

ward of the state


Victoria Police have announced a $1 million dollar reward for information about the disappearance and likely murder of a teenager in Melbourne's outer north-east 22 years ago.

Cherie Westell, 15, was last seen in Wantirna South on December 12, 2000, when she was dropped off for a dental appointment.

She phoned a family member from a public phone box to say she was going to catch a train home to Ringwood, but never arrived.

Police say a missing person report was not filed until five days later.

Cherie was a ward of the state and her foster mother was told only a biological family member could make a police report.
(Detectives hopeful a million dollar reward will help solve long-running case of missing Cherie Westell. ABC News. December 14, 2022.)


ward of the state

と補足があります。この"ward of the state"という表現を知りませんでした。

"ward"とは、保護とか監督の意味ですが、"ward of the state"は法律用語で、被後見人のことで、何らかの事情により、両親以外の人から後見を受けている未成年者を指します。

"ward of the court"とも言うそうです。

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