

armchair traveler




Google is petitioning explorers to help it take Google Maps to where no roads go -- through South American jungles, into Africa's canyonlands, among Asia's thousands of islands, across Hawaiian lava fields, and more.

The tech giant announced Thursday that it's asking third-party organizations to strap on its Street View Trekker back-pack and contribute imagery to help the company "build the very best map of the world."


Google Maps has increasingly brought armchair travelers to some of the most difficult places to reach on Earth. In March, the Web giant released a way to visit the mammoth peaks of Mount Everest, Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua, and Mount Elbrus. And, over the past year, it has explored a remote region of Brazil's Amazon, swam underwater in Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and ventured out to hard-to-reach areas near the South Pole and the North Pole. It even brought Street View to Japan's Fukushima nuclear no-go zone.
(Dara Kerr. Google loans out Street View Trekker for global exploration. CNET. June 27, 2013.)

今日は"armchair traveler"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。




armchair critics
armchair analysts


"armchair traveler"についてはどうでしょうか。実際に旅に出かけることなく、グーグルマップやストリートビューを通して旅行した気分に浸る人のことであると解釈できます。批判的に捉えることもできれば、単に旅行雑誌やガイド、地図の類を愛読する人のことを指すのにも使われそうです。ランダムハウス英和では、“紙上旅行者”という訳が載っていました。



スーパームーン、観測できず ― perigee




海外でも随分話題になっていました。そもそもスーパームーン(super moon)なる言葉は、アメリカ人の占星術家であるRichard Nolleという人が1979年に作った造語なのだそうです。

On Sunday the moon was at its closest point to earth, known as the perigee. In 12 days it will reach its apogee, the furthest point in its elliptical orbit, some 49,499 kilometres further away.

What will this mean for its brightness in the sky? Nothing, said University of Sydney astronomer Paul Hancock, because it will happen on the new moon when “you don’t see anything” anyway.

The super moon – a perigee occurring at full moon – has excited media imaginations since NASA started using the term a few years ago. ABC online yesterday reported that the moon “appeared bigger and bolder than usual”, while the Sydney Morning Herald warned of wild seas exacerbated by “high tides caused by a super moon”.
(John Ross. Super moon didn't turn the tide. The Australian. June 25, 2013.)






牛歩、牛タン? ― filibuster


アメリカで、中絶禁止法案の可決を阻止するために、テキサス州出身の上院議員Wendy Davis氏が捨て身の(!?)フィリバスター戦術を取るらしいというニュースです。


A Texas state senator tried Tuesday to block an abortion bill that would be among the nation's most restrictive by attempting to run out the clock on a special session with a 13-hour filibuster.

In a state where the founding mythology includes a famous last stand, Fort Worth Democrat Wendy Davis, 50, hopes hers will be more successful.

She took to the floor of the chamber late Tuesday morning and must stand there, unaided, until midnight (1 a.m. Wednesday ET).
(Lawmaker attempts 13-hour filibuster to kill Texas abortion bill. CNN. June 26, 2013.)








ピンク色と小指 ― pinkie

Google Glassに次ぐ、新しいウェアラブルコンピューティングデバイスの登場か、と最初は思いました。



You can’t buy them just yet, but a UK design firm has built a pair of leather gloves that allows you to talk on the phone, listening to your thumb while you chat to your pinkie. Perfect for the English winter, or, as it’s panning out this year, the English summer.

The design firm, Designworks, was approached by the UK mobile phone carrier O2 to come up with nifty ways to re-use old phones, according to a BBC report.

What it came up with was a pair of gloves with a simple Bluetooth headset stitched into it. Charge the gloves with a regular USB cable, pair them to your phone, and they work just like any other Bluetooth headset.

The only difference is, you talk into your pinkie.
(John Davidson. Talk to the pinkie with this smart glove. Australian Financial Review. June 24, 2013.)




