

一斉射撃 ― fusillade

フェースブックCEOのMark Zackerberg氏が日本の野田首相を表敬訪問したそうです。

(Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda frequently entertains dignitaries from all over the world, but he was a touch star-struck on Thursday when he hosted a young billionaire with a whiff of celebrity: Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg.

As cabinet ministers filed through Noda's residence for a late afternoon meeting, it was Zuckerberg who drew a fusillade of camera flashes from a hefty media contingent as he strode through the entrance like a movie star.
(Chris Gallagher. Star-struck Japan PM befriends Facebook's Zuckerberg. Reuters. March 29, 2012.)


さて、"a fusillade of"という表現は見慣れないものでしたが、"fusillade"は一斉射撃、連発、という意味です。





手持ちの辞書が古いからでしょうか、"hoodie"という単語を引いてもエントリがないか、“カラス”(hooded crow)の意味しか出てきません。




Washington (CNN) -- A congressman was removed from the House floor Wednesday after giving a speech about Trayvon Martin while wearing a hoodie.

Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Illinois, told House members, "racial profiling has to stop."

Rush, a former Black Panther who was active in the civil rights movement in the 1960s, then took off his suit jacket, pulled a gray hoodie on over his head and put on sunglasses.
(Deidre Walsh. Lawmaker wearing hoodie removed from House floor. CNN. March 29, 2012.)




"Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum," he said.






たかが歌詞では済まなかった? ― lyrics




They say it was in India...


ISLAMABAD: On the second day of Pakistan Bazar, held to mark Pakistan’s republic day at the diplomatic mission in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo, Japan’s renowned singer and song writer, Yukihide Takekawa, sang his hit single ‘Gandhara in Pakistan’ much to the delight of a large number of people which had gathered for the event.

The song of ‘Gandhara’ by Godiego group was released in October 1978 and went on to become a big hit. Sales of ‘Gandhara’ were the sixth highest a single had managed in Japan in 1979. In the original song of Gandhara, the ancient land, was depicted as part of India.

However, after providing exact information about geographic boundaries of Gandhara region and persuasion from the Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo, the Japanese celebrity re-sung his hit “Gandhara” altering the lyrics to reflect accurately “Gandhara in Pakistan.”
(After 30 years, Japanese singer sings 'Gandhara in Pakistan' correctly. The Express Tribune. March 28, 2012.)






ドミニク・ストロスカーン(Dominique Strauss-Kahn)という、前IMFトップのフランス人の名前が有名になったのは大分前の話で、去年5月でした。滞在先のホテルで女性従業員に暴行を働いたという醜聞スキャンダルだったのですが、記憶している方も多いのではないでしょうか?



PARIS—French magistrates charged Dominique Strauss-Kahn with "aggravated pimping," placing the former International Monetary Fund chief under preliminary investigation for his alleged involvement in a French prostitution ring, prosecutors said.

The magistrates on Monday ordered Mr. Strauss-Kahn to refrain from communicating with plaintiffs as well as with anyone else being prosecuted in the investigation, prosecutors from the northern French city of Lille said in a statement. Mr. Strauss-Kahn, who wasn't detained or arrested, was also ordered to pay a €100,000 bail ($133,500).
(David Gauthier-Villars. 'Aggravated Pimping' Probe for Strauss-Kahn. The Wall Street Journal. March 27, 2012.)

その疑惑とは、"aggravated pimping"とあります。"aggravated"というのは罪状を形容する表現で、犯行などが悪質な場合に刑が加重されるような性質のものであることを意味しています。



Prostitution is legal in France, but pimping isn't. To indict him, prosecutors would have to prove that he played an organizational role in the alleged prostitution ring.


ここで、American Heritage Dictionaryにお出ましいただきます。定義はこうです。

One who finds customers for a prostitute; a procurer.




ポップコーンはヘルシー!? ― hull




Researchers at the University of Scranton (Pa.) ran a lab analysis on the content in several types and brands of popcorn and found that the crunchy hull is rich in polyphenols — antioxidants that prevent damage to cells. Polyphenols also may have disease-fighting properties.
(Nanci Hellmich. Popcorn packed with antioxidants, hidden health benefits. USA Today. March 26, 2012.)


