

"up"の役割 ― fess up




American drivers constantly do things in their cars that they probably shouldn't — like eating, speeding or looking for contacts in their mobile phone.

But if you ask them if they are safe drivers, they all say "yes." Or very nearly all of them do, according to a new survey conducted for Ford Motor Co. by Penn Schoen Berland.

Indeed, 99% of the 2,506 licensed drivers surveyed in May described themselves as safe drivers. Yet in this same group, 76% fessed up to eating while driving; 55% admitted they exceed speed limits; and 54% talk on a hand-held mobile phone while at the wheel. More than third—37%—said they drive when they are too tired and a quarter 25% admitted to searching for contacts on their phone while driving.
(Mike Ramsey. Drivers Say They're Not the Problem. The Wall Street Journal. August 28, 2012.)

さて、引用した記事の3段落目に出てくる、"fess up"という表現が見慣れないものだったので取り上げました。


American Heritage Dictionaryによりますと、"often used with up"とあり、"up"と共に用いられることが多い単語です。

この"up"に着目すると、罪や誤りなどを認めるという場合のもう1つの表現、"own up"も"up"が使われており、共通点があることが分かります。

しかしながら、"confess up"とは言わないようですし、"fess"と"own"の場合に限って(?)、"up"がよく使われるというのはどういうことだろうかという別の興味がわいてきました。


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