

こんな意味もあったの? ― detail




Secret Service Detail Leaves Gun Unattended on Romney’s Charter Flight

TAMPA — A member of Mitt Romney’s Secret Service detail was removed today from a campaign trip after she accidentally left her firearm unattended in the candidate’s charter plane bathroom.

The agent in question left a gun unattended in the bathroom of the plane during a flight between Tampa and Indiana. The gun was found by a reporter on board who immediately informed the agent, who then went back into the bathroom and retrieved the weapon.
(Emily Friedman. Secret Service Detail Leaves Gun Unattended on Romney’s Charter Flight. ABC News. August 29, 2012.)




(Romney's) Secret Service detail


American Heritage Dictionaryでは下記のように定義されています。

The selection of one or more troops for a particular duty, usually a fatigue duty.
The personnel so selected.
The duty assigned: garbage detail.

"usually a fatigue duty"とあり、"garbage detail"(ゴミ当番?)という用例が示されているのが面白いですが、コーパスなどで見ると、引用記事にあるような、"Secret Service detail"のように、特殊任務を負う部隊、というような意味での用法が多く見られ、雑用係のような意味での実例はあまり見られません。

Jose Pena, a Cartagena taxi driver, told The Associated Press that he picked up the woman after the dispute. She said she left the hotel, where other members of the security detail and the White House press corps were staying, after she was paid $225.
(Associated Press. 2012.)


the kitchen detail 炊事班


Only 25 days into a life sentence for murder, 14-year-old Michael Lewis got into trouble at Lee Arrendale State Prison in Alto, in northeast Georgia. Lewis, known on the streets as "Little B," refused to work on a cleaning detail and cursed a corrections officer.
(Atlanta Journal Constitution. 2003.)

上記記事での"a cleaning detail"とは、掃除係というくらいの意味でしょうか。

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