

何と訳す? ー put into play


For months, Donald Trump and members of his political team promised to put reliably Democratic states like New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Oregon into play. But now, with only two months until Election Day, it’s clear that those promises were empty boasts.

The presidential electoral map shows Trump losing key swing states and even barely holding on in some GOP bastions. Given the current numbers, the major question is the size of Hillary Clinton’s electoral vote victory.
(Stuart Rosenberg. Trump said he could put several blue states in play. It’s clear he can’t. The Washington Post. August 30, 2016.)

"put into play"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。

共和党のトランプ氏が、いわゆる民主党支持派が多数とされる"blue states"について、"put into play"することが出来る、と発言している、ということのようですが、この"put into play"をどう訳したものでしょうか?



Since the smaller, stabilizing muscles (such as the muscles of the core) are key to preventing injury, performing exercises that put these muscles into play (along with the major muscles) is advantageous.
(Denver Post, 2007)

研究社の大英和で、"bring into play"という成句の訳に、「活用する」とあるのですが、ここではその意味に近いと思われます。

ここで少し解釈を拡げて考えると、"put into play"というのは、目的語に取る対象を、自らの目的(目標)達成のために援用する、というような意味であると解釈できます。

ところでコーパスを漁っていると、"put into play"の用法は大統領選関係の記事で多く使われているようなのです。幾つか拾ったので下記に示します。

Republican intensity went up dramatically after the first debate. That's why Romney's back in play. And it's not just in the battleground states, Anderson. You know, we -- I have been to Michigan several times. We talked a lot about can governor Romney put Pennsylvania into play.
(CNN, 2012)

Finally, in California, signatures have been submitted for an initiative that would rewrite the constitution and overturn the recent court decision that ruled gay marriage was constitutional. If passed, only marriage between a man and a woman would be valid or recognized in California. Some believe that this issue will put California into play for John McCain in November by turning out conservative votes, but progressives are energized to protect the court's decision, and public opinion continues to move against barring marriage for gay and lesbian couples.
(Ms, 2008)

He took what had been a confined electorate and changed it. In doing so, he put into play states that Democrats never thought they could win - Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Indiana and North Carolina, as well as Ohio and Florida.
(Rolling Stone, 2008)


大統領選のコンテクストであれば、"put into play"が目的語に取る「州」を「獲得する」ということかと思いますが、もっと良い訳はないでしょうか?


"put into play"という英語からこういった日本語訳にはかなり距離がありますね。

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  1. 蘭です。
