唐突ですが、"on the fritz"というフレーズをご存知でしょうか?答えを先に言ってしまうと、壊れている、役に立っていない、という意味です。辞書を引くと下のような例文が載っています。
Our television is on the fritz. (American Heritage Dictionary)
John Schuller returned home after graduating from Illinois State University in December in order to save money. He started working at a Chicago immigration firm in February and pays for expenses including a gym membership and motorcycle registration and insurance. He will soon start making student-loan payments as well.
Working young adults also should contribute to the household budget in some fashion. Mr. Schuller, 22, says he puts gas in the family car and fixes household appliances that are on the fritz. At a recent family outing for breakfast near his home in Darien, Ill., he picked up the tab.
(Lindsay Gellman. The Benefits of Moving Back Home. The Wall Street Journal. March 31, 2013.)
この表現の由来が気になったので色々な辞書を見てみたのですが、American Heritage Dictionary、Merriam Webster共に、"Origin unknown."、つまり語源不詳となっています。
"on the fritz"がなぜ“壊れている”の意味になるのかというと、“第一次大戦以前にアメリカ向けに輸出されていた安価なドイツ製品を暗に指して”、そのような意味に発展した、ということらしいのです。これはランダムハウス英和辞書の解説です。
なるほど面白い語源ではありますが、American HeritageやMerriam Websterで語源不詳となっていることを考えると、この説はやや眉唾的なところがあるのでしょうか。研究社の大英和もチェックしましたが、語源不詳ということです。
ちなみにOnline Etymology Dictionaryによれば、"fritz"がドイツ人名のFriedrichに由来することは説明にありますが、なぜこのような意味の発展を遂げたかについてはやはり"unknown"としています。
“振袖”!? ― batwing
The fastest-growing area for plastic surgery isn't on the face or below the belt. The arms have it, according to a report released Monday by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, which found upper-arm lifts have jumped a staggering 4,378% in the past decade.
Upper-arm lifts, known as brachioplasty, involve trimming loose skin from a saggy underarm area — those dreaded "batwings" — and may also incorporate liposuction to remove excess fat. Patients are put to sleep for the procedure, but can go home the same day.
(Tracy Miller. Plastic surgery for toned arms: Upper-arm lifts surge more than 4,000% in a decade. New York Daily News. April 29, 2013.)
英語の"batwing"は、"batwing sleeves"と呼ばれる、服飾において特徴的な袖(袖ぐりが深く、手首部分ですぼまるようになったもの)のことも指すようです。そういえば振袖も服飾の用語ですね。
The fastest-growing area for plastic surgery isn't on the face or below the belt. The arms have it, according to a report released Monday by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, which found upper-arm lifts have jumped a staggering 4,378% in the past decade.
Upper-arm lifts, known as brachioplasty, involve trimming loose skin from a saggy underarm area — those dreaded "batwings" — and may also incorporate liposuction to remove excess fat. Patients are put to sleep for the procedure, but can go home the same day.
(Tracy Miller. Plastic surgery for toned arms: Upper-arm lifts surge more than 4,000% in a decade. New York Daily News. April 29, 2013.)
英語の"batwing"は、"batwing sleeves"と呼ばれる、服飾において特徴的な袖(袖ぐりが深く、手首部分ですぼまるようになったもの)のことも指すようです。そういえば振袖も服飾の用語ですね。
Glassに賭けるグーグル ― bet the house
こうした中、次世代のウェアラブルコンピュータが注目されています。最も話題なのはGoogle Glassというメガネでしょうか。
By the time the next presidential election rolls around in the United States, millions of us could be watching the results on our Google Glass. That might not seem crazy, being that the election will be only months after the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil, which will be broadcast, viewed, and shared by many via Glass.
This is only a snippet of what the near future could hold if predictions made by research firm IMS come true.
IMS' most optimistic forecast finds that shipments of "smart glasses" -- including Glass and similar products from competitors -- could total almost 10 million worldwide over the next four years. The firm's projections show big jumps in shipments, from 434,000 units next year to more than 2 million in 2015 and 6.6 million in 2016.
(Eric Mac. Imagining a 'Google Glass is half full' world in 2016. CNET News. April 24, 2013.)
IMSという調査会社の報告によれば、今後4年間でGoogle Glassのようなウェアラブルコンピュータの出荷数は世界中で1,000万に達するということです。
尤もこれはやや楽観的な観測で、Google Glassのようなウェアラブルコンピュータのハードウェアそのものよりも、そのハードウェア上で動作するアプリケーションがどれくらい開発されるかにかかっているという但し書きつきです。
"In fact, the hardware is much less relevant to the growth of Google Glass than for any other personal communications device in recent history," wrote Theo Ahadome, senior analyst at IMS, in an email. "This is because the utility of Google Glass is not readily apparent, so everything will depend on the appeal of the apps. ... Google is betting the house that developers will produce some compelling applications for Glass."
bet(ting) the house
bet the ranch
bet the farm
ところで引用記事のタイトルにしゃれが利いているのにお気づきでしょうか?そうです、以前取り上げた、楽観的な態度を意味する"glass is half full"という成句と、Google Glassの"glass"(メガネ)をかけているんですね。
こうした中、次世代のウェアラブルコンピュータが注目されています。最も話題なのはGoogle Glassというメガネでしょうか。
By the time the next presidential election rolls around in the United States, millions of us could be watching the results on our Google Glass. That might not seem crazy, being that the election will be only months after the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil, which will be broadcast, viewed, and shared by many via Glass.
This is only a snippet of what the near future could hold if predictions made by research firm IMS come true.
IMS' most optimistic forecast finds that shipments of "smart glasses" -- including Glass and similar products from competitors -- could total almost 10 million worldwide over the next four years. The firm's projections show big jumps in shipments, from 434,000 units next year to more than 2 million in 2015 and 6.6 million in 2016.
(Eric Mac. Imagining a 'Google Glass is half full' world in 2016. CNET News. April 24, 2013.)
IMSという調査会社の報告によれば、今後4年間でGoogle Glassのようなウェアラブルコンピュータの出荷数は世界中で1,000万に達するということです。
尤もこれはやや楽観的な観測で、Google Glassのようなウェアラブルコンピュータのハードウェアそのものよりも、そのハードウェア上で動作するアプリケーションがどれくらい開発されるかにかかっているという但し書きつきです。
"In fact, the hardware is much less relevant to the growth of Google Glass than for any other personal communications device in recent history," wrote Theo Ahadome, senior analyst at IMS, in an email. "This is because the utility of Google Glass is not readily apparent, so everything will depend on the appeal of the apps. ... Google is betting the house that developers will produce some compelling applications for Glass."
bet(ting) the house
bet the ranch
bet the farm
ところで引用記事のタイトルにしゃれが利いているのにお気づきでしょうか?そうです、以前取り上げた、楽観的な態度を意味する"glass is half full"という成句と、Google Glassの"glass"(メガネ)をかけているんですね。
PVって何のこと? ― photovoltaic
US Embassy in Tokyo turns to PV
という見出しが目に留まりました。東京のアメリカ大使館が“PV ”に転換、と読めますが、このPVって一体何のことでしょうか?リードが下記のように続きます。
The US Embassy in Tokyo will deploy rooftop PV in a bid to help its host nation’s shift to renewable energy – and tap into its generous feed-in tariff (FIT).
