

in the ring

先日、ミススペルの話題として取り上げた、マサチューセッツ州での上院議員選挙の民主党予備選の記事ですが、名門ケネディ一家の候補、Joe Kennedy氏が現職のEd Markey氏に敗れるという結果に終わったようです。 


The Kennedy family's perfect record in Massachusetts elections ended on Tuesday when Congressman Joe Kennedy III conceded to incumbent Senator Ed Markey in the Democratic Senate primary. The grandson of Robert F. Kennedy took the stage at his campaign headquarters in Watertown shortly after 10 p.m. to address the press and thank campaign staff.
 (Eleanor Watson. Ed Markey beats Joe Kennedy III in hotly contested Massachusetts Senate primary. CBS News. September 2, 2020.) 



ケネディ氏は同氏を支えてくれた多くの人に対して感謝のコメントを述べています。 最後の部分で、自身の子供にもメッセージを託すあたり、如何にもアメリカ人っぽい感じがします。

His final thank you was to his two young children, Ellie and James who are four and two years old. "To Ellie and James, who probably will not see this until tomorrow and won't understand it for a long time, if there's one message from your dad tonight, always spend your life in the ring," Kennedy said. "It is worth the fight." 


 always spend your life in the ring 



 It is worth the fight. 



ここで使われている"in the ring"に、選挙戦、政争の意味があるとは、辞書を確認するまで知りませんでした。 



調べてみると、"in the ring"が使われている他の表現として、"throw one's hat in the ring"というものがあり、こちらは競争に参加する、という意味ですが、やはり選挙のコンテクストで使われることが多いらしく、政治的な地位や職に立候補する、という意味の成句だそうです。 

That puts Suga in much better standing than Seiko Noda, who often gets a lot of media play as the only female LDP member who consistently throws her hat in the ring for party president. She is also an independent but is unlikely even to garner the nominations necessary to be able to run.
 (Michael MacArthur Bosack. All you need to know about how Abe’s successor will be chosen. The Japan Times. August 31, 2020.) 


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