アメリカではトランプ大統領が就任後初めての一般教書演説(State of the Union address)を行うということで注目されているところです。
First lady Melania Trump is set to attend President Trump's first State of the Union address after keeping her public appearances to a minimum this past week. Her attendance at Tuesday's night's speech will mark the first public outing she's made with her husband since canceling arrangements to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
While her trip to Switzerland had been on her public schedule, the first lady's press office said there were "too many scheduling and logistical issues," so she would not be traveling to Davos.
As her husband addressed the global economic summit, Mrs. Trump spent Thursday visiting the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum back in D.C. in advance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which was Saturday.
(Melania Trump has kept a low profile but is expected to be at State of the Union. CBS News. January 30, 2018.)
本文中、"keeping her public apppearances to a minimum"とあるところ、タイトルでは
Melania Trump has kept a low profile but is expected to be at State of the Union
この"low profile"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。
ここで、"low profile"という表現を改めて見てみますと、手持ちの英和辞書には載っていないのですが、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryでは、
degree or level of public exposure
"profile"にはもうひとつ、輪郭という意味があり、これは彫刻で彫った時の彫りの深さと関係しています。つまり、"low profile"とは彫りが浅い、従って目立たない、という意味になると考えられます。
"low profile"の逆が"high profile"でこちらは大変に目立つ、という意味です。
しばしば見られる表現として、"high profile case(s)"というのがありますが、世間の耳目を集めた事件や裁判などを指す場合に使われます。
皮肉なことですが、”keep a low profile”は逆に、”high profile”なマスコミの扱いになっていると言えます。
ストローと環境問題 ー last straw
A California politician says he was only thinking of protecting the environment when he proposed a bill making it a crime for dine-in restaurants to offer customers plastic straws without first being asked.
Since introducing his bill last week, Democratic Assemblyman Ian Calderon has been the target of scorn from critics who call his proposal "absurd" and an overreach of government.
"It really is a reasonable measured approach that I think will make a difference," Calderon told ABC News on Monday about his proposed bill.
(Bill Hutchibson. California lawmaker taking flak over plastic straw bill. ABC News. January 29, 2018.)
But critics immediately jumped on him. Assemblyman Travis Allen, a Republican candidate for governor of California, asked people on his campaign Facebook page to protest the bill by flooding Calderon's office with plastic straws.
"Instead of tackling the real issues, today's California Democrats are more interested in giving jail time to waiters offering their customers the convenience of having a straw," Allen told ABC News on Monday. "This is one absurd bill, but it highlights how ridiculous the California Democrats have gotten. This is clearly the last straw."
This is clearly the last straw.
“the last straw”とは、我慢や忍耐の限度、という意味です。
A California politician says he was only thinking of protecting the environment when he proposed a bill making it a crime for dine-in restaurants to offer customers plastic straws without first being asked.
Since introducing his bill last week, Democratic Assemblyman Ian Calderon has been the target of scorn from critics who call his proposal "absurd" and an overreach of government.
"It really is a reasonable measured approach that I think will make a difference," Calderon told ABC News on Monday about his proposed bill.
(Bill Hutchibson. California lawmaker taking flak over plastic straw bill. ABC News. January 29, 2018.)
But critics immediately jumped on him. Assemblyman Travis Allen, a Republican candidate for governor of California, asked people on his campaign Facebook page to protest the bill by flooding Calderon's office with plastic straws.
"Instead of tackling the real issues, today's California Democrats are more interested in giving jail time to waiters offering their customers the convenience of having a straw," Allen told ABC News on Monday. "This is one absurd bill, but it highlights how ridiculous the California Democrats have gotten. This is clearly the last straw."
This is clearly the last straw.
“the last straw”とは、我慢や忍耐の限度、という意味です。
ネット時代の万歩計の落とし穴 ― heatmap
BEIRUT — An interactive map posted on the Internet that shows the whereabouts of people who use fitness devices such as Fitbit also reveals highly sensitive information about the locations and activities of soldiers at U.S. military bases, in what appears to be a major security oversight.
The Global Heat Map, published by the GPS tracking company Strava, uses satellite information to map the locations and movements of subscribers to the company’s fitness service over a two-year period, by illuminating areas of activity.
Strava says it has 27 million users around the world, including people who own widely available fitness devices such as Fitbit and Jawbone, as well as people who directly subscribe to its mobile app. The map is not live — rather, it shows a pattern of accumulated activity between 2015 and September 2017.
In war zones and deserts in countries such as Iraq and Syria, the heat map becomes almost entirely dark — except for scattered pinpricks of activity. Zooming in on those areas brings into focus the locations and outlines of known U.S. military bases, as well as of other unknown and potentially sensitive sites — presumably because American soldiers and other personnel are using fitness trackers as they move around.
Air Force Col. John Thomas, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, said Sunday that the U.S. military is looking into the implications of the map.
(Liz Sly. U.S. soldiers are revealing sensitive and dangerous information by jogging. The Washington Post. January 28, 2018.)
GPSトラッキングシステムの会社が公開したThe Global Heat Mapにたまたまアクセスしたオーストラリアの大学生が指摘したことがきっかけになったようですが、例えば米軍がアフガニスタンやシリアの基地周辺をジョギングした際のトラッキングデータが、ちょうど軍の施設を浮き彫りにするかのようにハイライトするのだそうです。
さて、"heatmap"(もしくは、heat map)という名称はグラフの一種で、データの値の高低を色で表したものです。
BEIRUT — An interactive map posted on the Internet that shows the whereabouts of people who use fitness devices such as Fitbit also reveals highly sensitive information about the locations and activities of soldiers at U.S. military bases, in what appears to be a major security oversight.
