a dime a dozen
I might take some flak for saying this, but morning routines are a dime a dozen. That's not to say they don't work. Many a blog and news outlet has covered the early morning productivity rituals of Oprah, Mark Cuban, Steve Jobs, and so on. But the key to morning routine success isn't mirroring what spotlight-grabbing celebs do.
Take Google CEO Sundar Pichai. His routine is, well, what most of might consider a pretty standard Saturday morning: wake up at a decent time, read the papcier [sic], drink some tea, think about the big picture.
(Jeff Steen. Massively Successful Morning Routine. It's Based on 3 Simple Things. Inc. October 10, 2021.)
10セント硬貨(a dime)に因む表現はこれまでも、“turn on a dime”、“stop on a dime”を取り上げました。
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