity school.

Not me, baby. I regard Christmas as a total no-go zone. Even if I were a pious pew pusher I still can't imagine condoning the orgy of consumerism, and buying into the endless sinkhole of ever more garbage waiting to be binned.
(Rachel Stewart: Bah humbug! Why Christmas is killing us all. New Zealand Herald. December 21, 2016.)



おさがり ― hand-me-down


It's highly likely that a child in your family will get an iPad or a hand-me-down iPhone as a gift this holiday. Their shiny, new iDevice gives them access to amazing technology. But it also puts both them and you at some risk too.
(How to turn on iOS parental controls in 20 seconds video. CNET. December 21, 2016.)

"a hand-me-down iPhone"と出てくるのですが、これは日本語でいう「おさがり」、あるいは「お古」のことだそうです。









FDA Smokes Black Box Warning on Chantix

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved dropping the black box warning regarding possible serious neuropsychiatric side effects with Pfizer's smoking cessation drug varenicline (Chantix, Champix), Pfizer said on December 16.

The FDA first put a black box warning on varenicline in 2009 after receiving reports linking the drug to psychiatric side effects, including suicidal thoughts, hostility, and agitation.

Earlier this year, a joint FDA advisory committee voted to remove a box warning about possible neuropsychiatric side effects. As reported by Medscape Medical News, members of the Psychopharmacologic Drug Advisory Committee and the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee concluded that in light of results of a large postmarketing randomized clinical trial, the box warning on varenicline is not warranted. The FDA agreed.
(Megan Brooks. FDA Smokes Black Box Warning on Chantix. Medscape. December 19, 2016.)


ちょっと業界的な話になりますが、FDAというのはアメリカ医薬食品局のことで、日本では厚労省に相当するお役所です。そして、"black box warning"というのは医療用医薬品の添付文書における使用上の注意(警告)を記載したセクションのことを指しています。主に、当該医薬品を服用した際に発生する恐れのある副作用などについて記載しています。

その、"black box warning"を"smoke"する、とは一体どういう意味なんでしょうか?



とありました。これは即ち、殺す(to kill)という意味なんですが、銃で撃ったときに煙が出てくることからこのような意味に発展したものと思われます。





electoral college





When the Electoral College meets Monday for the 58th time in American history to cast the only official vote for president, its 538 members will be acting as the most powerful political institution in the world.

Yet there’s little understanding of who these 306 Republicans and 232 Democrats are, the role they play, or how they were selected. That’s because presidential electors have never done anything more than rubber-stamp the results of the general election.
(Kyle Cheney. Who are the electors? Politico. December 18, 2016.)

選挙人団のことを、"Electoral College"と言います。




今日引用した記事については、タイトルからも分かるように、この"Electoral College"の仕組みを分かりやすく解説したものになっており、参考になります。







LONDON — In November, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she would explore offering Northern Irish women a free and legal means to terminate their pregnancy.


Around the world, 58 of 196 countries provide abortions on request, and 134 of 196 countries only allow abortions to preserve a woman's physical health.

Six countries — El Salvador, Malta, the Vatican, Chile, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua — still refuse abortions to women under any circumstances, even if it's to save her life. It means that under many circumstances, such as rape, incest, or if the fetus has a severe abnormality, women still must bring a pregnancy to term.

Developing countries, which have the strictest laws around ending a pregnancy, have the highest unsafe abortion rates. It is estimated that around the world, 78,000 deaths result from unsafe abortions every year. These are the countries with the strictest abortion laws around the globe.
(Andree Gorman. The 9 countries with the most draconian abortion laws in the world. Business Insider. December 16, 2016.)


the most draconian abortion laws





flat earther




The label “flat earther” is usually reserved for skeptics of man-made global warming, but now President-elect Donald Trump’s team is comparing climate science “consensus” to the belief the world was flat.

