"Dry January"は1月の1ヶ月間をアルコール無しで過ごすというチャレンジで、こうした動きは健康志向と相まって、年配者よりも若者の間で拡がっているそうです。
January is again upon us, marking a month of abstinence from alcohol for many. Nearly 9 million people will participate in dry January this year, according to Alcohol Change.
According to Alcohol Change, a quarter of people aged 18-34 are planning to abstain from drinking this month, compared with only 10% of people aged 55 and over.
As a baby boomer, I often ask myself why so few older people like me are willing to become sober-curious. The alcohol-centric environment in which we grew up is a hard culture to break free from. I remember when drinking to intoxication was socially desirable. Those who dared to go against the grain were often socially excluded.
(Tony Rao. Why so few baby boomers are doing Dry January. The Guardian. January 4, 2023.)
若者の親世代(baby boomer)が何かとお酒を前提にした「飲みニケーション」(死語!?)をもてはやしていることへの反発みたいなものもあるかも知れませんが、飲酒の負の側面を冷静に捉えている若者世代の諦念みたいなものを感じます。
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