(US Embassy in Tokyo turns to PV. Recharge News. April 23, 2013.)
"rooftop PV"、"renewable energy"などのキーワードに着目すれば、太陽光発電の話だと想像がつきます。PVは略語のようですが、何のことなのか依然分からず、辞書を引きますが載っていません。
仕方ないので、"rooftop PV"というキーワードでネット検索すると、PVは当たり前のように使われていることが分かります。そしてPVとは、
いわゆる太陽光発電のためのソーラーパネルのことは、"photovoltaic panel"とも表現されています。
英語で、"solar panel"という代わりに、"photovoltaic panel"と言ったら、尊敬されるかも(!?)
US Embassy in Tokyo turns to PV
という見出しが目に留まりました。東京のアメリカ大使館が“PV ”に転換、と読めますが、このPVって一体何のことでしょうか?リードが下記のように続きます。
The US Embassy in Tokyo will deploy rooftop PV in a bid to help its host nation’s shift to renewable energy – and tap into its generous feed-in tariff (FIT).
(US Embassy in Tokyo turns to PV. Recharge News. April 23, 2013.)
"rooftop PV"、"renewable energy"などのキーワードに着目すれば、太陽光発電の話だと想像がつきます。PVは略語のようですが、何のことなのか依然分からず、辞書を引きますが載っていません。
仕方ないので、"rooftop PV"というキーワードでネット検索すると、PVは当たり前のように使われていることが分かります。そしてPVとは、
いわゆる太陽光発電のためのソーラーパネルのことは、"photovoltaic panel"とも表現されています。
英語で、"solar panel"という代わりに、"photovoltaic panel"と言ったら、尊敬されるかも(!?)
英国発:紅茶人気は健在 ― cuppa
ところで今日の1語、"cuppa"は、"cup of tea"の略で、一杯のお茶、つまり紅茶のことを指します。
With coffee shops springing up across the country, it seemed Britain’s reputation as a nation of tea drinkers was under strain.
But a study has revealed that our love affair with the cuppa is still as strong as ever.
We typically brew up three-and-a-half times a day, although one in four thirsty Britons will get through five cups or more.
(So how do YOU like your cup of tea? Britain divided on how much milk to put in your cuppa. The Daily Mail. April 23, 2013.)
ところで今日の1語、"cuppa"は、"cup of tea"の略で、一杯のお茶、つまり紅茶のことを指します。
With coffee shops springing up across the country, it seemed Britain’s reputation as a nation of tea drinkers was under strain.
But a study has revealed that our love affair with the cuppa is still as strong as ever.
We typically brew up three-and-a-half times a day, although one in four thirsty Britons will get through five cups or more.
(So how do YOU like your cup of tea? Britain divided on how much milk to put in your cuppa. The Daily Mail. April 23, 2013.)
ネット依存症、スマホ依存症を断つ ― digital detox
digital detox program
A girl aged four is having psychiatric treatment after becoming Britain's youngest known iPad addict.
She is one of many child patients displaying compulsive behaviour after using the tablet device from an early age.
Doctors say she is so addicted to games on her parents' iPad that she experiences withdrawal symptoms when it is taken away.
Her psychiatrist Dr Richard Graham, from Capio Nightingale Clinic in London, said there must be many more addicts of the same age.
His clinic charges £16,000 a month for a 'digital detox programme' to wean patients off tablets and other devices. Some spend 36-hour stretches online and operate up to 20 Facebook profiles.
(Four-year-old girl is Britain's youngest iPad ADDICT: Shocking rise in children hooked on using smartphones and tablets. The Daily Mail. April 21, 2013.)
Forbes誌の記事ではスマホやネットの利用に関する興味深い統計の紹介と共に、ネット依存を断つためにインターネットへの接続やSNSの利用を一定時間遮断するアプリケーションが開発されていることや、デジタル機器を一切持たずに参加するパッケージツアー、その名も"digital detox tour"がトレンドであることなどが取り上げられています。
digital detox program
A girl aged four is having psychiatric treatment after becoming Britain's youngest known iPad addict.
She is one of many child patients displaying compulsive behaviour after using the tablet device from an early age.
Doctors say she is so addicted to games on her parents' iPad that she experiences withdrawal symptoms when it is taken away.
Her psychiatrist Dr Richard Graham, from Capio Nightingale Clinic in London, said there must be many more addicts of the same age.
His clinic charges £16,000 a month for a 'digital detox programme' to wean patients off tablets and other devices. Some spend 36-hour stretches online and operate up to 20 Facebook profiles.
(Four-year-old girl is Britain's youngest iPad ADDICT: Shocking rise in children hooked on using smartphones and tablets. The Daily Mail. April 21, 2013.)
Forbes誌の記事ではスマホやネットの利用に関する興味深い統計の紹介と共に、ネット依存を断つためにインターネットへの接続やSNSの利用を一定時間遮断するアプリケーションが開発されていることや、デジタル機器を一切持たずに参加するパッケージツアー、その名も"digital detox tour"がトレンドであることなどが取り上げられています。
ボストンのテロ容疑者の取調べ ― Mirandize
Interrogators wait to query - but not Mirandize - wounded bomb suspect
As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard Sunday, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.
(CBS News. April 21, 2013.)
reading him his Miranda rights
と関係がありそうです。この"Miranda rights"ですが、英和辞書にもエントリがあり、いわゆる黙秘権のことであることが分かります。黙秘権とだけ言ってしまうと語弊があるかもしれません。正しくは、被疑者に与えられる権利(黙秘権や弁護人と相談する権利)一般を指すようです。
"reading Miranda rights"とは、取調べ開始にあたって捜査関係者が被疑者に対してその権利を説明することを指しています。刑事ものの映画やドラマでよく見るシーンですね。
"Miranda warning"と呼ばれることもあるそうです。
right to remain silent
Interrogators wait to query - but not Mirandize - wounded bomb suspect
As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard Sunday, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.
(CBS News. April 21, 2013.)
reading him his Miranda rights
と関係がありそうです。この"Miranda rights"ですが、英和辞書にもエントリがあり、いわゆる黙秘権のことであることが分かります。黙秘権とだけ言ってしまうと語弊があるかもしれません。正しくは、被疑者に与えられる権利(黙秘権や弁護人と相談する権利)一般を指すようです。
"reading Miranda rights"とは、取調べ開始にあたって捜査関係者が被疑者に対してその権利を説明することを指しています。刑事ものの映画やドラマでよく見るシーンですね。
"Miranda warning"と呼ばれることもあるそうです。
right to remain silent
動詞"buy"の意外な用法? ― buy
The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education's annual poll has revealed 40 per cent of Australians - 4.5 million people - drink to get drunk and almost a third (31 per cent) feel guilty afterwards.
The poll, to be released today, also reveals 75 per cent of Australians believe the nation has a problem with excess drinking or alcohol abuse and 78 per cent believe it will continue or worsen over the next decade.
Foundation chief executive Michael Thorn said the shocking figures were a warning sign of preventable future health problems.
