

in play


Toys "R" Us bankruptcy filing reportedly could be in play

Toys "R" Us used to dominate the American toy market. These days there is talk it may file for bankruptcy protection as it struggles against larger rivals such as Amazon.com, Walmart and Target.

The retailer reportedly has hired the law firm Kirkland and Ellis as restructuring consultants to help it renegotiate $446 million in debt due before the end of its current fiscal year. Even if Toys "R" Us can address the debt that's coming due this fiscal year, it still will have to deal with another $2.2 billion in debt that's due in its following fiscal year. As of last April, Toys "R" Us had more than $5 billion in long-term debt.
(Jonathan Berr. Toys "R" Us bankruptcy filing reportedly could be in play. CBS News. September 7, 2017.)


ところで、記事のタイトルで使われている、"be in play"という表現に注目したいと思います。

この"in play"とはどういう意味合いなのでしょうか?

私は最初、破産申請(bankruptcy filing)が近そうだ、と解釈して、"in play"は「あることがもうすぐ起きそうな」というくらいの意味なのかと勝手に解釈したのですが、辞書を見て間違いに気づいた次第です。

"in play"には、会社が他社に買収されかかっている、という意味のアメリカ英語表現(ランダムハウス英和辞書)だったのです。

American Heritage Dictionaryには下記のようにあります。

In a position, or rumored to be in a position of possible corporate takeover

ところで記事中では、トイザラスが買収される可能性について言及しているのは記事のほぼ終わりのあたりの一部分(以下)で、記事のタイトルで使われている"could be in play"が正しく解釈できないと、記事の主要な意図そのものを正しく理解できない可能性があります。

What the future holds for Toys "R" Us isn't clear. As Davidowitz notes, the retailer still has a valuable brand that might interest a buyer, although he wasn't sure who would buy it.

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