“[W]e did a lot of things wrong in the scientific community,” Anthony Scaramucci, a member of Trump’s executive committee, said on CNN Wednesday, according to Politico. Scaramucci was responding to the often used talking point that the scientific “consensus” backs man-made global warming.
(Michael Bastasch. Trump Team Turns ‘Flat Earther’ Label Against Climate Activists. Daily Caller. December 14, 2016.)

"flat earther"という表現が出てきます。これは、地球が平たい(flat earth)と主張する人たち、の意です。


"flat earther"はこの歴史的な対立を揶揄したもので、既に誤りと分かっている説や理論に固執する人たち、という意味合いで使われます。

地球温暖化の話に戻ると、温暖化自体はデータによって裏付けられているわけで、それを信じないのは間違っている、ということで、通常、温暖化に否定的な人に対して"flat earther"のレッテルが貼られます。

トランプ氏(正確に言うとトランプ政権移行チームのメンバー)はその意趣返しとでも言いましょうか、温暖化があると主張する人たちに"flat earther"というレッテルを貼り、その妄信振りをからかっているようです。






A smaller Rudolph? Scientists say reindeer are shrinking

STOCKHOLM -- Reindeer living on the Arctic island of Svalbard are getting smaller — and scientists say climate change may be the cause.

Scientists from Britain and Norway have found that adult Svalbard reindeer born in 2010 weigh 12 percent less on average than those born in 1994.

Ecologist Steve Albon of Scotland’s James Hutton Institute says rising temperatures in the Arctic mean Svalbard is getting more rain, creating a hard ice sheet the island’s reindeer can’t easily break through to reach food.
(A smaller Rudolph? Scientists say reindeer are shrinking. CBS News. December 12, 2016.)





Robert Lewis Mayという作者の手になる「赤鼻のトナカイ」は、1939年に出版された絵本でデビューしました。この本は大層売れたそうで、誰もが知っているクリスマスソングは1948年にJonny Marksという人が絵本の物語をベースに楽曲を作曲したものだそうです。この曲も翌1949年に大ヒットし、250万枚のレコード売り上げを達成したそうです。



第三次世界大戦の恐れ? ー saber-rattling


Iran is prepared to start World War III if the Trump administration meddles with its nuclear pact, according to a top official from the Mideast country — who tempered his saber-rattling by saying such an outcome is unlikely because the president-elect is, above all else, a businessman.

“Considering Trump’s character and that he measures the cost of everything in dollars, it does not seem likely that he would take strong action against our country,” Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan told a security conference in the capital of Tehran on Sunday.
(Jamie Schram. Iran warns of World War III if Trump revamps nuclear pact. New York Post. December 12, 2016.)






衝突必至 ー collision course



The simmering distrust between Donald Trump and U.S. intelligence agencies escalated into open antagonism Saturday after the president-elect mocked a CIA report that Russian operatives had intervened in the U.S. presidential election to help him win.

The growing tensions set up a potential showdown between Trump and the nation’s top intelligence officials during what some of those officials describe as the most complex threat environment in decades.
(Trump, CIA on collision course over Russia’s role in U.S. election. The Washington Post. December 10, 2016.)


Trump, CIA on collision course over Russia’s role in U.S. election


collision course





American Heritage Dictionaryの定義を確認したところ、

A course, as of moving objects or opposing philosophies, that will end in a collision or conflict if left unchanged




ちょっと学生言葉、若い人の使う表現というきらいがありますが、二次会突入コース、とか、 多分枚挙に暇はないのですが、今回取り上げた"collision course"と同じ雰囲気があって面白いと思いました。


チャンピオン? ― champion



The 21st Century Cures Act that gained congressional approval on Wednesday has been championed as a way to speed up drug development, but it's also the most significant piece of mental health legislation since the 2008 law requiring equal insurance coverage for mental and physical health.

The bill includes provisions aimed at fighting the opioid epidemic, strengthens laws mandating parity for mental and physical health care and includes grants to increase the number of psychologists and psychiatrists, who are in short supply across the country.