今回のニュースはポップコーン好きの方には嬉しいニュースかも知れませんね。ただし、これはプレーンなポップコーンでの話であって、キャラメルや砂糖、多量の油や塩分で味付けしたもの(アメリカなどで俗に言うTheater Popcorn)は高カロリーなので注意が必要です。


"The hull is where the most nutritional goodies (polyphenols) are — not the white fluffy part," says chemistry professor Joe Vinson, senior author of the study, which was partially funded by a popcorn company. Vinson also has studied chocolate, coffee, spices and cereals. The popcorn findings were presented Sunday at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego.

"hull"と"white fluffy part"という対比で示されていますが、"hull"とはポップコーンにする前の硬い外皮の部分を、"white fluffy part"とはポップコーンになった後の、爆発して膨れた白い部分を指しています。





痩せてればいいってもんじゃありません ― body diversity



This week, Israel passed a law banning models from advertisements or fashion shows if they measure less than 18.5 on the body mass index (BMI). It's part of an effort to promote health for women of all sizes, and to stop glorifying the ultra-thin.

"Beautiful is not underweight," says Rachel Adato, one of the creators of the bill.

In recent years, much attention has been paid to how women are portrayed in the media, whether it's an overly airbrushed magazine model with an impossibly slim waist, or a TV starlet with protruding collar bones.
(Kate Dailey. Are thin women enemy? BBC News. March 23, 2012.)



In an era when pro-anorexia communities congregate on social media sites like Pinterest, it's no wonder that lawmakers are concerned with women's body image.

For sure, reducing the number of images that portray women as very thin is beneficial, says Claire Mysko, director of Proud2BeMe, a website created with the National Eating Disorders Association (Neda) to promote healthy body image.

"There is a danger in being constantly exposed to one image of beauty," she says. "There is a serious lack of body diversity in the media. People are not seeing themselves and their bodies reflected."

Israel's law may be the catalyst needed to help make change. But others say it could make things worse.


このような状況は、"body diversity"の観点が欠けている、憂慮すべき事態であるとの見方が広まっています。


"body diversity"を訳するならば、”体型・体格の多様性”といったところでしょうか?

"body diversity"でグーグル検索をすると、様々なウェブサイトがヒットしますが、極端な痩せ志向に警鐘を鳴らすものが多く見られます。


"There are people who are naturally thin and people who are naturally heavier, and we need to accept a diversity," Ms Mysko says.

"That's the goal: not to define one body type as attractive and another type as unattractive."

たしかにその通り。自戒を込めて、"body diversity"を意識していきたいと思いました。


トーキョーアイト? ― Tokyoite


Ask five Tokyoites to name the best sushi restaurants in the city, and you’re likely to get five different answers - the old "how long is a piece of string?" quandary. 

That's because the sushi experience is a very personal one that can include not only raw seafood, but also things like unmatched service, chefs whose skills were honed by years of apprenticeship, an atmosphere that screams “traditional Japan” and, in many cases, a whopping bill. Because of all this, any one traveler’s favorite sushi experience is going to largely depend on budget, interests and previous experience with the cuisine. 
(The best sushi restaurants in Tokyo. CNN. January 30, 2012.) 




ロンドンっ子のことを"Londoner"と言いますし、"Dubliner"はジェームズ・ジョイスの有名な小説でもあります。New Yorkerにしても、Berlinerにしても、語尾は"-er"が一般的です。また、"Hawaiian"や"American"のように、"-an"という接尾辞もお馴染みです。 



などなど色々あることが分かりました。都市名に"-er"をつけるべきか、"-an"をつけるべきか、はたまた"-ite"をつけるべきか悩ましい感じもします。中には、Hongkongite (Hong Kongerとも)のように、どちらのパターンも存在するものもあるようです。 





ロバート・デニーロさんの舌禍の行方は? ― joke, jest, or quip?


Obama disowns De Niro white First Lady joke


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's re-election campaign distanced itself Tuesday from a joke by Hollywood veteran Robert de Niro about the prospect of a white First Lady returning to the White House.

The reaction came after Republican candidate Newt Gingrich slammed the jest, -- made by Democrat-supporting actor De Niro at a fundraising event with Michelle Obama -- as "unacceptable."

