

B面 ― on the flip side


The health news on coffee seems to vary daily; one day it's good for you, the next, it may not be.

Yet new findings published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease reveal that coffee could be beneficial for cognitive health, particularly among older individuals.

Researchers at the University of Bari Aldo Moro in Italy conducted a survey of about 1,400 elderly Italians between the ages of 65 and 84 over the course of three years. Findings revealed that those who drank about two cups of coffee a day were less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment (MCI) than those who abstained from drinking coffee.

However, it's important to keep everything in moderation. On the flip side, researchers found that those who drank too much coffee increased their risk for onset of mild cognitive degeneration.
(Kathleen Lees. Coffee And The Brain: Two Cups A Day Reduces Risk Of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Science World Report. August 2, 2015.)



"on the flip side"はまさに、その“逆に”、という概念をあらわす表現ですが、そもそも"flip"って一体なんでしょうか?


辞書を引くと、"on the flip side"とは、レコードのB面のことを言うそうです。

つまり、A面(表)がアルバムタイトルの曲(歌)を録音しているのに対して、裏面(B面)はマイナーな曲(歌)が録音されている、ということから、表立って言われている事柄と対照的に、つまり逆に見られる事象を言うのが、"on the flip side"ということになります。



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