

Appleの価格戦略 ― hit a sweet spot




If history is a guide, Apple this week will introduce some upgrades to the iPad that perhaps only a techie will fully grasp — but that will draw millions of new customers anyway.

That swooning interest may say just as much about an often overlooked innovation — price — as about the features of Apple’s products.

Starting at $499, the iPad has hit a sweet spot. It is drawing many users who would have opted for laptops and PCs. Yet it makes a lot of money for Apple.

The fat profit margins have been difficult for the company’s rivals to match. Competitors have either had to price their tablets higher, or sell their devices with razor-thin margins or at a loss.
(Cecilia Kang. Apple’s iPad price hits a sweet spot between popularity and profits. The Washington Post. March 6, 2012.)

アップルが現在のiPadを$499で発売したのは明確なストラテジーがあってのことでした。そしてそのストラテジーは奏功し(hit a sweet spot)、他メーカーが追随するも、利益確保では苦戦を強いられているありさまです。

"sweet spot"を辞書で引くと、野球のバットやゴルフのクラブで球の当たりが最も良い個所、という説明があります。つまり、打った時に最も球を飛ばすことができる芯の部分のことを指すのですが、Merriam Websterによるとこの用法は1949年から見られるものだということで、比較的最近の表現であると言えます。ちなみにMerriam Websterの定義は以下のようになっています。

the area around the center of mass of a bat, racket, or head of a club that is the most effective part with which to hit a ball


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