"We believe the joke was inappropriate," said the first lady's campaign press secretary Olivia Alair after Gingrich's comments triggered a tide of online argument about the joke.
(Obama disowns De Niro white First Lady joke. AFP. March 21, 2012.)



"Raging Bull" star De Niro made the contested remark as he introduced Michelle Obama at a fundraising event on Monday in New York's trendy Greenwich Village district.

"Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white first lady?" the actor said, referring to the wives of Republican candidates Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney.

"No" yelled one person as the crowd roared, while De Niro added: "Too soon, right?"




WASHINGTON — Actor Robert De Niro opened a fundraiser starring Michelle Obama by listing her Republican rivals and jokingly suggesting that America isn’t “ready for a white first lady.” Newt Gingrich was not amused, and the Obama campaign says the quip was inappropriate.
(Obama campaign: Supporter Robert De Niro’s joke about white first ladies ‘inappropriate’. The Washington Post. March 21, 2012.)


デニーロさんの発言について、AFPでは、"joke"、"jest"と表現していますが、ワシントンポスト紙では、"quip"としています。これら3つの単語はほぼ同義語ですが、American Heritage Dictionaryによりますと、微妙な差異があります。

Joke especially denotes an amusing story with a punch line at the end.

Jest suggests frolicsome humor.

A quip is a clever, pointed, often sarcastic remark.





Spring has come! ― vernal equinox


私の住む関東地方では、非常に良く晴れ、週末日曜日に全国的に冷たい雨が降った後だけに、今日の晴天はまさしく"Spring has come!"、と歓喜したくなるような陽気でした。今日は春のお彼岸でもあり、近所をジョギングしていますと、あちこちで線香の香りが・・・。たまたまですが、今日のジョギングコースにはお墓のあるところが多く、通過の度に線香の香りを嗅いで、お彼岸であることを実感した次第です。

さて、春分の日のことを英語で、"vernal equinox"と言います。(ちなみに、秋分の日は、"autumnal equinox"です。)



季節はこの日を境に、春となります。まさに、暑さ寒さも彼岸まで、であり、"Spring has come!"です。

さて、American Heritage Dictionaryで、"Spring"の定義を見ておりましたら、その簡潔で的確な定義にちょっとした感嘆を覚えましたので、ここに引用します。

The season of the year, occurring between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice and popularly considered to comprise March, April, and May
(The American Heritage Dictionary. Third Edition.)


Greeting Card Universe, the world's largest greeting card store, announces its popular collection of 672 original and unique Persian New Year cards.

Persian New Year or Norooz - "New Day" - marks the first day of spring, the Vernal Equinox, and has been celebrated by the people of Iran for at least 3,000 years. Occurring this year on March 19 at exactly 10:14 pm PST, this thirteen day festival concludes with a day of outdoor activities, Sizdah Bedar or Persian Nature Day, which often falls on April 1st. Persian New Year is observed annually by Iranians around the globe, including those living in the United States.
(San Ramon. Keeping the Persian Culture Alive: Persian New Year Cards from Greeting Card Universe. San Francisco Chronicle. March 19, 2012.)


究極のエコ!? ― unprint


Scientists develop the un-printer - vaporises ink from paper

A team of scientists at the University of Cambridge have determined that as long as you are using the right type of laser, it is possible to remove toner from paper.

"Previous work on the subject has explored the applicability of ultraviolet, visible and infared lasers under nanosecond pulses for toner removal," the researchers write in an abstract of the study published by the Proceedings of the Royal Society journal.

They go on to explain that they have expanded on that method and found that "with the right laser, it is possible to remove toner from paper to enable its reuse".
(Deborah Netburn. Scientists develop the un-printer - vaporises ink from paper. The Sydney Morning Herald. March 19, 2012.)





Researchers Use Lasers to Un-Print Printed Paper

Removing printed toner on paper, similar to how we use an eraser to clear pencil writing, is not something entirely new, but there has never been a feasible approach for the mass market.
(Douglas Perry. Tom's Hardware. March 15, 2012.)


ネットいじめ ― cyberbullying




The Federal Government launched its latest campaign against cyberbullying today to mark the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.

