




さて、ハリーポッターは魔法使い養成の学校を舞台にハリーを初めとする少年少女達が活躍する物語ですが、いろんな魔法がありますね。まとうと姿を隠すことの出来るマント、つまり透明マント(invisibility cloak)はその1つですが、透明マントの実用化も近い!?というニュース記事から引用します。

Could Harry Potter's invisibility cloak be one step closer to becoming a reality? A research team from Queen Mary University of London's School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science says it has demonstrated a cloaking device that could make curved surfaces look flat when encountering electromagnetic waves.

The demonstration is not quite on par with that seen in J.K. Rowling's wizarding world, but for mere muggles out there, the experiment marked a milestone, and it could have some practical applications in the engineering world.

The research team coated a surface with a nanocomposite material consisting of seven different layers with different electric properties for each layer. The result is material that concentrates the electromagnetic wave, "hiding" the object it is covering, which would normally scatter the wave in different directions.
(Brian Mastroianni. Scientists a step closer to making "invisibility cloak" a reality. CBS News. July 18, 2016.)


“muggle”はハリーポッター作者のJ.K. Rowling氏の造語で、魔法使いではない、一般人を指す単語です。以下は、Oxford Dictionary(オンライン版)の定義です。

A person who is not conversant with a particular activity or skill


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is like no other place in any physical or literary existence. In no other realm of reality or unreality can you bear witness to regular people learning the ancient and mysterious art of magic. However, there is absolutely no reason to believe that there is anywhere for mere muggles like myself to learn it, either.
(USA Today, 2003)


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