"We are buying ourselves a major health problem down the track unless we change the way we drink," he said.
Mr Thorn said binge drinking and lack of awareness about the link between alcohol and chronic illnesses such as cancer would lead to increased health costs.
(Jordanna Schrieber. Foundation for Alcohol Research finds 40 per cent of Aussies drink to get drunk. The Australian. April 18, 2013.)
We are buying ourselves a major health problem...
ところが上記のコメントでの動詞"buy"の目的語は、"a major health problem"となっており、これは“対価を払って手に入れたいもの”ではなく、その反対、“避けたいもの、有難くないもの”ではないでしょうか。
The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education's annual poll has revealed 40 per cent of Australians - 4.5 million people - drink to get drunk and almost a third (31 per cent) feel guilty afterwards.
The poll, to be released today, also reveals 75 per cent of Australians believe the nation has a problem with excess drinking or alcohol abuse and 78 per cent believe it will continue or worsen over the next decade.
Foundation chief executive Michael Thorn said the shocking figures were a warning sign of preventable future health problems.
"We are buying ourselves a major health problem down the track unless we change the way we drink," he said.
Mr Thorn said binge drinking and lack of awareness about the link between alcohol and chronic illnesses such as cancer would lead to increased health costs.
(Jordanna Schrieber. Foundation for Alcohol Research finds 40 per cent of Aussies drink to get drunk. The Australian. April 18, 2013.)
We are buying ourselves a major health problem...
ところが上記のコメントでの動詞"buy"の目的語は、"a major health problem"となっており、これは“対価を払って手に入れたいもの”ではなく、その反対、“避けたいもの、有難くないもの”ではないでしょうか。
動詞としての"brick" ― brick
Google will brick Google Glasses if owners resell or loan them out
Terms of service warn users that their $1,500 high-tech specs will be deactivated if they try to resell or loan them to another person.
という意味が載っています。"deactivate"を直接意味してはいません。"deactivate"を意味するのに記者が敢えて"brick"を使ったのは"(Google) Glass"だからでしょうか?
"brick"の動詞の用法をいろいろ見てみると、塞ぐのは窓や空洞、すき間、などです。それらをレンガで覆い隠すことで、光が入らないようにするのが目的です。このように考えると、Google Glassを"brick"するというのは、モノを見るためのメガネを覆い隠して見えなくしてしまうことであり、それではもはやメガネ(glass)はその役割を果たさないということになります。"brick"という動詞を使っているのはかなりの皮肉ではないでしょうか。
If all you envisioned developing by being an early recipient of Google Glass Explorer Edition was a quick resale profit, think again: Google has rules against reselling the wearable tech without its permission.
As the Web giant began shipping the high-tech specs this week, it also unveiled a host of developer preview documentation, specs, and rules about what developers could and couldn't do. One of those things, apparently, is reselling or even loaning the $1,500 device to someone else. Developers who do risk having their prized specs deactivated.
(Steven Musil. Google will brick Google Glasses if owners resell or loan them out. CNET News. April 17, 2013.)
Google will brick Google Glasses if owners resell or loan them out
Terms of service warn users that their $1,500 high-tech specs will be deactivated if they try to resell or loan them to another person.
という意味が載っています。"deactivate"を直接意味してはいません。"deactivate"を意味するのに記者が敢えて"brick"を使ったのは"(Google) Glass"だからでしょうか?
"brick"の動詞の用法をいろいろ見てみると、塞ぐのは窓や空洞、すき間、などです。それらをレンガで覆い隠すことで、光が入らないようにするのが目的です。このように考えると、Google Glassを"brick"するというのは、モノを見るためのメガネを覆い隠して見えなくしてしまうことであり、それではもはやメガネ(glass)はその役割を果たさないということになります。"brick"という動詞を使っているのはかなりの皮肉ではないでしょうか。
If all you envisioned developing by being an early recipient of Google Glass Explorer Edition was a quick resale profit, think again: Google has rules against reselling the wearable tech without its permission.
As the Web giant began shipping the high-tech specs this week, it also unveiled a host of developer preview documentation, specs, and rules about what developers could and couldn't do. One of those things, apparently, is reselling or even loaning the $1,500 device to someone else. Developers who do risk having their prized specs deactivated.
(Steven Musil. Google will brick Google Glasses if owners resell or loan them out. CNET News. April 17, 2013.)
動詞としての"ink" ― ink
Microsoft inks patent protection deal with Foxconn parent
Microsoft has struck a patent-licensing agreement with Hon Hai, parent company of Foxconn, that protects the company from being sued by the software giant over devices it makes that run Google's Android and Chrome operating systems.
Hon Hai, parent company of the world's largest contract manufacturer, will pay Microsoft unspecified royalties in exchange for "broad coverage under Microsoft's patent portfolio," the companies announced this evening.
(Steven Musil. Microsoft inks patent protection deal with Foxconn parent. CNET News. April 16, 2013.)
"ink"のこのような用法はAmerican Heritage Dictionaryによると、"Informal"だそうです。ランダムハウス英和でも、俗語表現とされています。
Microsoft inks patent protection deal with Foxconn parent
Microsoft has struck a patent-licensing agreement with Hon Hai, parent company of Foxconn, that protects the company from being sued by the software giant over devices it makes that run Google's Android and Chrome operating systems.
Hon Hai, parent company of the world's largest contract manufacturer, will pay Microsoft unspecified royalties in exchange for "broad coverage under Microsoft's patent portfolio," the companies announced this evening.
(Steven Musil. Microsoft inks patent protection deal with Foxconn parent. CNET News. April 16, 2013.)
"ink"のこのような用法はAmerican Heritage Dictionaryによると、"Informal"だそうです。ランダムハウス英和でも、俗語表現とされています。
こけおどし ― bluster
TOKYO — It’s easy to write off North Korea’s threats to strike the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile as bluster: It has never demonstrated the capability to deploy a missile that could reach the Pacific island of Guam, let alone the mainland U.S.
But what about Japan?
Though it remains a highly unlikely scenario, Japanese officials have long feared that if North Korea ever decides to play its nuclear card it has not only the means but several potential motives for launching an attack on Tokyo or major U.S. military installations on Japan’s main island. And while a conventional missile attack is far more likely, Tokyo is taking North Korea’s nuclear rhetoric seriously.
(US may be out of nuclear North Korea’s reach, but Japan fears Tokyo, US bases aren’t. The Washington Post. April 8, 2013.)
TOKYO — It’s easy to write off North Korea’s threats to strike the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile as bluster: It has never demonstrated the capability to deploy a missile that could reach the Pacific island of Guam, let alone the mainland U.S.
But what about Japan?
Though it remains a highly unlikely scenario, Japanese officials have long feared that if North Korea ever decides to play its nuclear card it has not only the means but several potential motives for launching an attack on Tokyo or major U.S. military installations on Japan’s main island. And while a conventional missile attack is far more likely, Tokyo is taking North Korea’s nuclear rhetoric seriously.
(US may be out of nuclear North Korea’s reach, but Japan fears Tokyo, US bases aren’t. The Washington Post. April 8, 2013.)