The Global Heat Map, published by the GPS tracking company Strava, uses satellite information to map the locations and movements of subscribers to the company’s fitness service over a two-year period, by illuminating areas of activity.
Strava says it has 27 million users around the world, including people who own widely available fitness devices such as Fitbit and Jawbone, as well as people who directly subscribe to its mobile app. The map is not live — rather, it shows a pattern of accumulated activity between 2015 and September 2017.
In war zones and deserts in countries such as Iraq and Syria, the heat map becomes almost entirely dark — except for scattered pinpricks of activity. Zooming in on those areas brings into focus the locations and outlines of known U.S. military bases, as well as of other unknown and potentially sensitive sites — presumably because American soldiers and other personnel are using fitness trackers as they move around.
Air Force Col. John Thomas, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, said Sunday that the U.S. military is looking into the implications of the map.
(Liz Sly. U.S. soldiers are revealing sensitive and dangerous information by jogging. The Washington Post. January 28, 2018.)
GPSトラッキングシステムの会社が公開したThe Global Heat Mapにたまたまアクセスしたオーストラリアの大学生が指摘したことがきっかけになったようですが、例えば米軍がアフガニスタンやシリアの基地周辺をジョギングした際のトラッキングデータが、ちょうど軍の施設を浮き彫りにするかのようにハイライトするのだそうです。
さて、"heatmap"(もしくは、heat map)という名称はグラフの一種で、データの値の高低を色で表したものです。
slippery slope
The birth of these clones also brings up ethical issues. Humans are in the primate family. With this birth, these scientists have broken a barrier and that means the technique could, in theory, be applied to humans. The authors of the paper say they have no intention of trying and they believe their results should spark a wider discussion about the laws and regulations the world needs to regulate cloning.
Darren Griffin, a professor of genetics at the University of Kent, said "careful consideration now needs to be given to the ethical framework under which such experiments can, and should, operate." He noted, critics will evoke, "the slippery slope argument of this being one step closer to human cloning." However, Griffin said he thinks the benefits of this approach are clear and "cautious optimism is my personal response to this study. The study itself is very impressive technically."
(Jen Christensen. Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep. CNN. January 24, 2018.)
slippery slope argument (of this being step close to human cloning)
という部分は、まさしく「ヒトへのクローン技術適用にまた一歩近づいた」ということの懸念を表現していますが、この"slippery slope argument"という表現に着目してみましょう。
"slippery slope"は、Merriam-Websterによりますと、
a course of action that seems to lead inevitably from one action or result to another with unintended consequences
"slippery slope"とは字義通りに解釈すれば、「滑りやすい坂道」であり、そのような坂道では一度躓いてしまえば、坂の下方へ転がり落ちてしまうことが明らかと言えます。
The birth of these clones also brings up ethical issues. Humans are in the primate family. With this birth, these scientists have broken a barrier and that means the technique could, in theory, be applied to humans. The authors of the paper say they have no intention of trying and they believe their results should spark a wider discussion about the laws and regulations the world needs to regulate cloning.
Darren Griffin, a professor of genetics at the University of Kent, said "careful consideration now needs to be given to the ethical framework under which such experiments can, and should, operate." He noted, critics will evoke, "the slippery slope argument of this being one step closer to human cloning." However, Griffin said he thinks the benefits of this approach are clear and "cautious optimism is my personal response to this study. The study itself is very impressive technically."
(Jen Christensen. Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep. CNN. January 24, 2018.)
slippery slope argument (of this being step close to human cloning)
という部分は、まさしく「ヒトへのクローン技術適用にまた一歩近づいた」ということの懸念を表現していますが、この"slippery slope argument"という表現に着目してみましょう。
"slippery slope"は、Merriam-Websterによりますと、
a course of action that seems to lead inevitably from one action or result to another with unintended consequences
"slippery slope"とは字義通りに解釈すれば、「滑りやすい坂道」であり、そのような坂道では一度躓いてしまえば、坂の下方へ転がり落ちてしまうことが明らかと言えます。
中国でサルのクローン作製に成功 ― monkey see, monkey do
Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep
(CNN) — For the first time, scientists say they created cloned primates using the same complicated cloning technique that made Dolly the sheep in 1996.
Shanghai scientists created two genetically identical and adorable long-tailed macaques. The monkeys are named Hua Hua and Zhong Zhong, a version of the Chinese adjective Zhonghua which means the "Chinese nation" or "people."
(Jen Christensen. Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep. CNN. January 24, 2018.)
Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep
のっけから、"Monkey see, monkey 2"という、何やらよく分からないフレーズですね。
"monkey 2"の方は、クローンで作製された2匹のことを指しているというのは想像がつきます。そのことにかけたフレーズといういうことでしょうが、元のフレーズは知らないと分からないかもしれません。(私もこの記事をきっかけに知りました。)
Monkey see, monkey do.
つまり、猿が見たこと("Monkey see")を、そのまま真似して行う("monkey do")、ということですね。
一説によると、この"Monkey see, monkey do."はpidgin English(英語を母語としない中国人などが、ビジネスシーンなどで意思疎通のために最低限の語彙・文法レベルで使う英語)が起源とも言われているそうです。
Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep
(CNN) — For the first time, scientists say they created cloned primates using the same complicated cloning technique that made Dolly the sheep in 1996.
