

frightful five







Kashmir Hill wanted Amazon out of her life, completely.

It was the first week of a six-week experiment in living without tech giants. She had a virtual private network, or VPN, that would keep her devices walled off from any Amazon product. She would avoid Whole Foods and power down her Kindles.
(Lulu Garcia-Navarro. Why We Can't Break Up With Big Tech. NPR. February 10, 2019.)


This is a story of how, over six weeks, I cut them out of my own life and tried to prevent them from knowing about me or monetizing me in any way ー not just by putting my iPhone in a drawer for a week or only buying local, but by really, truly blocking these companies from accessing me and vice versa. I wanted to find out how hard it would be—or if I could even do it—given that these tech giants dominate the internet in so many invisible ways that it’s hard to even know them all.
(Kashmir Hill. Life Without Tech Giants. Gizmodo. January 22, 2019.)

ところで、ガーファ(GAFA)以前に、こうした巨大ネット企業を指すのに、“frightful five”なる表現があったようです。

People have done thought experiments before about which of the “frightful five” it would be hardest to live without, but I thought it would be more illuminating, if painful, to do an actual experiment: I would try to block a tech giant each week, to tell the tale of life without it. At the end of those five weeks, I’d try to block all of them at once. God help me.

この“frightful five”を知りませんでしたが、いわゆるガーファ(GAFA)にマイクロソフト社を加えての5社を指すようです。

This is the most glaring and underappreciated fact of internet-age capitalism: We are, all of us, in inescapable thrall to one of the handful of American technology companies that now dominate much of the global economy. I speak, of course, of my old friends the Frightful Five: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Alphabet, the parent company of Google.
(Farhad Manjoo. Tech’s Frightful Five: They’ve Got Us. New York Times. May 10, 2017.)


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