

internet of things

"internet of things"という言葉をご存知でしょうか?IoTなどと略されています。

British computer chip designer ARM is creating an operating system to power new kinds of internet-connected devices.

The company is designing the mbed OS software to require as little battery power and memory as possible, and will not charge for its use.

It said the code would allow developers to create products more quickly.

However, it will work only with kit fitted with chips based on ARM's Cortex-M designs.

That mean that despite the Cambridge-based firm's stated aim of addressing "fragmentation" in the so-called "internet of things" (IoT) market, the code will not work on devices that use Intel's Quark and Atom chips or Imagination's Mips processors.
(Leo Kelion. ARM creates operating system for 'internet of things.' BBC News. October 1, 2014.)

"internet of things"というのは直訳すると、モノのインターネット、となりますが、ネットで検索してみると、物のインターネットとは、家電を始めとして色々な日常生活の道具がインターネットで接続されることを言っているようです。




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