Education minister Peter Garrett said cyberbullying was of growing concern in Australia, where one in four students are victims.

"In the cyber world, it's much easier for people to be able to be involved in bullying without being identified in a physical way," he said at Mascot Primary School in Sydney.
(Website, smartphone app to take on bullies. News.com.au. March 16, 2012.)







鵜呑みにする ― take ... as gospel




Whether they are fellow travellers, anonymous forum posters, government websites or travel "experts" writing brilliant blogs on popular websites (No, no, hold the applause, you’re far too kind…), everyone wants to give you some kind of guidance on where you should go, how you should behave or who you should avoid talking to.

While a lot of the information is helpful in planning an action-packed, fulfilling and safe trip, there is just as much out there that is complete rubbish.
(Paul Hansford. When it comes to travel advice there's a fine line between useful and paranoid. News.com.au. March 14, 2012.)



Take two stories that made headlines in the last couple of weeks as examples.

Firstly, a Canadian travel guide advised women travelling on their own to wear a fake wedding ring in order to fend off the unwanted advances of lecherous foreigners, going on to tell the preyed-upon female traveller to, “also carry a photo of your husband (or an imaginary one), which you can show to persistent suitors”.

This was followed by the chief medical officer of the British Olympic Association advising UK athletes to avoid shaking hands with fellow competitors during the Games due to the risk of spreading germs through the Olympic village, stating: “At an Olympic Games or any major event the performance impact of becoming ill or even feeling a little bit ill can be significant".


Let’s get this straight: if we take these snippets of advice as gospel, the key to a happy, healthy trip is to lie about who you are to anyone who shows an interest and to avoid physical contact of any kind for fear of contracting a communicable disease.


というところで、今日の表現、"take ... as gospel"とは、"take"以下の目的語にあたる事柄について、それを福音書(gospel)のように真実のものとして受け止める、つまり絶対的真実として捉える、という意味です。この表現は、コンテクストによっては、”鵜呑みにする”という、やや批判を込めた訳が適切な場合もあります。今回の引用記事などはそれに相当するでしょう。



15日に要注意! ― the Ides of March



CEOs, beware the Ides of March

Modern day Caesars, sometimes known as chief executives, should beware the Ides of March.

In the past week at least half a dozen senior public company executives have either voluntarily decided to hand in the keys to the executive washroom, or been nudged out of the building by their boards.

In most cases the departures have followed close on the heels of the companies reporting poor December half year results.
(Ian Mcllwraith. CEOs, beware the Ides of March. The Sydney Morning Herald. March 14, 2012.)



"the Ides of March"というのは、3月15日のことを指しています。"ides"というのはラテン語で”半分のところ”を意味しており、月の真ん中なので15日と言う訳です。


実は、"Beware the Ides of March."はシェークスピアの「ジュリアス・シーザー」に出てくる有名なセリフなのです。


”ブルータスよ、お前もか”は有名なセリフですが、"Beware the Ides of March."も覚えておきたいセリフです。


ダサい、冴えない ― drab





Uniqlo, the Japanese T-shirt maker, wanted to change its image, which was seen as drab in its homeland. Part of the solution: recreating the sheen of its New York Fifth Avenue store in Tokyo’s most expensive fashion district -- rebranding from the outside in.

Uniqlo next week will open its world’s largest store in Tokyo’s Ginza area. Combined with a shift to use English as its official language and plans to hire more international workers, the strategy is designed to shed Uniqlo’s roots as a budget label selling cheap clothing 30 years ago.
(Japan’s Richest Man Remakes Once-Drab Uniqlo in Manhattan’s Image: Retail. Bloomberg. March 9, 2012.)