小指のことは、"little finger"ということはご存知かと思います。"pinkie"を辞書で引くと確かに小指の意味があり、またMerriam Websterでも"little finger"と載っています。



色々なソースをあたったところ、色のピンク(pink)もどうやらオランダ語のpinkに由来するようです。オランダ語のpinkには元々小さいという意味があり、小さな目(pinck oogen)、すなわち半分閉じたような目を表現するのにオランダ語のpinkが形容として用いられていることが確認されています。

花弁の様子がちょうど半分閉じた目のようであるとオランダ人は感じたのでしょうか、Dianthus(ナデシコやカーネーションなどのナデシコ科の花)のことが"pink"と称されるようになったと言われています。このナデシコ科のピンク色の花が、現代のピンク(色)の意味に発展したという説が有力のようです。(Online Etymology DictionaryWorld Wide Words、他による。)


アマチュア無線 ― ham



When two tornadoes swept through Schuylkill County during the same week in 2011, blacking out all major communications, amateur ham radio operators immediately jumped in, relaying messages to local authorities.

It's situations like that that led amateur radio groups in Schuylkill, Bucks and Montgomery counties to participate this weekend in the annual simulated disaster drill known as Field Day.

About 35,000 amateur radio operators — known as hams — from all over the country headed for remote spots where they could simulate the worst conditions after a disaster.

That meant sites with no electrical power sources, no telephones and only make-shift antennas and portable generators.
(Jacob Seibel. For amateur radio operators, practice makes perfect. The Morning Call. June 23, 2013.)


"ham"を辞書で引くと、大根役者、田舎役者といった意味が見えます。演技ばかりが大げさな役者のことを言っているのですが、そのような意味が生まれたのはMinstrel show(ミュージカル演芸)の作品の1つ、"Hamfat Man"というタイトルからだそうです。この作品では不器用な人間が登場してくるそうですが、いつしか"hamfat"が不器用を意味する単語として用いられるようになり、それが、"ham"と短縮されたという説があるようです。

研究社の大英和を引くと、"hamfat"とは役者が化粧落としに使ったハムの脂身(つまり、ham fat)にちなむという説もあるそうです。食べるハムとアマチュアのハムには全く関係がないかと思ったら、この説ではそうとも言い切れないようです。






英・キャサリン妃の出産が秒読み ― easel

イギリスのウィリアムズ王子と結婚したKate Middletonさん(キャサリン妃)のおめでたの話題でここのところ持ちきりです。



The birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's first child - a future heir to the throne - will be announced in exactly the same way as Prince William's to retain 'the theatre' of a genuine royal occasion.

As soon as the baby is born, a proclamation signed by doctors who delivered the boy or girl will be rushed from the ward and displayed at the gates of Buckingham Palace within minutes.

Like the late Princess Diana before her, Kate, 31, has chosen the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s where a natural birth, staying in a private suite, is likely to cost up to £10,000.
(Royal birth announcement will be taken by police escort to Buckingham Palace and displayed on an easel... the same way news of William's arrival was released. The Daily Mail. June 19, 2013.)









分かったようでよく分からない単語 ― implication


分かった(Or 分かっている)ようで、訳そうとするとうまく訳せない、分からない単語ということです。

Ten government privacy and data protection officials from seven countries have asked Google to address privacy concerns related to its wearable computing device, Glass.

The letter was sent to Larry Page, Google’s chief executive, by 10 commissioners from Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Israel and Switzerland. It comes after a letter sent by eight members of Congress in May raising similar questions about Glass and privacy.

“We would be very interested in hearing about the privacy implications of this new product and the steps you are taking to ensure that, as you move forward with Google Glass, individuals’ privacy rights are respected around the world,” the officials wrote.
(Claire Cain Miller. Privacy Officials Worldwide Press Google About Glass. The New York Times. June 19, 2013.)

Google Glassという新しいデバイスがウェアラブルコンピューティングとしての話題を席巻していますが、プライバシー上の問題がずっと言われ続けています。



privacy implications








The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.
(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


"Threats are not useful," he said, according to Bloomberg News. A Turkish raid "will have serious implications for Iraq, Turkey and for our bilateral relationships."
(New York Times. 2007.)

