

lower the boom




Fox Newsの記事から引用です。

North Korea’s vague threats of a potential year-end provocation – what the regime has dubbed a “Christmas gift” – have analysts and ex-officials urging the Trump administration to consider tougher treatment toward Pyongyang in 2020.

Kim Jong Un’s regime wants sanctions eased by the end of the year, and its warnings have prompted speculation they could be planning a new missile test, possibly of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead.

President Trump, asked Tuesday in Florida whether he’s concerned about a long-range missile test, quipped that perhaps the dictator is planning a nice gift.

"We'll see what happens. Let's see. Maybe it's a nice present, maybe it's a present where he sends me a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test ... you never know," he said.
(Judson Berger. Trump urged to ‘lower the boom’ on North Korea amid new threats. Fox News. December 25, 2019.)

「やがて中国の崩壊が始まる」(The Coming Collapse of China)の著書でも知られるアメリカのコラムニスト、ゴードン・チャン氏の以下のようなコメントが引用されています。

Gordon Chang, Asia analyst and author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” said it is unclear what exactly Kim might do but it won’t be “something good.”


Chang said Kim has not “reciprocated the good will from” Trump, “so it’s time for President Trump to actually make Kim hurt.” He urged the U.S. to cut off the flow of money and resources to North Korea by going after countries like China flouting sanctions.

“I think that it’s time for President Trump to lower the boom” on North Korea and its sponsors, he said.


it’s time for President Trump to actually make Kim hurt


it’s time for President Trump to lower the boom


ここで、"lower the boom"という表現が目に留まりました。初めて見る表現です。

文脈からその直前の"to actually make Kim hurt"の意味に通じることは明らかですが、辞書を引いてみると、






To act suddenly and forcefully to repress a practice or reprimand an offender; crack down
(American Heritage Dictionary)


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