引用した記事の最後の部分に、"Uniqlo's roots as a budget label selling cheap clothing 30 years ago"とありますが、記事では、"30 years ago"の部分がリンクになっており、ユニクロのウェブサイトの社史(英語版)に飛ぶようになっています。

その社史にもある、1985年6月あたりがまさしく私が中学生くらいだった時なのですが、"first roadside location, the Yamanota Store in Yamaguchi Prefecture"は懐かしい店舗です。



年増というと差別? ― over-the-hill

CNN国際版を読んでいたら、アジアナ航空の客室乗務員がスカートに”ノー”(Asiana Airlines' cabin crews say 'no' to skirts)という記事が目に付きました。同社の規程では客室乗務員はスカートを着用しなければならないとあるようなのですが、乗務員側はパンツ(ズボン)でもいいじゃないか、乗客の安全を守るという責務からはスカートよりもパンツの方が動きやすくまだ機能的であると反発しているそうです。


Those cute Asian stewardesses sure beat United's wide-body over-the-hill pre-menopausal flight attendants!




American Heritage Dictionaryの定義では、

Informal. Past one's prime.


“People in their 40s and 50s might mourn their changing figure or the passing of childbearing age, but these changes are key to the success of the human species, [Cambridge University academic] Dr. David Bainbridge said,” The Telegraph reports. “Far from being over the hill, middle-aged people are arguably the ‘pinnacle of evolution’ because they are primed to play a vital role in society which could not be filled by younger adults, he added. While certain physical attributes such as skin suppleness and short-range eyesight deteriorate noticeably in the fifth and sixth decades of life, more important aspects such as brain power remain virtually undiminished.
(Michael Kesterton. Middle-aged people run the world. Globe and Mail. March 11, 2012.)



Football is a young man's game, and players are considered over-the-hill when they hit 30.
(Chicago Sun Times. 2005.)

今日はロンドンオリンピックのマラソン選手代表選考がありましたが、残念ながら公務員ランナーの川内優輝選手は落選してしまいました。彼は現在24歳、リベンジを狙うとして4年後は28歳ですが、"over the hill"となっていないことを祈りたいと思います。


dial back



Gartner has again dialed back its short-term forecast for global PC shipment growth due to a combination of macroeconomic factors, hard disk drive shortages brought on by last year's flooding in Thailand, and the disruption in the PC market caused by mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

In January, the research firm reported that PC unit shipments had grown just 0.6 percent in 2011 and projected 4.5 percent growth for the sector in 2012. But on Thursday, Gartner further reduced its forecast for 2012, projecting a 4.4 percent increase in PC shipment growth from 2011 or about 368 million units shipped.

"PC shipments will remain weak in 2012, as the PC market plays catch up in bringing a new level of innovation that consumers want to see in devices they purchase," said Gartner analyst Ranjit Atwal. "The real question is whether Windows 8 and ultrabooks will create the compelling offering that gets the earlier adopter of devices excited about PCs again."
(Damon Poeter. Gartner Dials Back PC Market Forecast for 2012. PC World. March 8, 2012.)


さて、この記事の冒頭の段落で使われている、"dial back"という表現に注目下さい。

あまり見慣れない表現だったこともあり、私には"dial back"が具体的に何を言わんとしているのかピンとこなかったので、"dial"という動詞の意味を辞書で引いてみましたがどうもそれらしいしっくりと来る表現が見当たりません。

"dial back"という表現のエントリも無く、意味は恐らく”下方修正”といったような意味なのだろうと思いましたが、もう少し具体的な裏付けが欲しくなり、コーパスを当たります。

A long, late breakfast and then a drive to one of the hamlets sprinkled around San Antonio. Thirty minutes by car, and you'd feel time had dialed back thirty years--that's how small those towns, like the towns Arley and Dillon grew up in, really were.
(Jacquelyn Mitchard. The most wanted. 1999.)

上記のような例文での"dial back"は最も分かりやすい例ではないでしょうか?日本語で”時計の針を戻す”と言いますが、まさしく文字盤(dial)上で針を戻す(back)行為とイメージが重なるからです。

しかし、PCの市場予測についての、"dial back"はそのようなイメージが今ひとつピンと来ません。もう少し用例を検索してみます。例えば以下の例文。

Staggering under the twin blows of rising unemployment and soaring inflation, Russia's masses are running out of their much-lauded patience. In the wake of the protest vote, Yeltsin quickly dialed back his ambitious privatization drive and promised easier loans for enterprises squeezed by his austerity program. But his credibility, both at home and abroad, may never recover from the shock.
(Newsweek. 1993.)

