

筋金入りの・・・ ― card-carrying



"I had this problem," he reminisces. "When I found the first differences between male and female in the brain, I got attacked by the feministic movement. Because it was not allowed to have any differences, not in the brain. All differences in brain and behaviour were due to society." He says all this as though it's years since, and yet as a card-carrying feministic, I do not feel that our concerns have been totally addressed.
(Zoe Williams. What can Dick Swaab tell us about sex and the brain? The Guardian. January 28, 2013.)

card-carrying feministic




"I knew at this moment as well as I could ever know that these guys sitting five feet behind me were card-carrying members of the mob.

"So how do you drive when you know that the fellow sitting just behind you puts bullets through people's brains for a living? Carefully!"
(Susannah Cahalan. Confessions of a NYC taxi driver. New York Post. January 19, 2014.)

ニューヨークのタクシー運転手が乗せた客は、"card-carrying members of the mob"だったという背筋が寒くなるようなでした。

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