

究極の~ ― on steroids



The afternoon coffee run may become a thing of the past if Starbucks Corp. gets its way.

The world's largest coffee-shop chain said Thursday it would offer delivery in select markets in the second half of next year. Chief Executive Officer Howard Schultz described the plan as "e-commerce on steroids," letting customers create standing orders that arrive at their desks daily.
(Leslie Patton. Starbucks run may be a thing of the past as chain tests delivery. New York Times. October 31, 2014.)

さて、同社CEOであるHoward Schultz氏のコメントが引用されていますが、

e-commerce on steroids


新しいデリバリーサービスのことを、"e-commerce on steroids"と言っていますが、"on steroids"という表現は初めて見るものでした。


"on steroids"はその"e-commerce"を修飾しているわけですが、これは、

In a very large, enhanced, or exaggerated form
(American Heritage Dictionary of English Language)


ステロイド(steroids)は言ってみれば筋肉増強剤とでも言うべきものですが、あたかもそのステロイドを投与して増強したような、という意味が"on steroids"ということになります。

あまり見かけない表現ではありますが、American Heritage Dictionaryのエントリにあるくらいですから、ある程度定着した表現のようです。(ちなみに英和辞典の類では見当たりません。)


Ultrawideband could serve as a near ideal medium for short-range "personal-area networks" that connect electronic devices. This concept is already embodied in the communications standard known as Bluetooth. But ultra-wideband radios will be like "Bluetooth on steroids," says Martin Rofheart, XtremeSpectrum's cofounder and CEO.
(Technology Reivew. 2002.)

Within four years, AudioNet-later renamed Broadcast.com-was the leading aggregator and broadcaster of live and on-demand audio and video programs in the world. "It's cable on steroids," Cubes liked to crow as he crisscrossed the country, flying more than half a million milesthe lifetime pass! -to drum up business and buzz, to sell his vision, a whole new way of using the Internet.
(Esquire. 2000.)

さて、この"on steroids"を何と訳すかですが、“究極の~”という訳語がふと思い浮かびました。


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