

スピード狂 ― speed demon



ニューヨークのセントラルパークでは“スピード狂”(speed demon)の自転車乗りが問題になっているそうです。何と時速30~40マイル(時速48~64キロ)で公園をぶっ飛ばすというのですから自動車と変わらないではありませんか。

The NYPD cracked down on cyclists in Central Park Friday in the wake of the horrific crash that left a Connecticut mom on life support — ticketing a slew of riders for speeding or blowing through red lights.

But despite the heightened police presence, The Post observed more than 60 cyclists whizzing out of the bike lanes at the scene of the tragic collision on West Drive near 63rd Street in just two hours.


Cop sources said tourists aren't the problem, it's local speed demons.

"We got people here from Belgium, Italy — they don't know what's going on," said the source. "But the ones who are the problem are the ones who are doing the Tour de France thing. They fly through here at 40 miles per hour. It's a disaster."
(Cops crack down on speeding cyclists day after horrific bike crash. New York Post. September 19, 2014.)

"demon"というのは鬼、悪魔のことですが、スピード狂を指すのに"speed demon"という表現があるとは知りませんでした。

"little demon"は“いたずらっ子、悪がき”というくらいの意味ですが、"speed demon"はそんな可愛げのあるようなものではないようです。

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