

move the needle




Now it’s official. Starting next November, menus in many places where Americans eat — like chain restaurants and some movie theaters, convenience stores and amusement parks — will have to list calories.

Consumer health advocates were jubilant when the Food and Drug Administration announced the new policy on Tuesday. Many had fought for the rule for more than a decade, believing it would be a major weapon in the fight against obesity.

But will it?

The evidence on whether menu labeling works — either to move the national needle on obesity, or to reduce the number of calories an individual consumes after looking at a menu — is pretty skimpy, in part because the practice hasn’t been around that long.
(Calories on Menus: Nationwide Experiment Into Human Behavior. New York Times. November 26, 2014.)


move the national needle on obesity


"needle"を辞書で引きましたがそれらしき説明がありません。恐らく、"move the needle"というフレーズになると思われますが、ランダムハウスにもMerriam-Websterにも見当たらないのです。



The producers of the network late-night entertainment shows have also detected for some time that, as one executive producer put it, " The number of stars who will move the needle of the ratings has dwindled drastically.
(New York Times, 1999.)

They say repairing Exxon's image problem will only get tougher as time passes. Some marketers suggest a feel-good ad campaign, similar to Dow's. Others stress, however, that with the wounds this fresh, image-building ads might backfire unless they're backed up by some convincing corporate action. Even then, it will take a lot of time. Says Joseph Smith: "You can move the needle of public sentiment only a little at a time. You can't go from zero to 60 in two ads."
(USA Today, 1990.)

いずれの用例も、"move the needle of..."というパターンで、of以下が"needle"を説明している形になっています。




変化には、(人々の)意識とか世間一般の評価とか、色々なものがある訳ですが、"move the needle"はそれらを変化させることができたか否かを問う際のお決まりのフレーズのように思われます。

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