

woman's card



The woman's card? Hillary Clinton is playing it — and Donald Trump is helping her.

As the Democratic National Convention prepares to make history by nominating a woman for president, women in national polls are giving Clinton the highest level of female support of any candidate in more than four decades and the widest gender gap ever recorded. Clinton's lead of a yawning 24 percentage points in the latest Pew Research Center Poll — not only among Democratic partisans but also from women who typically vote Republican — is an electoral challenge for the GOP that imperils Trump's ability to win the White House.

In interviews with women across the country by the USA TODAY Network, some supporters are elated by the prospect of shattering what Clinton has called "the final, hardest glass ceiling," electing the first female president. "It's about time," says Stephanie Parra, 31, an education consultant in Phoenix. The Latina says Clinton is "breaking barriers for us."
(Susan Page. For Clinton, sisterhood is powerful — and Trump helps. USA Today. July 11, 2016.)

"woman's card"という表現に目が留まりました。


この"woman's card"という表現を今回の大統領選で頻回に目にします。

Donald Trump has accused Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton of playing the "woman's card" to draw votes.
('Woman's Card' Comment Could Help Trump, Clinton. Wall Street Journal. April 28, 2016.)

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis introduces Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a rally, loudly stating, "I'm going to play all of our women's card. We are playing with a full deck."
(Reuters. May 25, 2016.)

"woman's card"とはつまり、女性候補であるということを切り札にしているということでしょうか。

1 件のコメント:

  1. 蘭です。
    woman's cardとは、女性である身分を一種の手段として使うことですね。調べてみれば、多分マイナス的な意味として捉えることが多いかもしれません。例文は以下のようになります。「Girl starts punching a random guy, but she doesn’t really stop.
    The guy tries some self-defence and holds her hands.
    Then the girls starts yelling that she’s getting abused and all the stupid males jump on the poor guy and then he ends in prison for abuse. Another victim of the gender card.」
