

ナンバー2?大物のことではありません。 ― number two


日本語で“ナンバー2”と言えば、トップに次ぐ実力者、要は大物という含みがありますが、今日取り上げる"number two"はそれとは違う意味です。

英語のスラングで、“う○ち”のことを、"number two" (No. 2) というそうです。今日初めて知りました。


Should your cat's "No. 2" be considered a No. 1 health problem? Thanks to a hardy parasite that makes its home in cat feces, a growing number of animal disease experts are calling for a national health campaign to clean up after America's beloved felines.

"Nobody wants to talk about it, but our cats are outside pooping all over the place," said Patricia Conrad, a professor of parasitology at UC Davis' School of Veterinary Medicine. "There's a lot more out there in the environment than any of us would like to think about."

In a study published Tuesday in the journal Trends in Parasitology, two Maryland researchers calculated that both household and feral cats produce 1.2 million metric tons of cat feces each year -- a weight roughly equivalent to 12 aircraft carriers.
(Monte Morin. Is your kitty's poop a public health threat? Los Angeles Times. July 9, 2013.)

なぜ"number two"(2番目)なのでしょうか?

ちなみに、“おしっこ”のことは、"number one" (No. 1) というようです。(これも今日初めて知りました。)


別の説によると、“う○ち”を意味する"poo"と韻を踏んで、"number two"、“おしっこ”は"pee"なので、これまた韻を踏んで"number three"というらしいです。



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