Shanghai scientists created two genetically identical and adorable long-tailed macaques. The monkeys are named Hua Hua and Zhong Zhong, a version of the Chinese adjective Zhonghua which means the "Chinese nation" or "people."
(Jen Christensen. Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep. CNN. January 24, 2018.)
Monkey see, monkey 2: Scientists clone monkeys using technique that created Dolly the sheep
のっけから、"Monkey see, monkey 2"という、何やらよく分からないフレーズですね。
"monkey 2"の方は、クローンで作製された2匹のことを指しているというのは想像がつきます。そのことにかけたフレーズといういうことでしょうが、元のフレーズは知らないと分からないかもしれません。(私もこの記事をきっかけに知りました。)
Monkey see, monkey do.
つまり、猿が見たこと("Monkey see")を、そのまま真似して行う("monkey do")、ということですね。
一説によると、この"Monkey see, monkey do."はpidgin English(英語を母語としない中国人などが、ビジネスシーンなどで意思疎通のために最低限の語彙・文法レベルで使う英語)が起源とも言われているそうです。
In recent months, Silicon Valley executives have been speaking out about the purposely addictive designs of smartphones and social media, which make them hard to put down for anyone, but particularly teenagers.
Now, a new report puts numbers to the warnings, tying a sudden and large drop in adolescents' happiness with the proliferation of smartphones, and finding that the more hours a day teens spend in front of screens, the less satisfied they are.
(Tara Bahrampour. Teens who spend less time in front of screens are happier. The Sydeny Morning Herald. January 24, 2018.)
The report, "Decreases in Psychological Well-Being Among American Adolescents After 2012 and Links to Screen Time During the Rise of Smartphone Technology", was published Monday in the journal Emotion using a large national survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders conducted annually by The University of Michigan.
After rising since the early 1990s, adolescent self-esteem, life satisfaction, and happiness plunged after 2012, the year smartphone ownership reached the 50 percent mark in the US, the report said.
It also found that adolescents' psychological well-being decreased the more hours a week they spent on screens, including the Internet, social media, texting, gaming, and video chats. The findings jibe with earlier studies linking frequent screen use and teenage depression and anxiety.
The findings jibe with earlier studies linking frequent screen use and teenage depression and anxiety.
American Heritage Dictionaryによると、"jive"は音楽のジャズ、スイングを意味する単語ですが、"jibe"の意味で誤用されることが多いという注釈があります。
In recent months, Silicon Valley executives have been speaking out about the purposely addictive designs of smartphones and social media, which make them hard to put down for anyone, but particularly teenagers.
Now, a new report puts numbers to the warnings, tying a sudden and large drop in adolescents' happiness with the proliferation of smartphones, and finding that the more hours a day teens spend in front of screens, the less satisfied they are.
(Tara Bahrampour. Teens who spend less time in front of screens are happier. The Sydeny Morning Herald. January 24, 2018.)
The report, "Decreases in Psychological Well-Being Among American Adolescents After 2012 and Links to Screen Time During the Rise of Smartphone Technology", was published Monday in the journal Emotion using a large national survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th graders conducted annually by The University of Michigan.
After rising since the early 1990s, adolescent self-esteem, life satisfaction, and happiness plunged after 2012, the year smartphone ownership reached the 50 percent mark in the US, the report said.
It also found that adolescents' psychological well-being decreased the more hours a week they spent on screens, including the Internet, social media, texting, gaming, and video chats. The findings jibe with earlier studies linking frequent screen use and teenage depression and anxiety.
The findings jibe with earlier studies linking frequent screen use and teenage depression and anxiety.
American Heritage Dictionaryによると、"jive"は音楽のジャズ、スイングを意味する単語ですが、"jibe"の意味で誤用されることが多いという注釈があります。
Head will roll
“Head will roll”という表現をご存知でしょうか?
Heads continued to roll Monday at the New York City Housing Authority — but not THE head.
Shola Olatoye remained firmly ensconced as chairwoman even as Mayor de Blasio announced the second shake-up of the bungling agency, exactly one week after The Post revealed how NYCHA neglect led to a ceiling collapse that injured a tenant and his girlfriend in Brooklyn.
A mayoral spokeswoman said NYCHA General Manager Michael Kelly, Olatoye’s second-in-command, handed in his resignation, several weeks after informing City Hall he planned to abandon the $216,000-a-year post.
(Another head rolls at troubled city Housing Authority. New York Post. January 22, 2018.)
NYCHA(New York City Housing Agency; ニューヨークの住宅供給公社みたいなものでしょうか)で人事刷新(shake-upが行われたようです。
という訳で、”head will roll”の意味するところは、つまり「クビ」ということです。
“Head will roll”というフレーズについては、ランダムハウス英和では、「ただでは済まない」と載っていました。
Heads continued to roll Monday at the New York City Housing Authority — but not THE head.
Shola Olatoye remained firmly ensconced as chairwoman even as Mayor de Blasio announced the second shake-up of the bungling agency, exactly one week after The Post revealed how NYCHA neglect led to a ceiling collapse that injured a tenant and his girlfriend in Brooklyn.
A mayoral spokeswoman said NYCHA General Manager Michael Kelly, Olatoye’s second-in-command, handed in his resignation, several weeks after informing City Hall he planned to abandon the $216,000-a-year post.
