

あり得ない! ― a "fat" chance


Formerly obese women have a fat chance of shedding stigma about being overweight, researchers say.

Prejudice against women who used to be heavy persists even when they’ve lost lots of weight, according to a study published recently by researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the University of Manchester and Monash University in Australia.
(Brian Browdie. Prejudice against heavy women persists even after weight loss, study finds. New York Daily News. May 31, 2012.)

引用の冒頭に出てくる、"a fat chance"という表現をご存知でしょうか?


"fat"を引くと、太っているという意味のほかに、豊富な、実りがある、割のいい、うまみのある、などの様々な意味がありますが、やはりどうしても"chance"と結び付きません。といいますか、記事のタイトルからすると、"chance of shedding stigma"が"fat"であるというのは意味的に正反対のことを言っているようになってしまうと思われ、しっくりこないのです。


"a fat chance"とは反語的な表現で、逆に見込みがほとんど無いことを意味する表現でした。多くの場合文頭に置かれ、続くステートメントを否定する意味で用いられます。

American Heritage Dictionaryにもエントリがありますが、"Very little or no chance."という定義になっており、Slangとされています。


People approach Jared, too. But Jared isn't a three-term governor who was scheduled to give a speech in Iowa yesterday evening and traveled to the state three times in 2005 and New Hampshire once. Fat chance of Jared running for president, in other words.
(Washington Post. 2006.)


As someone who spent years opposing American military action in Vietnam, I find his point of view naive and counterproductive, even self-righteous. Does Scherer-Emunds really believe that love could have worked against Adolf Hitler? Fat chance.
(You may be right. US Catholic. 2002.)


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