

Pizza(ピザ)は野菜か? ― sloppy joe


一体何の話かと言いますと、学校給食(school lunch)のメニューについての話です。ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、肥満児の増加などの社会問題を受けて、アメリカでは炭酸飲料の自動販売機を学校から撤去したり、塩分摂取の目安を政府が推奨したり、果てはソフトドリンクへの課税が提案されたりと様々な取り組みが昔からされてきています。こうした動きはアメリカに留まらず、例えばデンマークでは”脂肪税”なるものが導入されたりもしています。

さて、件の給食メニューの一連の騒動ですが、米政府は当初ピザ(pizza)やフライドポテト(french fries)などをメニューから無くしたかったようなのですが、学校給食のメインディッシュ(the staples of most school lunches)でもあるこれらのメニューの排除には関連業界や団体が激しく反発したようで、結局はピザもフライドポテトも野菜であるとしてと法案に盛り込むことになったようです。何とも可笑しな話です。

ST. LOUIS, MO (KPLR)— Nutritionists will tell you that the more vegetables you eat, the healthier you will be. So I used to eat salads for lunch, but not anymore! Now I eat pizza and french fries. By now you've heard the good news. Pizza and french fries are going to become vegetables. Really, congress wants to make it a law and everything. Tentatively titled by most kids, "The most awesome law ever."

Think how easy it will be to get your kids to eat vegetables now. Heck, my kids might become vegetarians.

If you haven't heard this is what happened. Following the first ladies lead to fight childhood obesity. The agriculture department wrote new standards for school lunches to make them healthier. The new standards called for easy things like less salt, fewer potatoes, less starch and more vegetables.

So some schools talked about getting rid of french fries and pizzas, which along with sloppy joes are the staples of most school lunches.

Ah, but not so fast. You know who got upset about this. The frozen food industry that makes the pizza, the salt industry and potato farmers. You see those school lunches that make kids fat and unhealthy. Also make food companies fat and rich.

So they sent their lobbyists to Washington with plenty of money and congress members welcomed them with open pockets and a promise to not to worry about it. We'll fix everything. Presto-change-o. French fries and pizza are now vegetables!
(Larry Mendte. Mendte - Congress Magically Turns Pizza Into A Vegetable. KPLR11. November 21, 2011.)

ところで、4段落目に"sloppy joes"という表現が出てきます。これは何でしょうか?

American Heritage Dictionaryによりますと、

A bun filled or covered with ground beef cooked in a spicy tomato sauce.


語源については、Sloppy Joe'sというレストランで提供されていたから、とか、Joeという名前の人が作り始めた、とか諸説あるようです。


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