A decade ago, he says, "I began to understand that something very different was happening, something with deeply disturbing implications for the entire Western world. The Mafia was making an explicit attempt to seize actual power in Italy. They were corrupting -- or decapitating -- the legitimate leadership of the civil state."
(San Francisco Chronicle. 1993.)



そこで、Merriam Websterの定義をチェックしてみました。暗示や含意などの意味に加えて、下記のような定義があります。

something implied: as
a : suggestion
b : a possible significance


さらに、Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionaryでは、下記のような定義が見えます。

a possible effect or result of an action or a decision



兄弟間のけんかも場合によっては悪影響 ― sibling bullying

"sibling bullying"という表現を見るのは初めてですが、訳すならば、“兄弟間いじめ”とでもなりましょうか。




Bullying by siblings just as damaging, research finds

Sibling bullying is linked to worse mental health for kid and teen victims.

Bullying and aggressive behavior by a sibling can be as damaging as bullying by a classmate, neighbor or other peer, finds a new study that links it to increased depression, anxiety and anger among victimized kids and teens.

And that association holds true for the various types of aggressive behavior studied, both mild and severe, from physical and psychological aggression to property victimization, researchers say.

Although peer bullying has increasingly become a recognized problem and the focus of preventive efforts, sibling bullying has historically been viewed as "benign and normal and even beneficial" for a child's social development and ability "to learn to handle aggression in other relationships," according to the study, in the July issue of the journal Pediatrics, published online today.
(Michelle Healey. Bullying by siblings just as damaging, research finds. USA Today. June 17, 2013.)

ランダムハウス英和辞書で"sibling"を引くと、"sibling rivalry"という表現が載っており、“きょうだい間の抗争”、とされています。兄弟というものは余程年齢が離れている場合は別かも知れませんが、基本的に対立する関係にあるのは異論の無いところかと思います。ライバル意識が発展してケンカになるわけですが、これまでは人生の通過儀礼、あるいは発達途上における必要な体験・経験としてポジティヴにとらえられる傾向もあった"sibling rivalry"も、"sibling bullying"となると話は別ということでしょうか。



Tweetなど新語がOED収載に ― tweet


それが、Oxford English Dictionary (OED)の新語として、SNSへ投稿する行為、あるいはその投稿自体を意味するエントリが収載されることになったということです。

Less than a decade ago, the word tweet only meant one thing: the chirp of a bird. Boy has that changed.

As of this month, the lauded Oxford English Dictionary, the accepted authority of the English language, includes an official second definition for the word: "To make a posting on the social networking service Twitter. Also: to use Twitter regularly or habitually." That's right — the word tweet, as it relates to social networking, is now officially part of the English language.

John Simpson, chief editor of the OED, announced the new addition in a June update. "The noun and verb tweet (in the social-networking sense) has just been added to the OED," Simpson wrote. "This breaks at least one OED rule, namely that a new word needs to be current for ten years before consideration for inclusion. But it seems to be catching on."
(Angela Moscaritolo. Tweet Added to Oxford English Dictionary. PC Magazine. June 17, 2013.)




メキシコ発: 市長選にネコが立候補!? ― meow




"Yes, We Cat!"


MEXICO CITY — This mayoral hopeful in Mexico promises to eat, sleep most of the day and donate his leftover litter to fill potholes.

Morris, a black-and-white kitten with orange eyes, is running for mayor of Xalapa in eastern Mexico with the campaign slogan "Tired of Voting for Rats? Vote for a Cat." And he is attracting tens of thousands of politician-weary, two-legged supporters on social media.

"He sleeps almost all day and does nothing, and that fits the profile of a politician," said 35-year-old office worker Sergio Camacho, who adopted the 10-month-old feline last year.
(Vote for Meow: Cat running for mayor in Mexico is a huge hit. New York Post. June 15, 2013.)





short shrift


When it comes to their respective days of honor, why do dads get funny ties and moms get diamond-heart necklaces? Why do we spend 40% more on Mother’s Day than Father’s Day? Some seemingly ungrateful children (and a few dads) offer explanations.