色々と面倒なことが・・・ ― jump through hoops
今日取り上げる表現は、"jump through hoops"というものですがご存知ですか?
What happens when you die? We're not talking theology here or trying to sell you life insurance. No, the question -- a thorny one, you must admit -- is what happens to your computer files and accounts when you leave the bricks-and-mortar world.
Actually, we're supposed to call them your "digital assets." It sounds better and it is more descriptive (kind of like "cremains"), since most of us store a lot of stuff in the cloud as well as on our hard drives.
In the event of your demise, figuring out what happens to all that information can be a huge headache for your heirs. Many, if not most, online services will not release user IDs and passwords to your survivors without making them jump through various hoops. At the very least, they will probably have to supply a copy of your death certificate.
(James R. Hood. What happens when you die? Google will help you decide. Consumer Affairs. April 15, 2013.)
IDとパスワードが遺族に開示される条件として、死亡証明(death certificate)は最低限必須となりそうです。ネットサービスは、それ以外にも色々と要求してくるかもしれません。"jump through various hoops"とはそのことを言っています。
英和辞書では、困難なことを経験する、苦労や試練を経る、というような意味が載っていますが、ここでは、"making them jump through various hoops"というように、使役で用いられていることに注目します。つまり、故人のIDとパスワードの開示にあたってはかなり色々面倒なことが要求されそうだ、ということを言わんとしているものです。考えてみれば、サーカスで輪くぐりの曲芸をやらされる動物の立場になって考えれば、面倒なことを繰り返すよう調教されているわけで、決して喜んでやっているものではないでしょう。
という訳が載っているのですが、目的を達成するためには面倒な要求に応えざるを得ない、そのような状況を意味するのに使われるのが、"jump through hoops"の意味するところでしょう。
Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsの定義によりますと、
If someone makes you jump through hoops or jump through the hoops to obtain something that you want, they make you prove your ability and willingness by forcing you to do a lot of difficult things first.
What happens when you die? We're not talking theology here or trying to sell you life insurance. No, the question -- a thorny one, you must admit -- is what happens to your computer files and accounts when you leave the bricks-and-mortar world.
Actually, we're supposed to call them your "digital assets." It sounds better and it is more descriptive (kind of like "cremains"), since most of us store a lot of stuff in the cloud as well as on our hard drives.
In the event of your demise, figuring out what happens to all that information can be a huge headache for your heirs. Many, if not most, online services will not release user IDs and passwords to your survivors without making them jump through various hoops. At the very least, they will probably have to supply a copy of your death certificate.
(James R. Hood. What happens when you die? Google will help you decide. Consumer Affairs. April 15, 2013.)
IDとパスワードが遺族に開示される条件として、死亡証明(death certificate)は最低限必須となりそうです。ネットサービスは、それ以外にも色々と要求してくるかもしれません。"jump through various hoops"とはそのことを言っています。
英和辞書では、困難なことを経験する、苦労や試練を経る、というような意味が載っていますが、ここでは、"making them jump through various hoops"というように、使役で用いられていることに注目します。つまり、故人のIDとパスワードの開示にあたってはかなり色々面倒なことが要求されそうだ、ということを言わんとしているものです。考えてみれば、サーカスで輪くぐりの曲芸をやらされる動物の立場になって考えれば、面倒なことを繰り返すよう調教されているわけで、決して喜んでやっているものではないでしょう。
という訳が載っているのですが、目的を達成するためには面倒な要求に応えざるを得ない、そのような状況を意味するのに使われるのが、"jump through hoops"の意味するところでしょう。
Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsの定義によりますと、
If someone makes you jump through hoops or jump through the hoops to obtain something that you want, they make you prove your ability and willingness by forcing you to do a lot of difficult things first.
全員参加! ― it takes a village...
"it takes a village..."という慣用句(成句?)をご存知でしょうか?
とあるビジネス関係のニュースレターの中で見た表現なのですが、初めて見るものでした。"It takes a village to xxx"というパターンなのですが、xxxには動詞が来ます。
つまり、"it takes A to B"という形式で、これはよくある構文です。itがto以下を受けるいわゆる不定詞の構文です。たとえば、
It takes 10 minutes to go there from here on foot.(ここからあそこまでは歩いて10分かかる。)
のような例文に見られるものです。では、xxxするのに"a village"(村)が必要とは、一体何が言いたいのでしょうか?残念ながら辞書には載っていないようです。
It takes a village to raise a child.
どういう意味かと言いますと、“子供を育てるのはその両親や家庭だけの話ではない、子供が属するコミュニティー全体(つまり、"a village")が子供の成長に関わっているのだ”、という考え方を言ったものであるということです。
Community members took turns driving home the importance of the newly acquired life-saving skills of about 200 seventh-graders at Jerling Junior High School Monday celebrating the completion of their CPR and AED training.
"After taking this CPR class, you all have an awesome gift," said physical education teacher Maureen Zopf. "The ability to save lives."
The students gathered in their gym for a special assembly to congratulate the students for completing an American Heart Association CPR and AED (automated external defibrillator) training program earlier this year, and to demonstrate the importance of their new skills.
Emphasizing the theme of the assembly — that it takes a village to save a life — Zopf, other school officials, police officers, firefighters and community members came to tell the students their own experiences with CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and AEDs.
(Ashley Rueff. Jerling Junior High students celebrate new life-saving skills. Chicago Tribune. March 19, 2013.)
救急救命講習の話題ですが、こうした講習を多くの人が受講することの重要性を言っています。人の命を救うのは我々一人ひとりである、というような主張が、"it takes a village to save a life"というフレーズから読み取れます。
It takes a village to sell some Girl Scout cookies.
A cruel hoax that left two Portland, Ore., scout troops on the hook for 6,000 boxes of unpaid treats has a happy ending. Amid a tough season that has featured a rash of thefts surrounding the annual Girl Scout bake sale, the story of a fake order for $24,000 worth of the cookies brought out community members who snatched up 3,000 boxes of the unsold desserts. More sales are coming in through an email order system, and the troop will sell the rest off on Saturday.
“I expected a few people to come down,” Girl Scout spokeswoman Sarah Miller told KATU-TV. “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this many.”
(Sasha Goldstein. Portland, Ore., community buys thousands of Girl Scout cookies after hoax order leaves group on the hook for $24,000 worth of the desserts. New York Daily News. March 17, 2013.)
この記事はちょっと分かりづらいかも知れませんが、悪意のある何者かが注文した6,000箱、総額$24,000ものクッキーを背負わされることになってしまったガールスカウトの話です。普通なら首が回らない事態になるところですが、ガールスカウトはコミュニティーのセールで何とか3,000箱を売り、最悪の事態を避けることができました。果たして買ってもらえるかどうか、お客さんが来てもたかが知れているという想定の中でこのような“ハッピーエンド”を迎えられたのは、"it takes a village to sell some Girl Scout cookies"のおかげであったということです。
"it takes a village..."の用例を色々と見ているうちに何となく分かってきたのですが、"it takes a village to..."はつまり、“全員参加”、ということではないかと思います。
とあるビジネス関係のニュースレターの中で見た表現なのですが、初めて見るものでした。"It takes a village to xxx"というパターンなのですが、xxxには動詞が来ます。
つまり、"it takes A to B"という形式で、これはよくある構文です。itがto以下を受けるいわゆる不定詞の構文です。たとえば、
It takes 10 minutes to go there from here on foot.(ここからあそこまでは歩いて10分かかる。)
のような例文に見られるものです。では、xxxするのに"a village"(村)が必要とは、一体何が言いたいのでしょうか?残念ながら辞書には載っていないようです。
It takes a village to raise a child.
