

cottage industry


似たような、と書いたのは、英語科目に関する話ではないのですが、大学入学試験にあたっては学習達成度の尺度にも用いられるSAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test)が論争の渦中にあるということからです。


SAN FRANCISCO – A battle is brewing that could result in one of the nation’s largest and most prestigious state university systems dropping tests that have long held the highest of stakes for high school students.

In the coming weeks, a coalition of advocacy groups is expected to file a lawsuit against the University of California, demanding that its nine undergraduate campuses stop requiring applicants to submit results from the SAT or ACT. The long-standing aptitude tests, the group contends, are inherently biased against the poor.

“These tests are incredibly sensitive to socioeconomic status and race and have nothing to say about the individual,” says Alisa Hartz, an attorney with Los Angeles-based pro bono firm Public Counsel, which plans to file the suit on behalf of groups that work in low-income neighborhoods.
(Marco Della Cava. University of California system could change the future of SAT, ACT testing for college admissions. USA Today. November 28, 2019.)



UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ recently told attendees of an education conference that the SAT and ACT contribute to “inequalities,” lending the weight of an elite college to the "test optional" movement. UC Provost Michael Brown, who also was in attendance, expressed concern about research showing the level of influence of family income and race on test results.


The tests, which cost money to take and are designed to score aptitude in core subject areas, were in the spotlight recently when parents of some students paid disgraced education consultant Rick Singer thousands of dollars to cheat on the exams.

But the tests have been high stakes for years. Families spend thousands of dollars on the cottage industry of SAT and ACT preparatory courses. Students who can't afford test prep are at a disadvantage against wealthier peers, Public Counsel attorney Hartz says.


Families spend thousands of dollars on the cottage industry of SAT and ACT preparatory courses.

という部分がありますが、ここでの"cottage industry"という表現に着目してみました。








His route back to the top of the game, he says, begins with his psyche. His nod to the mental part of the game is shared by many in the golf world, where a cottage industry has bloomed with sports psychologists who examine fears, frustrations and doubts that reside in a player's mind. Emphasizing how mental and emotional hazards can be conquered, the psychologists understand a positive outlook translates into better performance on the course.
(USA Today, 2011))

Because rising to the top of the Google index is such a cumbersome task, a cottage industry of consultants to help businesses "optimize" their pages for Google has grown over the last few years. These folks call themselves Search Engine Optimizers (SEO).
(USA Today, 2006)


色々な辞書を参照してみましたが、どれも似たような定義がされている一方、単純にスケールの小さいビジネスという意味合いで用いられる"cottage industry"以外の、今回取り上げたようなコンテクストにおける意味合いをずばりと説明しているものはないように思われました。



a limited but enthusiastically pursued activity or subject

というものがありますが、"enthusiastically pursued"という修飾にはこの表現の持つ含意をほのめかすような、やや特殊な響きがあります。また、American Heritage Dictionaryでは、

A small, loosely organized, yet flourishing complex of activity or industry

とありましたが、"yet flourishing"の部分などもそうです。

何が言いたいかといいますと、"cottage industry"の含意としては、単にスモールビジネスというのではなく、まずそのようなビジネスが成立しそうな時流やら情勢といったものがあって、それに乗っかるような形で今まさに発生し始めたようなビジネス、というものがあるように思われます。黎明期のビジネスと言い換えても良いかもしれません。



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