Every year since the National Retail Federation has been keep [sic] track, the amount consumers spend on Father’s Day gifts has been significantly less than the average spent on Mother’s Day. This year, average Father’s Day spending is expected to be around $120, compared with $169 for moms.
(Kit Yarrow. Why Dads Get Short Shrift on Father’s Day — and Dads Are O.K. With It. Time. June 12, 2013.)



short shrift

というものです。"short shift"ではありません。"shrift"です。





そして、"short shrift"とは、この懺悔、告解をするために与えられる短い時間のことを指しているのですが、とりわけ死刑囚が死刑の執行前に与えられるそのような機会とその時間の短さを言ったものです。


冒頭に引用した記事のタイトル、"Why dads get short shrift..."は、プレゼントに費やされる金額が母の日よりも少ない父の日を捉えたものです。

実を申しますと私も3児の父親ですが、父の日に何かプレゼントしてもらったことはありません。"short shrift"だとは全く思ってはいませんが、今年は何かあるかな?


コーヒーを止めたら・・・ ― cold turkey


コーヒーなどの飲料に含まれるカフェインは精神を昂揚させる効果がありますが、カフェイン中毒やカフェイン摂取を控えることによって起きる禁断症状は、アメリカ精神医学会(American Psychiatric Association)によれば、今や精神病の1つとされているそうです。

Kim Leadley didn’t think much of her one- or two-a-day Starbucks Grande coffee fix.

But when she tried to go cold turkey to stop the habit, she found herself getting headaches—excruciating headaches, the I-can’t-work-think-or-function kind of headaches, she says. Within days, she “fell off the wagon” and resumed the coffee habit.

“The headaches did make me think there was something to be said for caffeine addiction” and withdrawal, said the 41-year-old Cumberland, Maine, resident. She started tapering off her caffeine consumption by mixing decaffeinated and regular coffee. About six months later, she finally kicked the habit for good after getting pregnant in December.
(Sumathi Reddy. A Coffee Withdrawal Diagnosis. The Wall Street Journal. June 11, 2013.)


cold turkey


辞書を引くと、"go cold turkey"という成句があり、



American Heritage Dictionaryによりますと、

Probably from the serving of cold roast turkey as a dish needing no preparation.

とあります。何の手間暇もかけずすぐに提供できる料理であることから、すぐに、即座に(Immediately and without gradual reduction of use)というような意味に発展した、ということのようです。"going cold turkey"とは、習慣になっていることを、少しずつ減らしながらではなく、即座に、きっぱりと止めるという意味です。

また、"talk cold turkey"という表現もあり、こちらは“ぶっきらぼうに話す”(Frankly or directly; without mincing words)という意味で用いられます。上記の語源解説からも何となく分かるような気がします。

ところが、この"going cold turkey"という表現の由来には諸説あるらしく、その1つとして興味深いものに、麻薬中毒患者が禁断症状時に見せる鳥肌のことを、死んだ七面鳥のそれに喩えたというものがあります。


また、その他の説としては、七面鳥と言えば、感謝祭の日に食べられるものですが、感謝祭のバカ騒ぎの終了と食べ残された七面鳥(つまり、冷たくなってしまった食べ残し ― cold turkey)との連想から、酒宴の終了、つまりアルコールの飲みすぎもここまでで終わり、というような意味で、現在の"going cold turkey"の意味に発展した、というものもあります。


ヒラリー・クリントン氏がツイッターアカウントを開設 ― TBD


Her Twitter followers signed up fast, almost 1,000 of them a minute, to see what she had to say. And Hillary Rodham Clinton, debuting on the social-media site Monday with a biography identifying her as a “hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker,” kept them guessing.

The end of her bio read: “TBD . . . ”

To be determined.

