先日、Collins DictionaryのWord of the Year 2022を取り上げたところですが、今日はOxford University PressによるWord of the Yearが発表されていました。
2022年のWord of the Yearに選出されたのは、
goblin mode
The existence of the term “goblin mode” had somehow escaped me until last month, when it appeared on the Oxford English Dictionary compilers’ shortlist for word of the year. It also seemed to have escaped The Irish Times archive, in which it hereby makes its debut.
But the phrase was already sufficiently popular in certain places that it has since beaten the other word-of-2022 candidates, “metaverse” and the hashtag “IStandWith”, to win a public vote of OED readers.
People in goblin mode were and remain typically sitting on the sofa, slightly drunk or eating pizza, or both, while wearing pyjamas.
(Frank McNally. Going Goblin – Frank McNally on the slovenly rise of ‘goblin mode’. Irish Times. December 6, 2022.)
Oxford Dictionaryの定義では以下のようになっています。
Goblin mode
‘Goblin mode’ – a slang term, often used in the expressions ‘in goblin mode’ or ‘to go goblin mode’ – is ‘a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.’
“goblin mode”、“going goblin (mode)”という言い回しは2009年頃からSNSで流行したそうです。その後、パンデミック下、ロックダウンの生活を余儀無くされる中でこの言葉が再び流行したことが今年の単語に選出された背景にあります。
「当たり前」を“normal mode”とすれば、“goblin mode”はその対極にある生活態度ということになるでしょうか。
現代は“normal mode”と“goblin mode”という2つのモードを使い分ける時代なのかも知れません。
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