1990年代のロシアの政治状況に詳しくありませんが、何らか難しい状況があって、"dial back"せざるを得なかった、という文脈の流れは読めます。"back"という副詞による修飾は、その解釈を助けてくれるように思えます。


And after being asked in a school visit in Texas why I used "the b word" in Shock Point, I asked that it be taken out in the paperback. I realized the boy who asked me was right -- that there wasn't a good enough reason to have it in there. Since then, I have given the matter a lot of thought. As a result, I have made a conscious decision to dial back on any swearing and sexual situations in my YA books. For one thing, I've known kids as young as fourth grade who read my books. For another, my books are primarily entertainment. I'm not trying to help teens deal with important issues, say teens who are facing situations such as sexual abuse, being pressured into using drags, etc. I want to limit the chance that a book of mine will be challenged by a parent.
(Julie Prince. A Frog, Peanuts, and Roald Dahl. Teacher Librarian. 2011.)

上記の用例を読むと、"dial back"は、”撤回する”、”取り下げる”という意味で用いられている節があるように思われます。

ここまで来てやはり判然としないものが残りますが、"dial back"という表現はいくつかの意味があって、コンテクストによって多様な解釈ができそうに思われます。


最終的に私が一番納得したのは、The Online Slang Dictionaryというウェブサイトにあった、下記の定義でした。

verb - transitive

to reduce in frequency or intensity.



オーダーメイド医療に難問 ― hit a bump

サイエンスの進歩のおかげで、オーダーメイド医療(personalized medicine)は昔は夢物語のようなお話でしたが近年では実現間近のものとなっています。



しかしながら、どうやらそこまで事は単純ではないらしいという研究結果がNew England Journal of Medicineで発表されました。

'Personalized Medicine' Hits a Bump

A tumor's genetic makeup can vary significantly even within the same tumor sample, researchers said, a finding that poses new challenges to the personalized-medicine movement in cancer.

One big implication of the new research, being published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine, is that analyzing only a single sample of a patient's tumor—the current practice—may miss important genetic mutations that affect the course of the disease.

That, in turn, could hinder emerging efforts to match patients with drugs that target the mutations affecting their tumors, a basic strategy of personalized medicine.
(Ron Wislow. 'Personalized Medicine' Hits a Bump. The Wall Street Journal. March 7, 2012.)

研究報告によると、癌細胞の遺伝子の構成(genetic makeup)は、たとえ1つのサンプル中の細胞であっても細胞によって大きく異なることが分かり、そうなると特定の遺伝子配列の細胞とその変異をターゲットとして治療を計画するオーダーメイド医療のストラテジーというものが怪しくなってくるということです。



hit(s) a bump

という表現を使って表しています。"bump"とは隆起、こぶのことです。"speed bump"というのをお聞きになったことがあるかと思いますが、車両のスピードを抑制するために道路にわざと設けられている仕組みのことです。

"hit a bump"は成句の類だと思われますが、要は勢いをもって進行していたものが、“躓いた”ということを言っています。







Eating on the cheap in Japan doesn't have to mean scrounging for samples on the food floors of department stores or surviving on convenience-store onigiri rice balls -- though these are time-tested options for those who find themselves cash-strapped and famished.

There's plenty of great Japanese food that does not require taking out a second mortgage, if you know where to look. What applies in Tokyo generally follows in the rest of the country.

First, our four general rules of thumb for eats on the cheap:
(Robbie Swinnerton. Don't break the bank: Japan's superb cheap eats. CNN. March 7, 2012.)



American Heritage Dictionaryの定義では、

tr. To obtain (something) by begging or borrowing with no intention of reparation;

intr. To seek to obtain something by begging or borrowing with no intention of reparation





Appleの価格戦略 ― hit a sweet spot




If history is a guide, Apple this week will introduce some upgrades to the iPad that perhaps only a techie will fully grasp — but that will draw millions of new customers anyway.

That swooning interest may say just as much about an often overlooked innovation — price — as about the features of Apple’s products.

Starting at $499, the iPad has hit a sweet spot. It is drawing many users who would have opted for laptops and PCs. Yet it makes a lot of money for Apple.