Perhaps no figure in American political life has surfaced on Twitter quite the way Clinton did. But none shares her position in the public arena right now as a potential president-in-waiting. Everything the former secretary of state does now is met with anticipation and parsed for clues that might answer the question: Will she or won’t she run?
(Philip Rucker. Hillary Clinton’s arrival on Twitter leaves followers wondering what’s next. The Washington Post. June 11, 2013.)


"hair icon"(ヘアスタイルの崇拝対象)、"pantsuit aficionado"(パンツスーツ好き)、"glass ceiling cracker"(女性の社会進出の壁を破った)、などこれまで氏に対する評判として自他共に認めるプロフィールが列挙されているのですが、最後が、TBDとなっているのが意味深だ、という訳です。


"TBD"という表現はビジネスの現場でよく聞く専門用語(jargon)ではないかと思います。"to be determined"を略したものですが、未定、そのうちに決定、後ほど決定、というような意味です。


TBDは、"to be decided"の略だという人もいます。"to be decided"という表現も存在するので間違いではないでしょう。ちなみに、TBA(to be announced; to be ascribed)、TBC(to be confirmed)といった類似の表現も存在します。意味はどれも似たようなものですが、TBA(to be announced)については、物事自体は決定済みであるが正式発表がまだである状態、TBC(to be confirmed)については、物事自体は決定済みであるが(事実か否かの)確認がまだである状態、というように、TBD(to be determined; to be decided)のように物事自体がまだ決定していない状況とは区別されるという見方もあるようです。

どうでもいいような、よくないような、Business jargonの話題でした。


ふられた女の恨みほど怖いものは・・・ ― a woman scorned

付き合っていた同僚に対する殺人未遂の容疑で医師が逮捕されたという記事(Houston doctor charged with poisoning her lover)が目に留まりました。男女の関係のもつれの類、よくある話かと思いきや、"(poisoning) her lover"とあることから、何と容疑がかけられているのは女性医師、つまり殺されそうになったのは男だということになります。

HOUSTON (AP) — Prosecutors have charged a Houston oncologist with spiking her lover and coworker's coffee with a sweet-tasting chemical used in antifreeze and medical research.

Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, a breast cancer oncologist at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, was charged last week with aggravated assault against Dr. George Blumenschein, a specialist in lung and head and neck cancers at the institution. The two were in "a casual sexual relationship," according to a criminal complaint.
(Houston doctor charged with poisoning her lover. The Associated Press. June 10, 2013.)



We all know the line, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Authorities are attempting to determine if this was the case when a Houston oncologist drank coffee containing antifreeze, nearly causing his death.

A prominent Houston oncologist has been accused of attempting to murder a colleague. Authorities believe Dr. Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, 42, served coffee laced with ethylene glycol to fellow oncologist Dr. George Blumenschein in her home on January 27th. They had been dating, and were said to be having “casual sex.”
(James Turnage. Antifreeze and the Woman Scorned? The Guardian Express. June 9, 2013.)


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


"We all know the line..."ということですが、私は知りませんでした。意味は、ずばり“ふられた女の恨みほど怖いものはない”、です。

"a woman scorned"は記事のタイトルでも使われています。"scorn"という動詞は、蔑む、嘲笑する、という意味で使われることを知っていますが、"a woman scorned"と言えば、“ふられた女”ということなのでしょうか。

"Hell hath no fury..."という諺は人口に膾炙しているもののようですが、由来はWilliam Congreveという英国の劇作家が作品中で使ったことにあるようです。(時に間違ってシェークスピアによるフレーズだとされることもあるそうですが、正しくはWilliam Congreveによるものだということです。)





RANCHO MIRAGE, CALIF. — It was orchestrated as the shirt-sleeves summit, where President Obama, embarking on his second term with a strategic focus on Asia, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, starting his first year of a decade-long rule, might cool tensions between their rival nations and forge a comfortable friendship.

But even before the leaders arrived for two days of high-stakes meetings here, some suspicions abounded. Xi and his delegation declined to stay at Sunnylands, the expansive desert estate hosting the summit, believing that it might be bugged by the Americans. Instead, the Chinese checked into a nearby hotel.


