

痩せてればいいってもんじゃありません ― body diversity



This week, Israel passed a law banning models from advertisements or fashion shows if they measure less than 18.5 on the body mass index (BMI). It's part of an effort to promote health for women of all sizes, and to stop glorifying the ultra-thin.

"Beautiful is not underweight," says Rachel Adato, one of the creators of the bill.

In recent years, much attention has been paid to how women are portrayed in the media, whether it's an overly airbrushed magazine model with an impossibly slim waist, or a TV starlet with protruding collar bones.
(Kate Dailey. Are thin women enemy? BBC News. March 23, 2012.)



In an era when pro-anorexia communities congregate on social media sites like Pinterest, it's no wonder that lawmakers are concerned with women's body image.

For sure, reducing the number of images that portray women as very thin is beneficial, says Claire Mysko, director of Proud2BeMe, a website created with the National Eating Disorders Association (Neda) to promote healthy body image.

"There is a danger in being constantly exposed to one image of beauty," she says. "There is a serious lack of body diversity in the media. People are not seeing themselves and their bodies reflected."

Israel's law may be the catalyst needed to help make change. But others say it could make things worse.


このような状況は、"body diversity"の観点が欠けている、憂慮すべき事態であるとの見方が広まっています。


"body diversity"を訳するならば、”体型・体格の多様性”といったところでしょうか?

"body diversity"でグーグル検索をすると、様々なウェブサイトがヒットしますが、極端な痩せ志向に警鐘を鳴らすものが多く見られます。


"There are people who are naturally thin and people who are naturally heavier, and we need to accept a diversity," Ms Mysko says.

"That's the goal: not to define one body type as attractive and another type as unattractive."

たしかにその通り。自戒を込めて、"body diversity"を意識していきたいと思いました。

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