どういう意味かと言いますと、“子供を育てるのはその両親や家庭だけの話ではない、子供が属するコミュニティー全体(つまり、"a village")が子供の成長に関わっているのだ”、という考え方を言ったものであるということです。
Community members took turns driving home the importance of the newly acquired life-saving skills of about 200 seventh-graders at Jerling Junior High School Monday celebrating the completion of their CPR and AED training.
"After taking this CPR class, you all have an awesome gift," said physical education teacher Maureen Zopf. "The ability to save lives."
The students gathered in their gym for a special assembly to congratulate the students for completing an American Heart Association CPR and AED (automated external defibrillator) training program earlier this year, and to demonstrate the importance of their new skills.
Emphasizing the theme of the assembly — that it takes a village to save a life — Zopf, other school officials, police officers, firefighters and community members came to tell the students their own experiences with CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and AEDs.
(Ashley Rueff. Jerling Junior High students celebrate new life-saving skills. Chicago Tribune. March 19, 2013.)
救急救命講習の話題ですが、こうした講習を多くの人が受講することの重要性を言っています。人の命を救うのは我々一人ひとりである、というような主張が、"it takes a village to save a life"というフレーズから読み取れます。
It takes a village to sell some Girl Scout cookies.
A cruel hoax that left two Portland, Ore., scout troops on the hook for 6,000 boxes of unpaid treats has a happy ending. Amid a tough season that has featured a rash of thefts surrounding the annual Girl Scout bake sale, the story of a fake order for $24,000 worth of the cookies brought out community members who snatched up 3,000 boxes of the unsold desserts. More sales are coming in through an email order system, and the troop will sell the rest off on Saturday.
“I expected a few people to come down,” Girl Scout spokeswoman Sarah Miller told KATU-TV. “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this many.”
(Sasha Goldstein. Portland, Ore., community buys thousands of Girl Scout cookies after hoax order leaves group on the hook for $24,000 worth of the desserts. New York Daily News. March 17, 2013.)
この記事はちょっと分かりづらいかも知れませんが、悪意のある何者かが注文した6,000箱、総額$24,000ものクッキーを背負わされることになってしまったガールスカウトの話です。普通なら首が回らない事態になるところですが、ガールスカウトはコミュニティーのセールで何とか3,000箱を売り、最悪の事態を避けることができました。果たして買ってもらえるかどうか、お客さんが来てもたかが知れているという想定の中でこのような“ハッピーエンド”を迎えられたのは、"it takes a village to sell some Girl Scout cookies"のおかげであったということです。
"it takes a village..."の用例を色々と見ているうちに何となく分かってきたのですが、"it takes a village to..."はつまり、“全員参加”、ということではないかと思います。
keep in prayers
Boy, 4, accidentally shoots neighbor, 6, in the head with rifle
TOMS RIVER, N.J. — A 4-year-old child who brought a gun outside his home shot and seriously wounded a 6-year-old neighbor when the weapon somehow discharged as they played together, authorities said Tuesday.
The child got the .22-caliber rifle from inside his home in Toms River in southern New Jersey and it discharged accidently around 6:40 p.m. Monday, Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said during a news conference. The wounded child was about 15 yards away from the younger one at the time.
The younger child's mother then called 911 to report the shooting, Coronato said.
The wounded child was shot in the head and hospitalized in serious condition, and further details on his injuries were not disclosed. The younger child was not hurt.
Coronato declined to provide specific details on the shooting, citing the ongoing investigation, and said it was "too early" to know whether anyone would be charged in the case. He would not say who owned the gun or speculate on how the 4-year-old got the weapon.
Toms River Police Chief Michael Mastronardy called the shooting a "tragic incident" that has affected the whole community.
"Right now, we're keeping this child in our prayers, and I ask everyone to do the same," he said.
(New York Post. April 9, 2013.)
we're keeping this child in our prayers
Prayers are with his family...
Our prayers remain with the families of victimes of 9/11...
keep(ing) this child in our prayers
ですが、"this child"とはライフルで撃たれた6歳男児のこと、"our prayers"の"our"とは当事者以外、つまりこの事件を知っている我々、ということになりますが、男児にずっと我々の祈りを捧げつづける、というような意味になると解釈されます。
“お悔やみ申し上げます”だと既に亡くなってしまったことになってしまいますが、ここで男児はまだ死んではいませんので、"keep in prayers"という表現はお悔やみではなく、回復を祈るというコンテクストで用いられる表現であると言えます。
Boy, 4, accidentally shoots neighbor, 6, in the head with rifle
TOMS RIVER, N.J. — A 4-year-old child who brought a gun outside his home shot and seriously wounded a 6-year-old neighbor when the weapon somehow discharged as they played together, authorities said Tuesday.
The child got the .22-caliber rifle from inside his home in Toms River in southern New Jersey and it discharged accidently around 6:40 p.m. Monday, Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said during a news conference. The wounded child was about 15 yards away from the younger one at the time.
The younger child's mother then called 911 to report the shooting, Coronato said.
The wounded child was shot in the head and hospitalized in serious condition, and further details on his injuries were not disclosed. The younger child was not hurt.
Coronato declined to provide specific details on the shooting, citing the ongoing investigation, and said it was "too early" to know whether anyone would be charged in the case. He would not say who owned the gun or speculate on how the 4-year-old got the weapon.
Toms River Police Chief Michael Mastronardy called the shooting a "tragic incident" that has affected the whole community.
"Right now, we're keeping this child in our prayers, and I ask everyone to do the same," he said.
(New York Post. April 9, 2013.)
we're keeping this child in our prayers
Prayers are with his family...
Our prayers remain with the families of victimes of 9/11...
keep(ing) this child in our prayers
ですが、"this child"とはライフルで撃たれた6歳男児のこと、"our prayers"の"our"とは当事者以外、つまりこの事件を知っている我々、ということになりますが、男児にずっと我々の祈りを捧げつづける、というような意味になると解釈されます。
“お悔やみ申し上げます”だと既に亡くなってしまったことになってしまいますが、ここで男児はまだ死んではいませんので、"keep in prayers"という表現はお悔やみではなく、回復を祈るというコンテクストで用いられる表現であると言えます。
"Weird news"と呼ばれる類の記事があります。いわゆる変わったニュース、というやつですが、変な事件、奇妙な事件を扱ったものが多いようです。
下記に引用する記事も、"weird news"の類と言えるかと思います。
BERLIN — These thieves might really have sticky fingers.
Police said Monday an unknown number of culprits made off with 5.5 tons of Nutella chocolate-hazelnut spread from a parked trailer in the central German town of Bad Hersfeld over the weekend.
The gooey loot is worth an estimated $20,710.
(Thieves steal 5.5 tons of Nutella. New York Post. April 8, 2013.)
