

ガス抜き、あるいは憂さ晴らし ー vent



一連の騒動に関して、USA Today紙のオピニオン記事を興味深く読みました。

This incident is in line with a greater trend we've seen in recent years: Venting on the internet has become the new way to complain. Instead of leaving a one-star Yelp review, or sharing a bad experience with family and friends, disgruntled customers can go on TikTok, go viral and go nuclear on a place − or person − they feel has wronged them.


Experts say this phenomenon is about more than an individual incident. It's about the urge to pick a side and a need to feel validated by others − even if they have no real connection to either party.

"Social media, especially TikTok, has democratized consumer reach," Chapman University adjunct communications professor Matthew Prince previously told USA TODAY. "Whether you have 200 followers, or 2 million, consumers' content is going further than it ever has before. That reach comes with power."

The internet, and especially TikTok in recent years, has taken venting to the next level. When we feel we've been given the short end of the stick, we seek out those who will tell us we're right, experts explain, and in viral posts, people are able to find thousands of people who will agree with them.
(David Oliver. Serena Williams, a Paris restaurant and the danger of online reviews in 2024. USA Today. August 6, 2024.)





vent one’s spleen




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