The fat profit margins have been difficult for the company’s rivals to match. Competitors have either had to price their tablets higher, or sell their devices with razor-thin margins or at a loss.
(Cecilia Kang. Apple’s iPad price hits a sweet spot between popularity and profits. The Washington Post. March 6, 2012.)

アップルが現在のiPadを$499で発売したのは明確なストラテジーがあってのことでした。そしてそのストラテジーは奏功し(hit a sweet spot)、他メーカーが追随するも、利益確保では苦戦を強いられているありさまです。

"sweet spot"を辞書で引くと、野球のバットやゴルフのクラブで球の当たりが最も良い個所、という説明があります。つまり、打った時に最も球を飛ばすことができる芯の部分のことを指すのですが、Merriam Websterによるとこの用法は1949年から見られるものだということで、比較的最近の表現であると言えます。ちなみにMerriam Websterの定義は以下のようになっています。

the area around the center of mass of a bat, racket, or head of a club that is the most effective part with which to hit a ball



ポーランドで列車同士が正面衝突 ― head-on collision


SZCZECHOCINY, Poland – Two trains running on the same track collided head-on in southern Poland late Saturday, leaving 16 people dead and 58 injured in the country's worst train disaster in more than 20 years.

The powerful collision near the town of Szczekociny, just north of Krakow, occurred after one of the trains ended up on the wrong track. The impact left several hulks of mangled metal smashed on the tracks, with cars overturned and on their sides, and rescuers worked through the night to recover bodies and help the wounded.
(American woman among 16 killed in train collision in Poland. Fox News. March 4, 2012.)


"head-on collision"は文字通り”正面衝突”という日本語になります。記事中では、

two trains running on the same track collided head-on




Walking back to my desk, I almost ran head-on into Captain Roenberg. He jumped aside, face flushed and stale coffee on his breath.
(Caitlin Kattredge. Night life. 2008.)



I was out coaching football, working 80 hours a week, thinking I was a hero. But you're not a hero if you're not there for your kids. Fathers in Touch was the first program I saw that addressed that issue head-on.
(Christian Science Monitor. 2007.)



こんな意味もあったの? ― shy


Two months late and 634 meters high, Tokyo’s Sky Tree, officially the world’s tallest tower, was completed yesterday, February 29, 2012.

Construction was delayed after the March 2011 earthquake affected supplies to the site, according to a spokesperson talking to theage.com.au.

The new building, construction of which began in July 2008, supersedes China’s Canton Tower (600 meters high) as the world’s tallest tower, but is still nearly 200 meters shy of Dubai's 830-meter Burj Khalifa, the tallest manmade structure ever built.

The Tokyo Sky Tree, which cost approximately ¥65 billion (US$806 million), will provide services for digital radio and TV transmission as well as an aquarium, a theater, academic institutes and regional heating and cooling facilities.
(Tokyo Sky Tree construction ends: World's tallest tower prepares to open. March 1, 2012.)


中国のCanton Tower(広州塔; 高さ600メートル)を抜いたとありますが、ドバイのBurj Khalifaには負けるというようなことになっています。(色々ググってみますと、世界一高い”電波塔”としては東京スカイツリーであり、建物ということになるとドバイの超高層ビルになるようです。)







バンコクでヒトラー人気 ― fuehrer


Cartoon pandas, Teletubbies, Ronald McDonald. At first glance they don’t seem to have much in common beyond a certain childlike quality. But during a visit to Bangkok you may discover another trait these popular cultural icons now share: their resemblance to Adolf Hitler.

In the Thai capital’s latest outbreak of Nazi chic, pandas, Teletubbies and Ronald have metamorphosed into cutesy alter egos of the Führer, who seems to exert a childlike fascination over some young Thais.
(Tibor Krausz. Bangkok's 'Hitler chic' trend riles tourists, Israeli envoy. CNN. February 27, 2012.)


さて、今日取り上げたい表現は、"(the) Führer"です。


"(the) Führer"と言えば、すなわちヒトラーのことなのです。ランダムハウス英和辞書にもエントリがあります。

American Heritage Dictionaryでは、

A leader, especially one exercising the powers of a tyrant.



"fuehrer"の語源は、ドイツ語の"vüeren" (to lead)、つまりリードする、という動詞だということです。
