

phenotypic age



ところで以下に引用する記事では、いわゆる実年齢(chronological age)と健康面での年齢、「生物学的年齢」(記事中ではbiological ageと出てきます)についての研究についてディスカッションしています。


Want to live longer? New research shows a link between strong heart health and slower biological aging — and there are certain steps that can help you get there. 

The analysis, using data from 6,500 adults who participated in the 2015 to 2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, found that having high cardiovascular health may slow the pace of biological aging. Adults with high cardiovascular health were about 6 years younger biologically than their chronological age, according to the research. 
(Sara Moniuszko. Following these 8 steps for heart health may slow biological aging by 6 years, research shows. CBS News. November 6, 2023.)



phenotypic age


"We found that higher cardiovascular health is associated with decelerated biological aging, as measured by phenotypic age. We also found a dose-dependent association — as heart health goes up, biological aging goes down," study senior author Nour Makarem, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York, said in a news release from the American Heart Association.


"For example, the average actual age of those with high cardiovascular health was 41, yet their average biological age was 36; and the average actual age of those who had low cardiovascular health was 53, though their average biological age was 57," according to the news release.

"phenotypic age"という表現の"phenotypic"は"phenotype"という語の形容詞形で、表現型という訳語になっています。"genotype"(遺伝子型)という言葉との対比で用いられるようです。

上記の引用で、"phenotypic age"は"biological age"と同義で用いられていると解釈できます。

つまり、"phenotypic age"は実年齢ではなく、心臓や血管などの健康面からみた年齢のことであると言えます。


They found that people who had high cardiovascular health had a negative phenotypic age acceleration — meaning that they were physically younger than their actual age.

In contrast, people with low cardiovascular health had a positive phenotypic age acceleration and were physically older than their actual age.
(Marc Lallanilla. Want to live 6 years longer? Follow this 8-step checklist to slow biological aging. New York Post. November 6, 2023.)




ここで、"phenotypic age"とはつまり体内年齢、内臓年齢、ということなのか?果たしてその和訳は?という疑問が出て来ました。

表面的にウェブを検索しただけですが、"phenotypic age"の訳語に体内年齢といった日本語を当てているものは見当たらず、正式な日本語訳として定着していると思われるものは見当たりません。概念としては恐らく近いものがあるのだろうと思うのですが。


心臓や血管の健康は目に見えないものですが、そうした感覚だと"phenotypic age"という表現の解釈は多少混乱してしまいました。

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