(Another head rolls at troubled city Housing Authority. New York Post. January 22, 2018.)
NYCHA(New York City Housing Agency; ニューヨークの住宅供給公社みたいなものでしょうか)で人事刷新(shake-upが行われたようです。
という訳で、”head will roll”の意味するところは、つまり「クビ」ということです。
“Head will roll”というフレーズについては、ランダムハウス英和では、「ただでは済まない」と載っていました。
探偵のイメージ ー a second lens
Private investigators believe a prominent billionaire couple found dead in their Toronto mansion last month were murdered by multiple people two days before their bodies were discovered, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Saturday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the parallel probe” into the deaths of Honey and Barry Sherman.
The private investigation — which contained graphic details of the alleged ways the Shermans had been killed — at times contradicted early reports about an ongoing investigation by Toronto police, who have remained tight-lipped about the case over the past month.
The family vehemently rejected an early report by the Toronto Star that said police were investigating the possibility of a murder-suicide.
In late December, attorney Brian Greenspan said the family said they had hired private investigators “to provide a second lens and to ensure that no stone is left unturned.”
(Billionaire couple from Toronto was murdered by multiple people, private investigators say. The Washington Post. January 21, 2018.)
provide a second lens
これに反発したのが遺族で、"private investigators"(私立探偵)を雇って独自の捜査を進めたものです。
つまり、探偵を新たに雇ったことを指して"a second lens"と言っている訳なのですが、警察当局が"first lens"、探偵が"second lens"というところでしょうか。
"lens"にもいろいろな種類がありますが、ここでは拡大鏡、もしくは虫眼鏡、英語では”magnifying lens (glass)”を指していると考えることができそうです。
シャーロック・ホームズに代表される探偵のイメージはトレンチコートに虫眼鏡、といったところですが、この”second lens”にも探偵のイメージから来ていると考えると、面白いと思いませんか?
Private investigators believe a prominent billionaire couple found dead in their Toronto mansion last month were murdered by multiple people two days before their bodies were discovered, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Saturday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the parallel probe” into the deaths of Honey and Barry Sherman.
The private investigation — which contained graphic details of the alleged ways the Shermans had been killed — at times contradicted early reports about an ongoing investigation by Toronto police, who have remained tight-lipped about the case over the past month.
The family vehemently rejected an early report by the Toronto Star that said police were investigating the possibility of a murder-suicide.
In late December, attorney Brian Greenspan said the family said they had hired private investigators “to provide a second lens and to ensure that no stone is left unturned.”
(Billionaire couple from Toronto was murdered by multiple people, private investigators say. The Washington Post. January 21, 2018.)
provide a second lens
これに反発したのが遺族で、"private investigators"(私立探偵)を雇って独自の捜査を進めたものです。
つまり、探偵を新たに雇ったことを指して"a second lens"と言っている訳なのですが、警察当局が"first lens"、探偵が"second lens"というところでしょうか。
"lens"にもいろいろな種類がありますが、ここでは拡大鏡、もしくは虫眼鏡、英語では”magnifying lens (glass)”を指していると考えることができそうです。
シャーロック・ホームズに代表される探偵のイメージはトレンチコートに虫眼鏡、といったところですが、この”second lens”にも探偵のイメージから来ていると考えると、面白いと思いませんか?
start a beef
Burger King is looking to start a beef with rival McDonalds. The fast-food restaurant launched a 1/2 pound burger, similar to McDonalds.
In an effort to go after rival McDonald's, Burger King has unveiled a hefty new burger made with a half-pound of beef, and it went on sale Thursday.
The Double Quarter Pound King Sandwich takes direct aim at McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder.
Burger King's version will consists of two beef patties with American cheese, sliced onions, pickles and ketchup on a toasted, sesame seed bun.
(Zlati Meyer. Burger King takes swat at McDonald's with new gut bomb burger. USA Today. January 18, 2018.)
マクドナルドの対抗馬として知られるバーガーキング(Burger King)が宣戦布告、というような記事の内容です。
Burger King is looking to start a beef with rival...
“start a beef with”という表現は、ハンバーガーにビーフ(牛肉)が使われていることにかけて、しゃれを利かせたものでしょう。
Burger King is looking to start a beef with rival McDonalds. The fast-food restaurant launched a 1/2 pound burger, similar to McDonalds.
In an effort to go after rival McDonald's, Burger King has unveiled a hefty new burger made with a half-pound of beef, and it went on sale Thursday.
The Double Quarter Pound King Sandwich takes direct aim at McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder.
Burger King's version will consists of two beef patties with American cheese, sliced onions, pickles and ketchup on a toasted, sesame seed bun.
(Zlati Meyer. Burger King takes swat at McDonald's with new gut bomb burger. USA Today. January 18, 2018.)
マクドナルドの対抗馬として知られるバーガーキング(Burger King)が宣戦布告、というような記事の内容です。
Burger King is looking to start a beef with rival...
“start a beef with”という表現は、ハンバーガーにビーフ(牛肉)が使われていることにかけて、しゃれを利かせたものでしょう。
clear eyes
South Korea says it will continue high-level talks with North Korea with "clear eyes" amid global warnings that Pyongyang might be playing for time to continue its nuclear-arms programme.
"We have to make the most" of the opportunity, South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha told the BBC.
The two Koreas earlier agreed to march under a "unified Korea" flag at next month's Winter Olympics in the South.
The talks come as the US and its allies vowed to keep pressure on the North.