"Nutella"というのは、パンに塗るチョコレートのスプレッドのことで、ドイツでは朝食の必需品、必須アイテム(the breakfast staple)とされる人気商品です。日本でも売っているのか知りませんが、小生の子供たちもパンに塗るこの類のものが大好きです。
ねばねばした、べたつく; 甘くてねばねばした
多くの辞書で、語源は不明、不詳とあるのですが、Merriam Websterによると、"burgoo"に恐らく由来する、との説明があります。"burgoo"とはオートミールやスープ、シチュー、の一種のようですが、きっと手につくとべたべたするのでしょう。
下記に引用する記事も、"weird news"の類と言えるかと思います。
BERLIN — These thieves might really have sticky fingers.
Police said Monday an unknown number of culprits made off with 5.5 tons of Nutella chocolate-hazelnut spread from a parked trailer in the central German town of Bad Hersfeld over the weekend.
The gooey loot is worth an estimated $20,710.
(Thieves steal 5.5 tons of Nutella. New York Post. April 8, 2013.)
"Nutella"というのは、パンに塗るチョコレートのスプレッドのことで、ドイツでは朝食の必需品、必須アイテム(the breakfast staple)とされる人気商品です。日本でも売っているのか知りませんが、小生の子供たちもパンに塗るこの類のものが大好きです。
ねばねばした、べたつく; 甘くてねばねばした
多くの辞書で、語源は不明、不詳とあるのですが、Merriam Websterによると、"burgoo"に恐らく由来する、との説明があります。"burgoo"とはオートミールやスープ、シチュー、の一種のようですが、きっと手につくとべたべたするのでしょう。
three-alarm fireとは? ― three-alarm fire
three-alarm fire
A veteran Philadelphia fire captain died Saturday night fighting a three-alarm fire in a Queen Village fabric store when the roof of the three-story building collapsed beneath his feet.
The collapse - followed by the subsequent collapse of a second-floor roof and two walls - trapped Capt. Michael Goodwin, 53, inside the burning building, officials said. A second firefighter, Andrew Godlewski, suffered burns to his hands trying to rescue Goodwin before the second collapse.
Dozens of firefighters at the scene on South 4th and Fitzwater Streets saluted as the body of Goodwin, a 29-year veteran of the department, was carried out on a stretcher.
(Mike Newall. S. Phila. blaze kills firefighter, injures 2d. The Inquirer. April 7, 2013.)
A teen intentionally started a three-alarm fire after an argument with her mother in The Bronx, according to the FDNY.
Fire Marshalls charged Princess Martinez, 19, of Cedar Avenue in University Heights with intentional arson last night.
The teenager allegedly lit a mattress inside the six-story apartment building where her family lives, sparking the ferocious blaze, around 9:55 a.m. Saturday.
(Kirstan Conley. Teen charged with setting Bronx fire that left several residents homeless. New York Post. April 7, 2013.)
"three-alarm fire"という表現を知りませんでしたが、火事の大きさ、程度やレベルを表現するのに使われるようだということは想像がつきました。
three-alarm fire
A veteran Philadelphia fire captain died Saturday night fighting a three-alarm fire in a Queen Village fabric store when the roof of the three-story building collapsed beneath his feet.
The collapse - followed by the subsequent collapse of a second-floor roof and two walls - trapped Capt. Michael Goodwin, 53, inside the burning building, officials said. A second firefighter, Andrew Godlewski, suffered burns to his hands trying to rescue Goodwin before the second collapse.
Dozens of firefighters at the scene on South 4th and Fitzwater Streets saluted as the body of Goodwin, a 29-year veteran of the department, was carried out on a stretcher.
(Mike Newall. S. Phila. blaze kills firefighter, injures 2d. The Inquirer. April 7, 2013.)
A teen intentionally started a three-alarm fire after an argument with her mother in The Bronx, according to the FDNY.
Fire Marshalls charged Princess Martinez, 19, of Cedar Avenue in University Heights with intentional arson last night.
The teenager allegedly lit a mattress inside the six-story apartment building where her family lives, sparking the ferocious blaze, around 9:55 a.m. Saturday.
(Kirstan Conley. Teen charged with setting Bronx fire that left several residents homeless. New York Post. April 7, 2013.)
"three-alarm fire"という表現を知りませんでしたが、火事の大きさ、程度やレベルを表現するのに使われるようだということは想像がつきました。
米西海岸で見つかった"tsunami fish" ― hitch a ride
アメリカ西海岸で、2011年3月の東日本大震災による津波で流されたと思われる漁船から小さな魚が生きたまま見つかり、"tsunami fish"と話題になっています。
What a long, strange trip it's been for a small striped fish native to Japan that apparently hitched a cross-Pacific ride in a small boat believed to be part of a tide of debris from that country's March 2011 tsunami.
Washington state Fish and Wildlife Department biologists found five of the striped beakfish alive in a water-filled bait box on a 20-foot-long Japanese boat that washed ashore March 22 at Long Beach in southwest Washington.
Invasive species specialists also found a host of other Japanese species of sea anemones, cucumbers, scallops, crustaceans and worms living in what they call the very rare "aquarium" of water that pooled inside the upright boat.
(Japanese fish hitch ride on boat to Wash. beach. The Seattle Times. April 6, 2013.)
太平洋を、大震災発生から2年以上の長い時間に渡って漂流した結果生きて見つかったとは驚異です。"small striped fish"は"beakfish"と説明がありますが、12センチほどのイシダイのようです。
American Heritage DictionaryやMerriam Websterでは敢えてエントリーを分けていません。
hitch a ride (or a lift)
というフレーズが“ヒッチハイク”の意味に通じるものですが、このフレーズが先なのか("hitch a ride"→"hitchhike")、"hitch"という動詞が先なのか("hitchhike"の短縮形としての"hitch"→"hitch a ride")、よく分からないところです。
"tsunami fish"はオレゴン州の水族館で飼育、展示される予定だそうですが、同じ漁船で見つかった貝類や海草などは処分されるのだそうです。
Huffington Post紙の記事では写真も見ることが出来ます。
What a long, strange trip it's been for a small striped fish native to Japan that apparently hitched a cross-Pacific ride in a small boat believed to be part of a tide of debris from that country's March 2011 tsunami.
Washington state Fish and Wildlife Department biologists found five of the striped beakfish alive in a water-filled bait box on a 20-foot-long Japanese boat that washed ashore March 22 at Long Beach in southwest Washington.
Invasive species specialists also found a host of other Japanese species of sea anemones, cucumbers, scallops, crustaceans and worms living in what they call the very rare "aquarium" of water that pooled inside the upright boat.
(Japanese fish hitch ride on boat to Wash. beach. The Seattle Times. April 6, 2013.)
