

rainbow washing


近年6月はPride monthと称し、性的マイノリティの人達を擁護するアクティビティが世界各地で活発です。

特に意識していなかったのですが、そんなPride monthの活動が今年は下火の傾向だとか。

Pride month is winding down — and this year, the corporate world took a more cautious approach.


As the presidential election approaches, however, some companies have grown quieter about diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to avoid stepping into the culture wars or facing the blowback from conservative customers that Target and Bud Light did a year ago.
(Melissa Repko. More companies are staying quiet during Pride, but money is still flowing to LGBTQ+ causes. CNBC. June 30, 2024.)



rainbow washing


Green, blue, pink – there is hardly a colour left that corporate marketers haven’t tried to wash their dirty laundry.

Veteran activists may recall the birth of ‘greenwashing’ as a phrase in the late 1980s. Around the same time, ‘pinkwashing’ entered the lexicon, first in relation to insincere advocacy for breast cancer awareness, and later referring to hollow support for the LGBTQ+ community. The latter is now commonly differentiated as “rainbow washing”.

All were originally conceived from ‘whitewashing’, a practice by which imperfections in a surface could be smothered under a layer of lime paint. For companies, it means drawing attention away from poor behaviour by loudly proclaiming what is in reality superficial support for various social and environmental causes.
(Matt Symonds. How To Detect Rainbow Washing Versus Genuine LGBTQ+ Support. Forbes. Jun 27, 2024.)

"rainbow"とはご存知の通り、Pride monthになるとあちこちで見かける、七色を使ったデザインです。LGBTQ +へのサポートを標榜する企業はPride monthになると自社製品や宣伝広告に七色をあしらったデザインを取り入れ、自社の取り組みを喧伝しますが、単なるマーケティング活動の一環、コーポレートイメージ戦略に過ぎないという指摘があります。



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