(North Korea crisis: South to continue talks with 'clear eyes.' BBC News. January 18, 2018.)
South Korea says it will continue high-level talks with North Korea with "clear eyes" amid global warnings...
とある部分で、"with clear eyes"という表現が使われていますね。
敢えてダブルクォーテーションで括っているところに、この表現に特別な意味があることが窺えますが、さてはて、この"clear eyes"を何と訳したものでしょうか?
辞書を引いてみましたが、"clear-eyed"はあっても、"with clear eyes"は載っていません。
"clear"は透明な、明瞭な、という形容詞ですから、"with clear eyes"は直訳すれば、透明な(澄んだ)目で以て、ということになるでしょうが、ここでは単に物理的な目(眼)のことを言っているわけではないでしょう。
"clear-eyed"は、明敏な、洞察力のある、という意味で使われるようですので、"with clear eyes"も似たようなものかもしれません。そう解釈しても、何とか記事の該当部分を解釈することは可能です。
コーパスで検索をしてみたところ、"with clear eyes"の用法として近いものには以下のようなものが見られました。
Freeman encourages Americans of every ideological stripe to look with clear eyes at Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. election.
(OregonLive.com, 2017)
The Orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. We must attack it with clear eyes, steady hands, unwavering determination and pride in our country and our values.
(Market Watch, 2016)
It could be that " Desperate Housewives " will never be as good as the first season and, if you want to look back with clear eyes and cold blood, it really wasn't that great in the first place.
(San Francisco Chronicle, 2005)
ちょっと引用が多くなりましたが、このように用例をあたってみると、"with clear eyes"は日本語で言うところの「冷静に」、とか「冷静な姿勢で」、「落ち着いて」、「注意深く」といった意味合いに近いと思われます。
South Korea says it will continue high-level talks with North Korea with "clear eyes" amid global warnings that Pyongyang might be playing for time to continue its nuclear-arms programme.
"We have to make the most" of the opportunity, South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha told the BBC.
The two Koreas earlier agreed to march under a "unified Korea" flag at next month's Winter Olympics in the South.
The talks come as the US and its allies vowed to keep pressure on the North.
(North Korea crisis: South to continue talks with 'clear eyes.' BBC News. January 18, 2018.)
South Korea says it will continue high-level talks with North Korea with "clear eyes" amid global warnings...
とある部分で、"with clear eyes"という表現が使われていますね。
敢えてダブルクォーテーションで括っているところに、この表現に特別な意味があることが窺えますが、さてはて、この"clear eyes"を何と訳したものでしょうか?
辞書を引いてみましたが、"clear-eyed"はあっても、"with clear eyes"は載っていません。
"clear"は透明な、明瞭な、という形容詞ですから、"with clear eyes"は直訳すれば、透明な(澄んだ)目で以て、ということになるでしょうが、ここでは単に物理的な目(眼)のことを言っているわけではないでしょう。
"clear-eyed"は、明敏な、洞察力のある、という意味で使われるようですので、"with clear eyes"も似たようなものかもしれません。そう解釈しても、何とか記事の該当部分を解釈することは可能です。
コーパスで検索をしてみたところ、"with clear eyes"の用法として近いものには以下のようなものが見られました。
Freeman encourages Americans of every ideological stripe to look with clear eyes at Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. election.
(OregonLive.com, 2017)
The Orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. We must attack it with clear eyes, steady hands, unwavering determination and pride in our country and our values.
(Market Watch, 2016)
It could be that " Desperate Housewives " will never be as good as the first season and, if you want to look back with clear eyes and cold blood, it really wasn't that great in the first place.
(San Francisco Chronicle, 2005)
ちょっと引用が多くなりましたが、このように用例をあたってみると、"with clear eyes"は日本語で言うところの「冷静に」、とか「冷静な姿勢で」、「落ち着いて」、「注意深く」といった意味合いに近いと思われます。
poke and prod
There were plenty of important questions asked to Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, President Donald Trump’s personal physician, during his nearly hour-long marathon briefing on Trump’s health. But the longer it went on, the more opportunity it gave reporters to exhaust every question they could think of—leading some on the right to paint the media as unwilling to accept that the president is in good health.
Donald Trump, Jr. weighed in on Twitter, saying, “Watching media trying to ask the Rear Admiral Jackson (The White House Dr) questions in ways that leaves an opening to attack @realDonaldTrump's health after an amazing report, cognitive & otherwise, is like watching Dumb & Dumber 1:1,000,000 ‘So you're saying there's a chance!’”
The Daily Caller editor in chief Geoffrey Ingersoll tweeted, “WH press accepting the results of Trump's cognitive exam like they did the results of the 2016 election.”
(Jason Schwartz. The media pokes and prods at Trump’s health. Politico. January 16, 2018.)
The media pokes and prods at Trump’s health
とありますが、この"poke(s) and prod(s)"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。
poke and pry
なるほど、この度の記者会見では馬鹿げた内容の質問も含めて、産業医へ多くの質問が投げかけられたそうで、"poke and prod"も「詮索」の意味がふさわしいかと思いました。
ところが、"poke and prod"については、コーパスで検索してみると、用例としては"doctor"という単語と一緒に使われている例が多いことに気づきました。例えば、下記のような用例があります。
Discussing his late-season health scare and his subsequent recovery, Baker said, "I'm doing great. The rest does wonders. Being at home, being with your family... plus I've been poked and prodded with doctors from all over to determine what was wrong and to make sure it doesn't come back."