太平洋を、大震災発生から2年以上の長い時間に渡って漂流した結果生きて見つかったとは驚異です。"small striped fish"は"beakfish"と説明がありますが、12センチほどのイシダイのようです。
American Heritage DictionaryやMerriam Websterでは敢えてエントリーを分けていません。
hitch a ride (or a lift)
というフレーズが“ヒッチハイク”の意味に通じるものですが、このフレーズが先なのか("hitch a ride"→"hitchhike")、"hitch"という動詞が先なのか("hitchhike"の短縮形としての"hitch"→"hitch a ride")、よく分からないところです。
"tsunami fish"はオレゴン州の水族館で飼育、展示される予定だそうですが、同じ漁船で見つかった貝類や海草などは処分されるのだそうです。
Huffington Post紙の記事では写真も見ることが出来ます。
新社会人に贈る言葉: Eating isn’t cheating! ― Eating is cheating.
Eating isn’t cheating!
実は、”Eating is cheating.”というフレーズがあるそうなのですが、ご存知でしょうか?直訳すれば、“食べるのはずるい”、“食べるのはインチキだ”、とでもなりましょうか。
I'd like to think that most grown-ups never go out with the intention to get absolutely smashed. We've all had one too many from time to time and I'll wager that at some stage over your drinking life you've come across that stereotypical Aussie view that "eating is cheating".
It's odd that in a country that considers the meat pie (up there with the kebab for best drinking grub) amongst its national dishes, you'd encounter this sort of attitude. Eating well is, in fact, key to maintaining a little control over your alcohol consumption. Not eating on the other hand is only cheating yourself out of an enjoyable day following your revels.
I consider myself something of a professional drinker. Every working day for me revolves in one way or another around alcohol and it has forced me to develop strategies to moderate alcohol intake and intoxication. In this, I believe, food plays the starring role.
Whilst no nutritionist, I do have a recommendation or two on what to eat pre-, post- and during your night out.
(Booze Hound. Eating isn't cheating. The Sydney Morning Herald. April 5, 2013.)
オーストラリア人の見方(stereotypical Aussie view)とありますが、”eating is cheating”とは酒の飲み方のことを言っているようです。つまり、飲み会ではひたすら飲むべし、ツマミを口にするのはNG、という訳です。そういえば大酒飲みと呼ばれる人はほとんど食べずにひたすら飲む、とよく言いますね。すきっ腹にアルコールはよく効く、とも。
しかしながら、食べずにお酒ばかり飲むのは決して体に良いわけではありません。従って、”Eating isn’t cheating!”なのですが、とかく酒飲みというのはお酒の弱い人に無理難題をふっかける傾向があるのか、オーストラリア人もこのようなフレーズが人口に膾炙しているとあっては、人間の性なのでしょうか。
“Eating is cheating.”とは、食事をすることによって体内でのアルコールの影響が緩和されるため、同じ量のお酒を飲んだ場合、食べずに飲む人に比べて酔いが少ないということから言われるようになったそう。お酒に強いかどうかを競ってのことでしょうか?
新社会人の皆さんは飲むときは必ず食べるように、つまり”Eating isn’t cheating.”です。
Eating isn’t cheating!
実は、”Eating is cheating.”というフレーズがあるそうなのですが、ご存知でしょうか?直訳すれば、“食べるのはずるい”、“食べるのはインチキだ”、とでもなりましょうか。
I'd like to think that most grown-ups never go out with the intention to get absolutely smashed. We've all had one too many from time to time and I'll wager that at some stage over your drinking life you've come across that stereotypical Aussie view that "eating is cheating".
It's odd that in a country that considers the meat pie (up there with the kebab for best drinking grub) amongst its national dishes, you'd encounter this sort of attitude. Eating well is, in fact, key to maintaining a little control over your alcohol consumption. Not eating on the other hand is only cheating yourself out of an enjoyable day following your revels.
I consider myself something of a professional drinker. Every working day for me revolves in one way or another around alcohol and it has forced me to develop strategies to moderate alcohol intake and intoxication. In this, I believe, food plays the starring role.
Whilst no nutritionist, I do have a recommendation or two on what to eat pre-, post- and during your night out.
(Booze Hound. Eating isn't cheating. The Sydney Morning Herald. April 5, 2013.)
オーストラリア人の見方(stereotypical Aussie view)とありますが、”eating is cheating”とは酒の飲み方のことを言っているようです。つまり、飲み会ではひたすら飲むべし、ツマミを口にするのはNG、という訳です。そういえば大酒飲みと呼ばれる人はほとんど食べずにひたすら飲む、とよく言いますね。すきっ腹にアルコールはよく効く、とも。
しかしながら、食べずにお酒ばかり飲むのは決して体に良いわけではありません。従って、”Eating isn’t cheating!”なのですが、とかく酒飲みというのはお酒の弱い人に無理難題をふっかける傾向があるのか、オーストラリア人もこのようなフレーズが人口に膾炙しているとあっては、人間の性なのでしょうか。
“Eating is cheating.”とは、食事をすることによって体内でのアルコールの影響が緩和されるため、同じ量のお酒を飲んだ場合、食べずに飲む人に比べて酔いが少ないということから言われるようになったそう。お酒に強いかどうかを競ってのことでしょうか?
新社会人の皆さんは飲むときは必ず食べるように、つまり”Eating isn’t cheating.”です。
アメリカで騒いでいる"sequester"って何のこと? ― sequester
President Obama plans to take a 5% salary cut in support of federal workers who are going to be furloughed, officials said Wednesday.
The decision comes a day after a similar move by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
Obama's move is retroactive to March 1, the first day the ongoing $85 billion in budget cuts known as the sequester began to take effect.
The president's base salary is $400,000 a year; 5% adds up to $20,000.
(Obama to return 5% of salary because of sequester. USA Today. April 3, 2013.)
budget cuts known as the "sequester"
ところが、手持ちの英和辞書やAmerican Heritage、Merriam-Websterなどの主要な辞書を見てもそのような意味が載っていないので不思議です。予算を使わずに取っておく、ということからは、一時差し押さえの意味と共通するものはありますが。
President Obama plans to take a 5% salary cut in support of federal workers who are going to be furloughed, officials said Wednesday.
The decision comes a day after a similar move by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
Obama's move is retroactive to March 1, the first day the ongoing $85 billion in budget cuts known as the sequester began to take effect.
The president's base salary is $400,000 a year; 5% adds up to $20,000.
(Obama to return 5% of salary because of sequester. USA Today. April 3, 2013.)
budget cuts known as the "sequester"
ところが、手持ちの英和辞書やAmerican Heritage、Merriam-Websterなどの主要な辞書を見てもそのような意味が載っていないので不思議です。予算を使わずに取っておく、ということからは、一時差し押さえの意味と共通するものはありますが。
航空運賃は体重で課金される時代に ― a kilo is a kilo is a kilo
Samoa Air has become the world's first airline to implement "pay as you weigh" flights, meaning overweight passengers pay more for their seats.
"This is the fairest way of travelling," chief executive of Samoa Air, Chris Langton, told ABC Radio. "There are no extra fees in terms of excess baggage or anything – it is just a kilo is a kilo is a kilo."
Like many Pacific island nations, Samoa has a serious obesity problem and is often included in the top 10 countries for obesity levels. As such, Mr Langton believes his airline's new payment policy will also help promote health and obesity awareness.
(Nina Karnikowski. Airline to charge overweight passengers more. The Sydney Morning Herald. April 2, 2013.)