It also would push states to provide early intervention for psychosis, a treatment program that has been hailed as one of the most promising mental health developments in decades.
(Liz Szabo. Mental Health Care Gets A Boost From 21st Century Cures Act. NPR. December 7, 2016.)


The 21st Century Cures Act that gained congressional approval on Wednesday has been championed as a way to speed up drug development




One that wins first place or first prize in a competition
(American Heritage Dictionary)


To fight for, defend, or support as a champion: championed the cause of civil rights






miles from


New research demonstrates that, in mice whose brains are under attack by Alzheimer’s dementia, exposure to lights that flicker at a precise frequency can right the brain’s faulty signaling and energize its immune cells to fight off the disease.

Light therapy for Alzheimer’s is miles from being ready to treat patients — even those with the earliest signs of the disease. But the new research has already prompted creation of a start-up company — Cognito Therapeutics Inc. — to approach the Food and Drug Administration about clinical trials, and to explore ways to deliver precisely calibrated flickers of light to human research subjects.
(Melissa Healy. Flickering lights may illuminate a path to Alzheimer's treatment. Los Angeles Times. December 7, 2016.)



Light therapy for Alzheimer’s is miles from being ready to treat patients


"miles from"とある表現に着目しましょう。



以前、"flight away"という表現を取り上げたことがありますが、似たような表現であると言えます。





Chinese state media denounced the U.S. president-elect as a "diplomatic rookie" on Tuesday, hitting him for his phone call with the leader of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, and his subsequent comments about China's government.

"Provoking friction and messing up China-US relations won't help 'make America great again,'" said a front-page opinion piece in the overseas edition of the People's Daily, the mouthpiece of China's Communist Party, reports the AFP wire service.

The Global Times' Chinese edition hit Trump for his "inability to keep his mouth shut," and his "provocation and falsehoods," according to AFP.
(David M Jackson. China hits Trump as 'diplomatic rookie.' USA Today. December 6, 2016.)

Chinese state mediaというのは新華社通信を指していると思われますが、トランプ氏のことを

diplomatic rookie




American Heritage Dictionaryの定義では、

A first-year player, especially in a professional sport.


a. An untrained or inexperienced recruit, as in the army or police.
b. An inexperienced person; a novice.


"Diplomatic rookie"は、外交の素人、とでも訳せるかと思います。



語源としてはフランス語のrecrue, recroitereから来ているのですが、-crue, -croitereの部分はcrescent(三日月)という単語と同じく、徐々に大きくなる、という意味です。





The verbal confrontation between President-elect Donald Trump and the Chinese government escalated on Monday, as China responded harshly to attacks by Mr. Trump on its economic and security positions.

The exchange signaled a new and potentially more adversarial relationship between the world’s two largest economies, as Mr. Trump moves to follow through on his campaign-trail promises to challenge China’s trade and currency policies.

Chinese officials had suggested late Friday and early Saturday that they were willing to overlook Mr. Trump’s precedent-breaking phone call with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, which a transition official said had been arranged by Bob Dole, the former Republican senator and presidential nominee. The call went beyond pleasantries and included a discussion about China and stability in the Asia-Pacific, according to a person familiar with the call. The Chinese directed their ire at Taiwan and not at Mr. Trump.

But they signaled their displeasure with a series of Twitter posts Mr. Trump leveled at China over the weekend, as he criticized its currency policies and military presence in the South China Sea.
(Donald Trump’s Message Sparks Anger in China. The Wall Street Journal. December 5, 2016.)




the call went beyong pleasantries



会談などで会話の口火を切る際にお互いが発する儀礼的なあいさつのことを言っているもので、"beyond pleasantries"とは、形式的なあいさつに留まらなかった、さらに踏み込んだ意見交換が行われた、という意味合いで使われています。


やんわりと・・・ ― backhanded compliment




MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered something of a backhanded compliment to Donald Trump on Sunday, saying the U.S. president-elect is smart enough to understand that he’s going to shoulder a whole new level of responsibilities come January.

