

米国発:エナジードリンクが危険 ― pick-me-up

アメリカでの話ですが、Monster energy drinkという、いわゆるドリンク剤を飲んだ5人が死亡したというショッキングなニュースが入ってきています。



Amid increasing scrutiny of the fast-growing energy drink industry, federal health officials are investigating reports that five people have died since 2009 after consuming Monster Beverage Corp.'s energy drinks.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it hadn't established a link between Monster energy drinks and the reports it has received concerning five deaths and another non-fatal heart attack. The government inquiry comes after a Maryland couple sued the Corona company last week in California for negligence and wrongful death in connection with the death of their 14-year-old daughter, Anais Fournier.
(FDA probing reports of energy-drink deaths. Los Angels Times. October 22, 2012.)

このMonster energy drinkなる商品は日本でもアサヒ飲料から販売されているようですが、カフェインの含有量が半端でないらしく、一般的なカフェイン飲料の5倍近くのカフェインが含まれているそうです。

記事にも出てきますが、恐らく同じ種類のドリンク剤に分類されるRed Bullというものを以前飲んだことがありますが、効果覿面で、飲んだ日の夜ほとんど寝つけず、その効果に驚いた記憶があります。




Some lawmakers and consumer advocates are calling for tougher regulation of energy drinks sold by Monster, Red Bull and beverage giants such as Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc. These highly caffeinated and sometimes sugar-laden drinks, including top sellers 5-Hour Energy and Rockstar, have become popular pick-me-ups for a wide range of consumers and are heavily marketed as a way to boost performance, focus or overall health.

"pick-me-up"を英和辞書で調べると強壮剤という訳語が見えますが、"pick up"という動詞句が、”(人を)元気づける”という意味で用いられることから来ていると思われます。

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