上記とは別のUSA Todayの記事によると、子供などでは逆に運賃がかなり安くなることになるので、家族向けには歓迎の運賃システムとなるのではないかという見方もあるようです。
it's just a kilo is a kilo is a kilo
Rose is a rose is a rose.
というものがあります。(このフレーズには、A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. というバリエーションもあります。)
Gertrude Steinという人の詩Sacred Emilyという作品の中に出てくるフレーズで、そのまま訳すならば、“バラはバラであるバラである。”というようなものになりますが、分かったような分からないような文章です。言いたいこととしては、"Things are what they are."ということのようなのですが、つまり、バラというものはバラである以外の何物でもない、ということです。
さて、引用した、"a kilo is a kilo is a kilo"に戻ってみますと、同じような訳文にはできるのですが、ここでは、"Rose is a rose..."という有名な一文をもじった、記者の遊びだと解釈するのが適当でしょう。
Samoa Air has become the world's first airline to implement "pay as you weigh" flights, meaning overweight passengers pay more for their seats.
"This is the fairest way of travelling," chief executive of Samoa Air, Chris Langton, told ABC Radio. "There are no extra fees in terms of excess baggage or anything – it is just a kilo is a kilo is a kilo."
Like many Pacific island nations, Samoa has a serious obesity problem and is often included in the top 10 countries for obesity levels. As such, Mr Langton believes his airline's new payment policy will also help promote health and obesity awareness.
(Nina Karnikowski. Airline to charge overweight passengers more. The Sydney Morning Herald. April 2, 2013.)
上記とは別のUSA Todayの記事によると、子供などでは逆に運賃がかなり安くなることになるので、家族向けには歓迎の運賃システムとなるのではないかという見方もあるようです。
it's just a kilo is a kilo is a kilo
Rose is a rose is a rose.
というものがあります。(このフレーズには、A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose. というバリエーションもあります。)
Gertrude Steinという人の詩Sacred Emilyという作品の中に出てくるフレーズで、そのまま訳すならば、“バラはバラであるバラである。”というようなものになりますが、分かったような分からないような文章です。言いたいこととしては、"Things are what they are."ということのようなのですが、つまり、バラというものはバラである以外の何物でもない、ということです。
さて、引用した、"a kilo is a kilo is a kilo"に戻ってみますと、同じような訳文にはできるのですが、ここでは、"Rose is a rose..."という有名な一文をもじった、記者の遊びだと解釈するのが適当でしょう。
スキャンダルはマッシュルームのように広まる ― mushroom
In a mushrooming scandal, another FDNY emergency responder has been suspended by the department for tasteless activity on social-media Web sites, officials revealed yesterday.
Spurred by the latest in a series of Post exposés on EMT misbehavior, Anthony Palmigiano was suspended without pay pending an investigation into his online activity, according to FDNY spokesman Frank Gribbon.
A man identifying himself as Palmigiano posted to Facebook a graphic image of a patient with a gaping neck wound, along with a caption reading, “Table saw injury.”
Palmigiano claimed Saturday that his account had been hacked.
(Another FDNY emergency responder suspended for tasteless activity on social media. New York Post. April 1, 2013.)
New apartment houses are mushrooming all over this area.
Samaranch has been on the defensive since allegations surfaced last month that IOC members received bribes and other favors from organizers behind Salt Lake City's successful bid to host the 2002 Winter Games. The mushrooming scandal, which now involves several Olympic cities around the world, has already led to the resignation of three IOC members and the recommended expulsion of six others.
(The Washington Post. 1999.)
In a mushrooming scandal, another FDNY emergency responder has been suspended by the department for tasteless activity on social-media Web sites, officials revealed yesterday.
Spurred by the latest in a series of Post exposés on EMT misbehavior, Anthony Palmigiano was suspended without pay pending an investigation into his online activity, according to FDNY spokesman Frank Gribbon.
A man identifying himself as Palmigiano posted to Facebook a graphic image of a patient with a gaping neck wound, along with a caption reading, “Table saw injury.”
Palmigiano claimed Saturday that his account had been hacked.
(Another FDNY emergency responder suspended for tasteless activity on social media. New York Post. April 1, 2013.)
New apartment houses are mushrooming all over this area.
Samaranch has been on the defensive since allegations surfaced last month that IOC members received bribes and other favors from organizers behind Salt Lake City's successful bid to host the 2002 Winter Games. The mushrooming scandal, which now involves several Olympic cities around the world, has already led to the resignation of three IOC members and the recommended expulsion of six others.
(The Washington Post. 1999.)
"medical fads"が患者を大量生産する ― fad
病は気から、と言いますが、最近の病は"medical fads"から、とも言えるのかも知れません。
Last week, The Post reported that more than 145,000 city children struggle with mental illness or other emotional problems. That estimate, courtesy of New York's Health Department, equals an amazing 1 in 5 kids. Could that possibly be true?
Getting the right diagnosis and predicting its future course is especially difficult in kids because their symptoms have such a short track record and are often heavily influenced by transient factors like developmental differences: family, school and peer stress; and the use of drugs.
It usually takes a while before an illness declares itself — and often, it turns out that no diagnosis is necessary because the symptoms go away without intervention.
That said, there's been a massive mislabeling of psychiatric diagnosis among children because of recent medical fads.
In the last 20 years, rates of attention deficit disorder have tripled, while autistic disorder and childhood bipolar disorder have each increased by a remarkable 40-fold.
Human nature just doesn't change that quickly, but the labels follow fashion and can escalate dramatically without there being an actual increase in symptoms. Our kids haven’t suddenly become sicker, it's just that diagnoses are applied to them more loosely.
(Allen Francis. A disease called ‘childhood.’New York Post. March 30, 2013.)
a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal
とあり、"medical fads"とは、発達途上における一過性に過ぎないかもしれない症状を、悪い言い方をすれば無理矢理に、特定の疾患のものに結び付けて診断を下してしまう、"medical practice"であると捉えることができるでしょう。
Last week, The Post reported that more than 145,000 city children struggle with mental illness or other emotional problems. That estimate, courtesy of New York's Health Department, equals an amazing 1 in 5 kids. Could that possibly be true?
Getting the right diagnosis and predicting its future course is especially difficult in kids because their symptoms have such a short track record and are often heavily influenced by transient factors like developmental differences: family, school and peer stress; and the use of drugs.
It usually takes a while before an illness declares itself — and often, it turns out that no diagnosis is necessary because the symptoms go away without intervention.
That said, there's been a massive mislabeling of psychiatric diagnosis among children because of recent medical fads.
In the last 20 years, rates of attention deficit disorder have tripled, while autistic disorder and childhood bipolar disorder have each increased by a remarkable 40-fold.
Human nature just doesn't change that quickly, but the labels follow fashion and can escalate dramatically without there being an actual increase in symptoms. Our kids haven’t suddenly become sicker, it's just that diagnoses are applied to them more loosely.
(Allen Francis. A disease called ‘childhood.’New York Post. March 30, 2013.)
a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal
とあり、"medical fads"とは、発達途上における一過性に過ぎないかもしれない症状を、悪い言い方をすれば無理矢理に、特定の疾患のものに結び付けて診断を下してしまう、"medical practice"であると捉えることができるでしょう。
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