

「食事中」もマスク? ― in between bites




The office of California Gov. Gavin Newsom has told residents in the Golden State that if they go out to eat, they should be wearing a mask “in between bites” to protect themselves from COVID-19.

“Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend?” an Oct. 3 tweet from the governor’s office says. “Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites.”

For emphasis, the tweet shows an image of someone at a dining seat wearing a mask, then not wearing a mask while taking a bite, and then putting the mask on again.

However, the image then advises people to "minimize the number of times you take your mask off."

California has allowed limited indoor dining to resume in a number of counties. San Francisco allowed indoor dining last week at 25% capacity.
(Adam Shaw. California governor's office tells diners to wear masks 'in between bites.' Fox News. October 6, 2020.)


“Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites.”



これだけであれば、特に無理な要求とも思えませんが、加州の住民は、"in between bites"というテキストの方に反応したようです。

"bite(s)"とは食べ物を咀嚼するために噛むことですが、"between bites"は食べながら、とか食事中に、というような意味合いでほとんど慣用句的に用いられています。

従って、"...keep your mask on... between bites"が食事中、噛んでいる間もマスクをしなさい、と解釈されるのは誤解ではないでしょう。

さらにここでは、"in between bites"となっているのですが、この"in between"は"in the middle of~"(~の間に)という意味合いがあるので、むしろ「食事中」の意味合いを強調していると思われます。


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