(St. Louis Post, 2012)
Over the next hour, he groaned and grimaced and eventually fell asleep, as Lisa Ripi, the traveling N.F.L. acupuncturist, went to work. Ripi poked and prodded Richardson on a recent Tuesday, using blue and pink needles, until his body resembled a road map marked with 120 destinations.
(New York Times, 2010)
これらの用例を見ると、"poke and prod"がそもそも意味するところは、医師等が患者の体を診る際に触診したり、器具をあてたり、といった極めて具体的な行為のことを指していたのではないかと思われました。
そうすると、記事のタイトルでの用例にまた戻って考えてみると、産業医が診断結果を記者会見で公表したところへ、メディアの記者達がこぞって"pokes and prods at Trump’s health"、つまり(医師でもない記者達が)まるで医者であるかのようにトランプ氏の健康状態を詮索した、という皮肉にも解釈できます。
There were plenty of important questions asked to Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, President Donald Trump’s personal physician, during his nearly hour-long marathon briefing on Trump’s health. But the longer it went on, the more opportunity it gave reporters to exhaust every question they could think of—leading some on the right to paint the media as unwilling to accept that the president is in good health.
Donald Trump, Jr. weighed in on Twitter, saying, “Watching media trying to ask the Rear Admiral Jackson (The White House Dr) questions in ways that leaves an opening to attack @realDonaldTrump's health after an amazing report, cognitive & otherwise, is like watching Dumb & Dumber 1:1,000,000 ‘So you're saying there's a chance!’”
The Daily Caller editor in chief Geoffrey Ingersoll tweeted, “WH press accepting the results of Trump's cognitive exam like they did the results of the 2016 election.”
(Jason Schwartz. The media pokes and prods at Trump’s health. Politico. January 16, 2018.)
The media pokes and prods at Trump’s health
とありますが、この"poke(s) and prod(s)"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。
poke and pry
なるほど、この度の記者会見では馬鹿げた内容の質問も含めて、産業医へ多くの質問が投げかけられたそうで、"poke and prod"も「詮索」の意味がふさわしいかと思いました。
ところが、"poke and prod"については、コーパスで検索してみると、用例としては"doctor"という単語と一緒に使われている例が多いことに気づきました。例えば、下記のような用例があります。
Discussing his late-season health scare and his subsequent recovery, Baker said, "I'm doing great. The rest does wonders. Being at home, being with your family... plus I've been poked and prodded with doctors from all over to determine what was wrong and to make sure it doesn't come back."
(St. Louis Post, 2012)
Over the next hour, he groaned and grimaced and eventually fell asleep, as Lisa Ripi, the traveling N.F.L. acupuncturist, went to work. Ripi poked and prodded Richardson on a recent Tuesday, using blue and pink needles, until his body resembled a road map marked with 120 destinations.
(New York Times, 2010)
これらの用例を見ると、"poke and prod"がそもそも意味するところは、医師等が患者の体を診る際に触診したり、器具をあてたり、といった極めて具体的な行為のことを指していたのではないかと思われました。
そうすると、記事のタイトルでの用例にまた戻って考えてみると、産業医が診断結果を記者会見で公表したところへ、メディアの記者達がこぞって"pokes and prods at Trump’s health"、つまり(医師でもない記者達が)まるで医者であるかのようにトランプ氏の健康状態を詮索した、という皮肉にも解釈できます。
The West Wing
Washington (CNN) — White House aides have been told to decide before the end of January whether they intend to leave the administration or stay through the November midterm elections, an official said, a deadline intended to help bring a sense of order to an anticipated staffing exodus.
President Donald Trump is finding it difficult to recruit staff to fill the vacancies, several people close to the West Wing say, as he faces the second year of his administration with daunting political odds and an ongoing Russia investigation.
(Facing staffing exodus, Trump struggles to fill West Wing. CNN. January 10, 2018.)
Facing staffing exodus, Trump struggles to fill West Wing
とあり、この"West Wing"という表現は初めて見たのですが、つまりはホワイトハウス(The White House)を指すということを知りました。
厳密にはホワイトハウスの大統領執務室(Oval Office)があり、サポートの職員が詰めているところの西棟を指すのですが、ホワイトハウスと言えば西棟、西棟と言えばホワイトハウス、ということで、ほぼホワイトハウスの代名詞として確立したもののようです。
わたしは見たことはありませんが、NBCテレビ制作のテレビドラマでNHKでも放映されたらしい「ホワイトハウス」というタイトルのドラマは、原題は"The West Wing"だったそうです。
Washington (CNN) — White House aides have been told to decide before the end of January whether they intend to leave the administration or stay through the November midterm elections, an official said, a deadline intended to help bring a sense of order to an anticipated staffing exodus.
President Donald Trump is finding it difficult to recruit staff to fill the vacancies, several people close to the West Wing say, as he faces the second year of his administration with daunting political odds and an ongoing Russia investigation.
(Facing staffing exodus, Trump struggles to fill West Wing. CNN. January 10, 2018.)
