

special snowflake



Make your kid believe he's a "special snowflake" and you risk turning him into a narcissistic jerk, according to a new Dutch study.

Narcissistic individuals think they're better than everyone else, live for personal success and expect exceptional treatment, explained the authors of the study that appeared in the latest issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. When narcissists experience failure, they’re not pleasant to be around, sometimes even lashing out violently, the study notes.
(Liz Neporent. Too Much Praise Can Turn Your Kids Into Narcissistic Jerks, Study Finds. ABC News. March 9, 2015.)


special snowflake


"special snowflake syndrome"という用語もあります。自分を特別な存在である、と思い込む傾向の強い人のことを、"special snowflake syndrome"にある人と定義づけています。

Generation Y are not bad people. For the most part, we’re educated, open-minded, accepting of others, and confident. But unfortunately, many of us are affected by a condition known as “Special Snowflake Syndrome”.

Special Snowflake Syndrome: The belief that one is a proverbial “unique and special snowflake”. Symptoms include inflated self-importance and an unfailing sense of entitlement. Those with exposure to excessive coddling in childhood are at especially high risk.

Gen Y is one of the first generations who grew up in a world where “everyone wins”, and as such, we often feel we are heroes who “deserve” everything in the world. We deserve a car when we turn 16, we deserve the new iPhone the day it comes out, we deserve to be “internet famous”, and we deserve near-perfect people to establish friendships and relationships with
(Leah Bentley. Overcoming “Special Snowflake Syndrome” as a Millennial. Medium.com. March 10, 2014.)

上記の引用による解説は大変分かりやすいと思いますが、日本で言えば少し前のゆとり教育や、今も教育現場で踏襲されているような、“みんな同じ、平等”のコンセプトがこのような"special snowflake syndrome"を拡大してきたとも読めます。


"special snowflake"は辞書のエントリにありませんので語源など不明ですが、本当はどれも同じような雪の結晶なのに自分だけは違う(specialである)と勘違いする、というところに由来するのだろうと想像します。

2 件のコメント:

  1. special snowflakeの語は1999年のアメリカ映画『ファイト・クラブ』に由来する。
    "You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. "

    1. コメントありがとうございます。なるほど、そうだったのですね。
