

何と訳す? ー active shooter


School shootings like the recent one in Santa Clarita, Calif., have focused the nation's attention on school safety. And schools across the U.S. are wrestling with how to prevent themselves from becoming the site of the next tragedy.

Many schools are turning to highly visible "hardened" security measures. For example, at least eight states now have laws mandating active shooter drills in schools. But there's little research yet that shows that those drills are effective. Meanwhile, a new comprehensive report from the U.S. Secret Service underlines the agency's previous findings that there is one safety approach that does work: threat assessment, as part of a comprehensive program of social and emotional support for students.
(Anya Kamenetz. Active Shooter Drills May Not Stop A School Shooting — But This Method Could. NPR. November 27, 2019.)


active shooter drill



さて、"active shooter drill"を何と訳したものでしょうか?

馴染みのある"fire evacuation drill"は火災避難訓練ですが、"active shooter drill"の場合、"active shooter"に備えた対策訓練となりますが、そもそも"active shooter"という表現が特殊です。

"active"は今現在活動中である、活発である、という意味合いだと思いますが、"active shooter"に対応する適当な日本語は見当たりません。

ネットで検索すると"active shooter"に「銃乱射」という日本語を当てている例がちらほらと見られますが、カタカナの“アクティブ”と「乱射」は一見ピンと来ないものがありますね。

ところで、US Department of Homeland Securityの定義によれば、"active shooter"は下記のように定義されています。

an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

この定義からは、特に"there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims"という部分が「乱射」というのにふさわしく、恐らくはこれが"active shooter"に対応する日本語のベースになっているのかもしれません。

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