Authorities in Georgia have arrested a man and accused him of breeding and training 106 pit bulls for dog fighting, sheriff’s officials said.
Paulding County sheriff's detectives arrested Vincent Lemark Burrell, 55, on Tuesday at his home about 30 miles from Atlanta after a long investigation of a "massive dog fighting operation," the sheriff’s office said in a news release.
(Mirna Alsharif. Georgia man arrested and accused of breeding and training over 100 pit bulls for dog fighting. Yahoo! News. November 14, 2022.)
Burrell was arrested without incident and charged with felony counts of cruelty to animals and dog fighting.
ここでの"arrested without incident"とはどういう意味なのでしょうか?また、どのように訳すのが自然でしょうか?
多数のイヌを劣悪な環境下で飼育していたのが容疑であることは明らかで、"without incident"は容疑となっている事件ではなく、逮捕当時の状況について述べていると思われます。
Merriam-Webster Dictionaryでは、"without incident"という表現がイディオムとして載っています。
without any unexpected trouble
The suspects were arrested without incident.
"without incident"でニュースを検索してみますと、この表現が使われている記事が多数見つかります。特に、強盗や殺人、立てこもりなど凶悪事件における記事では頻繁にこの表現が出てきます。
Three robbery suspects who barricaded themselves inside a store in Toronto's west end have been arrested without incident, police said on Saturday.
(3 robbery suspects who barricaded themselves inside store arrested without incident. CBC News. November 12, 2022.)
先に、"without incident"というのは「トラブル無く」、「素直に逮捕に応じた」というくらいの意味だろうと書きましたが、この記事を読むとその解釈に大きな疑問が生じます。
The police's negotiation team was called to the scene.
In a tweet Saturday night, police said the three suspects have been arrested and there were no injuries to anyone involved.
no injuries to anyone involved
という部分に着目するならば、"without incident"が意味するところは、容疑者にも、被害者にも、また警察側にも怪我人が出ることなく逮捕に至った、という意味になりましょうか。
According to the paper, the shooter was “taken into custody without incident or injury.”
Who was this shooter anyway? Julia Shields, a 45-year-old white woman.
Take a moment and consider this. Take a long moment. It is a good thing that officers took her in “without incident or injury,” of course, but can we imagine that result being universally the case if a shooter looks different? Would this episode have ended this way if the shooter had been male, or black, or both?
(Charles M Blow. Privilege of ‘Arrest Without Incident’. New York Times. January 4, 2015.)
without incident or injury
But none had the privilege of being “arrested without incident or injury.” They were all black, all killed by police officers.
つまり、被疑者が白人の場合には無事逮捕(“(arrested) without incident or injury”)となっても、黒人の場合は逆である(という現実がある)、ということです。
こうなると、"arrested without incident"のインシデント(incident)とは、被疑者に対する話(逮捕に際して、警官による銃の使用、云々)になってきます。
しばらく考えて、それでは、"arrested with incident"とは言わないのだろうか?という疑問が湧いてきました。ネットは便利です。検索すると、こちらは"without incident"に比べて件数は多くありませんが、用例としては存在します。
After several hours of negotiations the man eventually was arrested with incident.
Police did recover a firearm from the scene.
No injuries were reported in the incident.
(Justin Zadorsky. Man in distress with firearm successfully talked down by police. CTVNews London. October 23, 2020.)
しかし、"No injuries were reported in the incident."です。ますます分からなくなってきました。(この記事における"arrested with incident"の"incident"は被疑事項、つまり事件そのもの("the incident")を指しているのかも知れません。)
"arrested with incident"のもうひとつの用例です。
It also states Medrano was arrested "with incident," meaning she ran away or fought them. That statement went unchallenged, but police later admitted Medrano didn't resist arrest and was "extremely cooperative" and that it was a "typographical error."
(Wendy Halloran. Guilt by association: The case of Estella Medrano. 12 News. September 27, 2016.)
この記事では、"with incident"は敢えて引用符で括り、"meaning she ran away or fought them"という説明を付けています。つまり、逮捕に際して逃亡や抵抗を試みる(と見做される?)と、"arrested with incident"となり、そうした事象が無く、無事に逮捕されれば、"without incident"となる、ということなのでしょうか。
随分と長くなってしまいましたが、結局のところ"arrested with incident"の意味するところは、(被疑者の抵抗や逃亡に伴う)大きなトラブル無く、無事に逮捕された、というところで、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryの定義そのもの、というところに落ち着きつつあります。
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