

閑話休題 ― ピリオドはぶっきらぼう!?




The world of text-based messaging is no place for proper punctuation, according to a newly released American study — unless, of course, you want to be seen as a jerk.

Researchers from the department of psychology at New York's Binghamton University recently conducted a series of experiments with undergraduate students to explore the role of the period in text messages.

Participants were asked to read 16 different conversations in the form of either texts or handwritten notes. Every exchange included an invitation question (e.g., "Dave gave me his extra tickets. Wanna come?) and an affirmative, one-word response (Sure, Yup, OK, etc.).

After asking the students to rate how "sincere" each reply sounded, researchers noticed a stark contrast in perception between the replies that had a period at the end of them and those that didn't, despite the messages being otherwise identical.

And no, respondents who used periods weren't perceived as being smarter than the others for using proper punctuation.

"Texts that ended with a period were rated as less sincere than those that did not," reads the abstract of the study, which was published last month in the journal Computers in Human Behavior.
(Lauren O'Neil. Ending a text message with a period makes you seem like a jerk, study shows. CBC News. December 10, 2015.)


ピリオドがない文は文ではありません、という英語教育を受けてきた人間としては不可解ではありますが、ピリオド無し、あるいは"!"などの感嘆符(exclamation point)や顔文字(emoticon)がある方がピリオド有り(というだけの)文よりも、より感情がこもっている、と言われれば、それはまあそんなもんかな、とは思います。




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