私の住む関東地方では、非常に良く晴れ、週末日曜日に全国的に冷たい雨が降った後だけに、今日の晴天はまさしく"Spring has come!"、と歓喜したくなるような陽気でした。今日は春のお彼岸でもあり、近所をジョギングしていますと、あちこちで線香の香りが・・・。たまたまですが、今日のジョギングコースにはお墓のあるところが多く、通過の度に線香の香りを嗅いで、お彼岸であることを実感した次第です。
さて、春分の日のことを英語で、"vernal equinox"と言います。(ちなみに、秋分の日は、"autumnal equinox"です。)
季節はこの日を境に、春となります。まさに、暑さ寒さも彼岸まで、であり、"Spring has come!"です。
さて、American Heritage Dictionaryで、"Spring"の定義を見ておりましたら、その簡潔で的確な定義にちょっとした感嘆を覚えましたので、ここに引用します。
The season of the year, occurring between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice and popularly considered to comprise March, April, and May
(The American Heritage Dictionary. Third Edition.)
Greeting Card Universe, the world's largest greeting card store, announces its popular collection of 672 original and unique Persian New Year cards.
Persian New Year or Norooz - "New Day" - marks the first day of spring, the Vernal Equinox, and has been celebrated by the people of Iran for at least 3,000 years. Occurring this year on March 19 at exactly 10:14 pm PST, this thirteen day festival concludes with a day of outdoor activities, Sizdah Bedar or Persian Nature Day, which often falls on April 1st. Persian New Year is observed annually by Iranians around the globe, including those living in the United States.
(San Ramon. Keeping the Persian Culture Alive: Persian New Year Cards from Greeting Card Universe. San Francisco Chronicle. March 19, 2012.)
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