

何と訳す? ― unboil



It's pretty easy to boil an egg, but is there a way to "unboil" it?

Not quite, but scientists say they have found a way to reverse the effects that boiling has on the proteins found in egg whites--and it could help streamline the way the complex molecules are manufactured for use in healthcare and food production.

“Yes, we have invented a way to 'unboil' a hen egg,” Dr. Gregory Weiss, a professor of chemistry at the University of California, Irvine and one of the scientists, said in a written statement. “In our paper, we describe a device for pulling apart tangled proteins and allowing them to refold. We start with egg whites boiled for 20 minutes at 90 degrees Celsius and return a key protein in the egg to working order.”
(Jacqueline Howard. Scientists Find Way To 'Unboil' An Egg, And Say It Could Streamline Drug Development. The Huffington Post. January 27, 2015.)



英語の接頭辞un- は色々な動詞について、戻す、離す、外す、などの意味を付加します。"boil"にun- が付加された"unboil"も、“戻す”の意味なのでしょうが、動詞の"boil"は(ゆで卵にするための)手段を指しているのであって、結果ではないので“戻す”というのがしっくりとこないのではないかと思います。

接頭辞un- が付加される色々な動詞を見ればこれが明らかだと思います。

lock に対して、 unlock
plug に対して、 unplug
load に対して、 unload


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