One of the few signs of informality was the dress code: Everyone, and they were all men, wore suit jackets and white dress shirts, but no neckties.
(Philip Rucker. At U.S.-China shirt-sleeves summit, formalities and suspicions were on display. The Washington Post. June 10, 2013.)





米国オバマ大統領と中国の習近平(Xi Jingping)総書記の会談は、ドレスコードこそ"shirt-sleeve"な演出がされたようですが、会談の中身は通訳を介したギクシャクしたものだったようで、相手のふところの探り合い、といった感じだったのでしょうか。


閑話休題: プーチン首相が離婚



PUTIN AN END TO IT: Russian President and wife announce they are divorcing

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila said Thursday they are divorcing after nearly 30 years of marriage, making the announcement on state television after attending a ballet performance at the Kremlin.
(New York Post. June 6, 2013.)

タイトルにしゃれが利いています。言うまでも無く、"put an end to it"、つまり(夫婦生活に)終止符を打つ、というところをもじったものです。


バロックなxxx ― baroque


For a strange sexual history, it’s hard to beat birds. In some lineages, bird penises have evolved to spectacular lengths. Ducks, for example, have corkscrew-shaped penises that can grow as long as their entire body. They use their baroque genitalia to deliver sperm to female reproductive tracts that are also corkscrew-shaped — but twisted in the opposite direction.
(Carl Zimmer. The Sex Life of Birds, and Why It’s Important. The New York Times. June 6, 2013.)

上記の引用記事で、"baroque genitalia"という部分があります。("genitalia"という単語を知らない方は自分で調べてください。)








米発、母乳テイストのキャンディー発売 ― youth


Breast-milk-flavored lollipops let adults recapture taste of youth

Lollyphile, a Texas-based candy company, has released a vegan lollipop that tastes like breast milk. Founder Jason Darling said he came up with the idea after he noticed that breast milk was turning his friends furious babies into a docile, contented ones.

Forgot the taste of mother’s milk?

Now curious adults can recapture their infancy thanks to breast-milk flavored lollipops from Lollyphile, an Austin, Texas-based candy company.

The pops were released Monday — and while kids may like them, they’re really aimed at an adult market.
(Victoria Taylor. Breast-milk-flavored lollipops let adults recapture taste of youth. New York Daily News. June 4, 2013.)




Breast-milk-flavored lollipops let adults recapture taste of youth

発売される母乳味のキャンディーは"taste of youth"を思い出させてくれる、とあります。


そうすると、母乳味が"taste of youth"というのはちょっと変ですよね?

ここで辞書を引いてみると、Merriam Websterでは、

the time of life when one is young; especially : the period between childhood and maturity



the early period of existence, growth, or development





記事の著者が"taste of youth"という表現を用いたのは何か意図があってのことなのか興味深く思われますが、ある意味私の勉強不足かもしれません。





went (go) viral
viral image(s)
viral photo(s)
viral video(s)





しかし、上に挙げた表現の例において、"viral"なimageやphoto(写真)やvideo(動画)といわれているもの、また"went viral"という表現で表される現象というものは、コンピュータウィルスに関連しているというわけではなさそうです。


A viral photo of a Taco Bell employee licking a stack of taco shells has cost the tongue-wielding prankster and the co-worker who took the photo their jobs.

In the photo posted on Taco Bell's Facebook page, a glazey-eyed worker in California is seen with his tongue touching the taco shells, but it is not clear if the food is heading for the trash bin or to customer's mouths.

The unpleasant possibility that customers might have been served the offending taco shells caused an online furor over the weekend, but Taco Bell has moved quickly to assure customers that they were never in danger.
(Michael Blaustein. Taco Bell suspends taco shell licker, plans to fire him. New York Post. June 4, 2013.)