Facing staffing exodus, Trump struggles to fill West Wing
とあり、この"West Wing"という表現は初めて見たのですが、つまりはホワイトハウス(The White House)を指すということを知りました。
厳密にはホワイトハウスの大統領執務室(Oval Office)があり、サポートの職員が詰めているところの西棟を指すのですが、ホワイトハウスと言えば西棟、西棟と言えばホワイトハウス、ということで、ほぼホワイトハウスの代名詞として確立したもののようです。
わたしは見たことはありませんが、NBCテレビ制作のテレビドラマでNHKでも放映されたらしい「ホワイトハウス」というタイトルのドラマは、原題は"The West Wing"だったそうです。
なかなか寝付けない人へ ― drift off
For the millions of people who have trouble falling asleep, a new study suggests adding a simple practice before bed may reduce the time it takes to drift off. It’s not meditation or even journaling per se—it’s writing a list of all the things you need to get done the next day. Writing a to-do list may allow the brain to “dump” all the items it’s trying to keep track of, effectively freeing it to fall asleep.
The researchers from Baylor University had half of a group of healthy young (18-30 year old) participants write down the things they needed to do the next day or in the coming days (the study took place on a weeknight). The other half wrote about what they’d accomplished in the previous few days. Then the participants slept in the lab, undergoing polysomnography, which tracks sleep via brain waves, blood oxygen level, heart rate, breathing, and eye and leg movements.
It turned out that people who wrote to-do lists fell asleep nine minutes sooner than people who wrote about the previous days’ accomplishments—and the more specific the lists were, the sooner the participants fell asleep. Nine minutes is not a lot, but the authors say it’s similar to the effect of certain sleep medications.
(Alice G Walton. Writing A 'To-Do' List May Help You Fall Asleep Faster. Forbes. January 14, 2018.)
drift off
to fall asleep
"drift off"の意味するところは単に眠るではなく、人が眠りに落ちる時のウトウトした状態を示すものでしょう。
For the millions of people who have trouble falling asleep, a new study suggests adding a simple practice before bed may reduce the time it takes to drift off. It’s not meditation or even journaling per se—it’s writing a list of all the things you need to get done the next day. Writing a to-do list may allow the brain to “dump” all the items it’s trying to keep track of, effectively freeing it to fall asleep.
The researchers from Baylor University had half of a group of healthy young (18-30 year old) participants write down the things they needed to do the next day or in the coming days (the study took place on a weeknight). The other half wrote about what they’d accomplished in the previous few days. Then the participants slept in the lab, undergoing polysomnography, which tracks sleep via brain waves, blood oxygen level, heart rate, breathing, and eye and leg movements.
It turned out that people who wrote to-do lists fell asleep nine minutes sooner than people who wrote about the previous days’ accomplishments—and the more specific the lists were, the sooner the participants fell asleep. Nine minutes is not a lot, but the authors say it’s similar to the effect of certain sleep medications.
(Alice G Walton. Writing A 'To-Do' List May Help You Fall Asleep Faster. Forbes. January 14, 2018.)
drift off
to fall asleep
"drift off"の意味するところは単に眠るではなく、人が眠りに落ちる時のウトウトした状態を示すものでしょう。
(CNN) — Federal judges said Tuesday that North Carolina will have to quickly redraw its 13 congressional districts because the map is unconstitutionally partisan.
The three-judge panel rejected the previous map drawn by the Republican-controlled General Assembly, saying it violates the Equal Protection Clause, the First Amendment, and Article I of the Constitution.
The judges gave the state about three weeks to file a new plan with the court so it will be in place before the 2018 midterms.
The opinion is the first federal court ruling to strike down a congressional map as representing a partisan gerrymander.
(Steve Almasy. Judges order North Carolina congressional districts redrawn quickly. CNN. January 10, 2018.)
遡ること1800年代になりますが、アメリカ・マサチューセッツ州のElbridge Gerry州知事が自党に有利になるように選挙区の区割りを行ったことで批判されました。
(CNN) — Federal judges said Tuesday that North Carolina will have to quickly redraw its 13 congressional districts because the map is unconstitutionally partisan.
The three-judge panel rejected the previous map drawn by the Republican-controlled General Assembly, saying it violates the Equal Protection Clause, the First Amendment, and Article I of the Constitution.
The judges gave the state about three weeks to file a new plan with the court so it will be in place before the 2018 midterms.
The opinion is the first federal court ruling to strike down a congressional map as representing a partisan gerrymander.
(Steve Almasy. Judges order North Carolina congressional districts redrawn quickly. CNN. January 10, 2018.)
遡ること1800年代になりますが、アメリカ・マサチューセッツ州のElbridge Gerry州知事が自党に有利になるように選挙区の区割りを行ったことで批判されました。
WASHINGTON — A battle is brewing in Congress over whether to put pork back on the legislative menu.
This isn’t about bacon, but so-called “earmarks,” the specially-tagged funding provisions tucked into spending bills by members of Congress to channel federal money to favored home-state projects.
Critics say the funding provisions foster profligate spending and corruption — with millions of dollars doled out to lawmakers with the most political muscle, rather than to the projects with the most merit. House Republicans banned the provisions in 2011 after an earmark-related corruption scandal sent a former lawmaker and lobbyist to prison.
(Could pork make a comeback? Trump and Congress consider reviving earmarks. USA Today. January 9, 2018.)
前回取り上げた"pork barrel"は、政治家が自身の選挙区に有利な計らいをするという意味合いでした。
"earmark"には、ある目的のために使うためにあらかじめ取っておく、という意味合いもあり、たくわえ、ストックなどとも訳されますが、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryの定義では、
a provision in Congressional legislation that allocates a specified amount of money for a specific project, program, or organization
WASHINGTON — A battle is brewing in Congress over whether to put pork back on the legislative menu.
