同社は、バーチャルリアリティー体験を支えるヘッドセットを開発したオキュラス社を2014年に買収しましたが、創業者であったPalmer Luckey氏によるメタ事業の評価は辛口です。
The creator of Meta’s Oculus virtual reality headsets shredded Mark Zuckerberg’s version of the metaverse — arguing the platform is currently “terrible” and in need of an overhaul.
Palmer Luckey, who sold Oculus VR to Facebook for $3 billion and was later ousted by the company, compared Zuckerberg’s foray into the metaverse to a “project car” — a pet initiative requiring a massive investment with no guarantee that others will find it worthwhile.
“I don’t think it’s a good product. It’s not. It’s not fun, it’s not good,” Luckey said during an appearance at the Wall Street Journal’s Tech Live conference Monday. “I think actually most of the people probably on the team would agree that it’s not currently a good product. It’s like a project car.”
(Thomas Barrabi. Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘terrible’ metaverse shredded by Oculus founder:’It’s not fun’. New York Post. October 25, 2022.)
It’s like a project car.
"project car"とはどういう意味でしょうか?
the platform is currently “terrible” and in need of an overhaul
a pet initiative requiring a massive investment with no guarantee that others will find it worthwhile
実のところ辞書には載っていないのですが、ネットを検索してみますと、"project car"というのはクルマ愛好家の間で使われる用語のようで、旧式の古い自動車を指すようです。
俗語のジャンルに入ると思いますが、Guide to classic car terminologyというサイトに、以下のような定義がありました。
Project Car: A vehicle that is in restorable condition.
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