

wrecking ball


USA Today紙から引用しました。

Donald Trump is campaigning for a Republican Congress like his presidency is at stake – and it may well be.

If the "radical resistance" takes power, "they will move immediately to reverse American progress and to eradicate all of the gains that we have made," Trump said during an airport rally Sunday in Macon, Georgia, the first of two southern stops just two days before congressional elections.


The election will decide "whether we let the radical Democrats take control of Congress and take a giant wrecking ball to our economy," Trump said to a packed basketball arena at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
(President Trump: Democrats will take 'a wrecking ball' to American progress if they win control in Congress. USA Today. November 4, 2018.)



(Democrats)... take a giant wrecking ball to our economy

という部分があるのですが、"a giant wrecking ball"という表現が目に留まりました。

この"wrecking ball"というのは家屋などを解体する際に使われる巨大な鋼球のことなんですが、その破壊力は実際に目にしたことのある人はまれではないかと思うのですが、イメージとしてはとてつもない破壊力がありそうです。(浅間山荘事件で使われた、あの巨大な鋼球を思い出します。)


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