ここで、"viral photo"の解釈を考えて見ましょう。

Taco Bell(という、マクドナルドとかサブウェイといった類のファーストフードチェーン)の従業員が、商品の材料であるTaco Shell(ハンバーガーのバンズのようなものでしょうか)を舌で舐めている写真が、フェースブックに投稿されたのが事の発端です。記事にも写真が載っていますが、見ていて気持ちのいいものではありません。



一方、Merriam Websterのオンライン辞書では下記のような定義が見られます。

quickly and widely spread or popularized especially by person-to-person electronic communication


"went (go) viral"という表現をコーパスなどで検索すると、決まって、"online"、"(on the) internet"、"web"、そして"YouTube"、"Twitter"などの単語と共起していることが分かります。

Both were filmed by witnesses with camera-phones, and the videos went viral on the Chinese web (they were also aired on state-run TV), sparking widespread outrage.
(Christian Science Monitor. 2012.)

Some of the most notorious instances went viral online, including the use of pepper spray on an 84-year-old activist in Seattle and a group of women in New York.
(The Associated Press. 2011.)

Flowers put three videos on his Twitter page, where they went viral.
(USA Today. 2010.)

Although Facebook is officially banned here, the video quickly went viral, with Syrian bloggers stoking public anger until the story was picked up by the pan-Arab media.
(New York Times. 2010.)



A&Eって何のこと? ― A&E




More than 300,000 patients had to wait for over four hours in A&E between January and March as Britain’s emergency health services continued to show the strain from ever-increasing demand.

Two new reports into A&E performance at the start of this year reveal that Trusts missed Government targets for the first time since June 2011 and that the knock-on effects of A&E overcrowding are being felt across the health service, with scheduled appointments being cancelled and cancer targets being missed.
(Charlie Cooper. A&E waiting times getting worse for patients with 300,000 clocking up over four hours between January and March. The Independent. June 4, 2013.)


"patients"、"health services"などとありますから、病院の話であることは分かりますが、"A&E"が何の省略形なのか分かりません。


NHSというのは、National Health Serviceの略で、イギリスの国営医療サービス事業のことを指します。イギリス国民に対して安定した医療サービスを提供することを目的に設立されたものです。


A&Eとは、"accident & emergency"の略でした。NHSのページでは、"A&E departments"などと出てきますが、救命救急センターのようなものでしょうか。


おやしらず ― wisdom tooth






おやしらずのことを英語で、"wisdom tooth"と言います。

For decades, having wisdom teeth removed was a rite of passage – one many high school graduates squeezed in before leaving for college.

The thinking was that it was best to lose those mostly useless, ill-fitting teeth before they caused infections or other trouble. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often are misaligned and impacted – fully or partly stuck below the gum line – because they emerge late, at ages 17 to 25, after the jaw has stopped growing and other teeth have filled the mouth.

"Historically, oral surgeons have had the view that it's better to take them out, better to be safe than sorry," says Richard Niederman, director of the Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry at the Forsyth Institute, Cambridge, Mass.
(Kim Painter. Wisdom teeth: Should they stay or go? USA Today. June 2, 2013.)

日本語で“おやしらず”と英語では"wisdom tooth"(知恵の歯)とは、ずいぶん違う表現のようですが、これらの表現の由来は似たようなところにあるようです。

歯科学用語では第3臼歯(third molar)と呼ばれますが、この歯が姿を見せ始めるのは人間が成長してから、大体17~25歳くらいになってからということから、親がその生え始めを知ることがない歯、ということで“おやしらず”と言われるようになったそうです。"wisdom tooth"の"wisdom"とは知恵、分別のこと、つまり分別がつくような年齢になってから生え始める歯ということです。ラテン語では、dens sapientiaといいますが、sapientiaとは英語の"sapience"であり、“分別”のことです。

さて、引用記事でも議論されていますが、おやしらず(wisdom tooth)を抜いたほうがいいのか、抜かずに放って(温存して)おいてもいいのかについては議論があるそうです。抜かないことのリスクは後々ややこしいトラブルになるということですが、何の悪さもしていないおやしらずを抜くことも推奨されないという見方もあるそうです。

