

First Amendment

カトリック教徒の小学生の男子が、「聖灰水曜日」(Ash Wednesday)の「おしるし」として額に受けた十字架を学校で担任教師に咎められ、意に反しておしるしを消されてしまったそうです。


A Utah elementary school teacher apologized to one of her Catholic students Wednesday -- and may still face disciplinary action -- after she forced him to wash off the Ash Wednesday cross on his forehead, the boy’s family said.

William McLeod, a fourth grader at Valley View Elementary School, received the ash marking -- made in the shape of a cross and applied by a priest -- for the Catholic religious day that signals the start of the Lenten season and then went to school in Bountiful, Fox 13 reported. He told Fox 13 he was the only student who had ashes.


William’s grandmother, Karen Fisher, told Fox 13 she was “pretty upset” by the incident and received a call from the school’s principal and the teacher who ordered the cross to be washed off.

“I asked her if she read the Constitution with the First Amendment, and she said, 'No,'” Fisher said.
(Katherine Lam. Utah teacher forced student to wash off Ash Wednesday cross on forehead, family says. Fox News. March 8, 2019.)



ところで、無理矢理におしるしを拭き取られてしまったことに男児の母親は反発していて、"the First Amendment"を読んだことあるのか?と詰め寄ったと記事にあります。

"the First Amendment"というのは合衆国憲法修正第1条のことを指し、言論や表現の自由、信仰・宗教の自由を認めたものです。

以前、"Fifth Amendment"や"Second Amendment"も取り上げたことがあります。



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