

二日酔いに即効な手段とは ― silver bullet



You partied a little too hard on Dec. 31, 2013, and you've started the New Year with a raging hangover, what's the first thing you do?

The answer to the above question differs from person to person, but if you told your employer you'd be at work on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014, here are 5 things you can try to rid yourself of your hangover.


"Water is the silver bullet to hangovers. One of the main contributing factors to hangovers is dehydration. Alcohol suppresses the hormone vasopressin, which regulates the water levels in the body and causes the body to lose more water in the urine." (Source: Live Science)
(Zulai Serrano. New Year 2014: 5 Hangover Remedies To Help Your Body 'Cure' A Raging Hangover. Headlines & Global News. January 1, 2014.)


silver bullet


まさにその“銀の弾丸”なのですが、由来としてはもっと古く、古代ギリシャまで遡るらしく、詩人ホラティウスの頌歌の中に、マケドニアのフィリップ王にもたらされたデルファイの神託に"silver bullet"が出てきたのが最初だということです。

Merriam Webster Dictionaryの定義によりますと、

something that very quickly and easily solves a serious problem


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