

"Captcha"の代替ソリューション ― Asirra


"Captcha"とは、Completely Automated Public Turing testing to tell Computers and Humans Apartの略で、ネット上でいわゆるスパムと呼ばれる自動化処理による被害を防ぐために開発された技術のことです。ブログの投稿やオンライン決済において、画像でいくぶん変形したような文字が表示され、それらの文字をキーボードから打ち込まないと先に進めないアレのことです。


It is one of the frustrations of the internet: trying to read those distorted letter puzzles that appear when signing up for an email account or web service.

Now, consumer groups are calling to abolish those blurry - and often illegible - words known as CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), which are supposed to be easy for humans to read, but difficult for computers.


The official web standards body, the World Wide Web Consortium, said there are many CAPTCHA alternatives, including simple maths questions, trivia, the use of sound files and even biometric technology such as fingerprints and retinal scanning. Microsoft have launched a substitute called Asirra (Animal Species Image Recognition for Restricting Access), that asks users to identify photos of cats and dogs instead of letters.

Asirra - which uses more than three million photos of cats and dogs - could be a simpler system as computers find it more difficult to recognise images rather than text.
(Lucy Caroll. Bid to kill CAPTCHA security test gains momentum. The Sydney Morning Herald. August 5, 2013.)

このCaptchaに代わるソリューションが、Asirra(Animal Species Image Recognition for Restricting Access)と呼ばれるものだそうですが、これはネコやイヌの画像が複数表示されて、その中からネコ、あるいはイヌの画像のみを選択させることで、スパム行為を見分ける技術だそうです。


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