“To the extent that he was able to achieve success in business, this shows that he’s a smart person,” Putin said in snippets of an interview with broadcaster NTV set to be aired in full Sunday evening. “And if he’s a smart person, that means that he will totally and quite quickly understand the different level of his responsibility [as a statesman]. We presume that he will act based on this position.”
(Andrew Roth. Putin just called Trump ‘smart,’ but it’s not entirely a compliment. The Washington Post. December 4, 2016.)

プーチン大統領によるトランプ氏に対する評が、"backhanded compliment"ということなのですが、この"backhanded compliment"の意味をご存知でしょうか?









“To the extent that he was able to achieve success in business, this shows that he’s a smart person,”


“And if he’s a smart person, that means that he will totally and quite quickly understand the different level of his responsibility [as a statesman]. We presume that he will act based on this position.”





つまり、"backhanded"というのはキレとでも言いましょうか、強さや明確さといったものが欠けているということを言っているのですが、それが発展して"backhanded compliment"のような表現が生まれたのです。





SAN FRANCISCO – The proliferation of fake news has shone a light on another murky corner the web, the practice of typosquatting.

These are the URLs that pass for common ones — say Amazoon.com instead of Amazon.com — if the user isn't paying close attention to the Web address.

Always eager to capitalize on human inattention, cyber criminals have embraced this method of registering a commonly misspelled Web address to use as a base for the distribution of malware or to steal information from unsuspecting users.
(Elizabeth Weise. Hackers use typosquatting to dupe the unwary with fake news, sites. USA Today. December 1, 2016.)


意図的かそうでないかに関わらず、そういった"fake news"は人々の耳目を集めるような内容、つまりゴシップの類なので、余計に拡散されやすいのでしょう。







マルウェアキャンペーン!? ― campaign




A new malware campaign has been discovered in over 1 million Android devices, according to a new report from the security firm Check Point. Dubbed “Googlian” by the firm, the campaign first emerged in August, and is currently compromising devices at a rate of roughly 13,000 per day.

The malware targets vulnerabilities in Android versions 4 and 5 (Jelly Bean, Kit Kat, and Marshmallow), and spreads through seemingly legitimate apps in third-party app stores. More than half the infections are in Asia, where third-party app stores are particularly popular.
(Russel Brandom. App-installing malware found in over 1 million Android phones. The Verge. November 30, 2016.)

冒頭、"malware campaign"という表現に引っかかりました。マルウェアキャンペーン!?



また、「今買うともれなくxxxが付いてくるキャンペーン実施中!」といったものもよく見かけるものですが、ここでのキャンペーンは「宣伝活動」とほぼ同義でしょうか。ちなみに、投票を呼びかける選挙活動も"campaign"です。(campaign financial report


American Heritage Dictionaryを参照すると、このような意味での"campaign"に相当する定義としては、

An operation or series of operations energetically pursued to accomplish a purpose



"malware campaign"に戻りますと、セキュリティインシデントとしてのマルウェア被害が100万台以上のアンドロイド端末で見つかった、という内容と合わないように思い混乱したようです。

そもそも"campaign"というのは軍事用語でした。American Heritage Dictionaryの最初の定義では、

A series of military operations undertaken to achieve a large-scale objective during a war




The killing was part of a terror campaign targeting the independent mass media, Mikhail Seslavinsky, deputy press minister, told ITAR-Tass.
(AP, 2003)

State media launched a smear campaign against the groups last year.
(Christian Science Monitor, 2012)

こうして様々な用例に触れた後では、"malware campaign"という表現もすんなり入ってくるのですが・・・。初めて見たときの違和感というのはちょっと説明が難しいのですが、カタカナの「キャンペーン」に日常的に触れていることと無関係ではないように思いました。