This isn’t about bacon, but so-called “earmarks,” the specially-tagged funding provisions tucked into spending bills by members of Congress to channel federal money to favored home-state projects.
Critics say the funding provisions foster profligate spending and corruption — with millions of dollars doled out to lawmakers with the most political muscle, rather than to the projects with the most merit. House Republicans banned the provisions in 2011 after an earmark-related corruption scandal sent a former lawmaker and lobbyist to prison.
(Could pork make a comeback? Trump and Congress consider reviving earmarks. USA Today. January 9, 2018.)
前回取り上げた"pork barrel"は、政治家が自身の選挙区に有利な計らいをするという意味合いでした。
"earmark"には、ある目的のために使うためにあらかじめ取っておく、という意味合いもあり、たくわえ、ストックなどとも訳されますが、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryの定義では、
a provision in Congressional legislation that allocates a specified amount of money for a specific project, program, or organization
デタント ― detente
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, spent 2017 rattling the world with nuclear and long-range missile tests and has promised more provocations in 2018. So it was a surprise when he deftly seized on the Winter Olympics on Tuesday to turn toward diplomacy with Seoul, playing the part of the statesman even while seeking fractures in the seven-decade alliance between South Korea and the United States.
After his outreach to Seoul on New Year’s Day, Mr. Kim agreed to send a team to compete in the Olympics next month when the Winter Games open in the South Korean town of Pyeongchang. That was followed by an announcement about resumption of military-to-military talks between the two countries — without the United States.
All this is a relief to South Korea’s leader, President Moon Jae-in, who feared the North would find a way — missile launches, terrorism, a nuclear test — to cast a pall over a sports event meant to highlight the South’s emergence as one of the world’s most dynamic economies.
Few in Seoul or Washington believe Mr. Kim, though an avid sports fan, is motivated solely by the Olympic spirit. The Winter Games also present him with an ideal opportunity to throw a wrench in President Trump’s threats of military action if the North does not agree to give up its nuclear program.
(North Korea Moves Toward Détente With Seoul. The Washington Post. January 9, 2018.)
North Korea Moves Toward Détente With Seoul
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, spent 2017 rattling the world with nuclear and long-range missile tests and has promised more provocations in 2018. So it was a surprise when he deftly seized on the Winter Olympics on Tuesday to turn toward diplomacy with Seoul, playing the part of the statesman even while seeking fractures in the seven-decade alliance between South Korea and the United States.
After his outreach to Seoul on New Year’s Day, Mr. Kim agreed to send a team to compete in the Olympics next month when the Winter Games open in the South Korean town of Pyeongchang. That was followed by an announcement about resumption of military-to-military talks between the two countries — without the United States.
All this is a relief to South Korea’s leader, President Moon Jae-in, who feared the North would find a way — missile launches, terrorism, a nuclear test — to cast a pall over a sports event meant to highlight the South’s emergence as one of the world’s most dynamic economies.
Few in Seoul or Washington believe Mr. Kim, though an avid sports fan, is motivated solely by the Olympic spirit. The Winter Games also present him with an ideal opportunity to throw a wrench in President Trump’s threats of military action if the North does not agree to give up its nuclear program.
(North Korea Moves Toward Détente With Seoul. The Washington Post. January 9, 2018.)
North Korea Moves Toward Détente With Seoul
A Texas woman died from a "flesh-eating" bacteria after eating raw oysters during a visit on the Louisiana coast.
That's according to Vicki Bergquist, who told Lafeyette's KLFY that her wife and a friend shucked and ate about two-dozen oysters before a rash appeared on her legs about 36 hours later.
They had purchased the raw oysters at a market in the New Orleans suburb of Westwego. Bergquist thought her wife, Jeanette LeBlanc, had an allergy.
(Josh Hafner. Woman dies from 'flesh-eating' bacteria after eating oysters. USA Today. January 8, 2018.)
ここ数年よく目にするようになった、"flesh-eating bacteria"(日本語でいわゆる「人食いバクテリア」と呼ばれています)による死亡事故があったようです。
"flesh-eating bacteria"による症状は専門的には壊死性筋膜炎と呼ばれるものだそうですが、傷口などが特殊な菌に感染することで体の細胞組織が壊死し、進行すると死に至るという恐ろしいものです。
A Texas woman died from a "flesh-eating" bacteria after eating raw oysters during a visit on the Louisiana coast.
That's according to Vicki Bergquist, who told Lafeyette's KLFY that her wife and a friend shucked and ate about two-dozen oysters before a rash appeared on her legs about 36 hours later.
They had purchased the raw oysters at a market in the New Orleans suburb of Westwego. Bergquist thought her wife, Jeanette LeBlanc, had an allergy.
(Josh Hafner. Woman dies from 'flesh-eating' bacteria after eating oysters. USA Today. January 8, 2018.)
ここ数年よく目にするようになった、"flesh-eating bacteria"(日本語でいわゆる「人食いバクテリア」と呼ばれています)による死亡事故があったようです。
"flesh-eating bacteria"による症状は専門的には壊死性筋膜炎と呼ばれるものだそうですが、傷口などが特殊な菌に感染することで体の細胞組織が壊死し、進行すると死に至るという恐ろしいものです。
逆走車 ー wrong-way driver
WOODLAND, Calif. (KCRA) — Six people are dead following a fiery two-vehicle crash along Interstate 5, and the California Highway Patrol is blaming the tragedy on a wrong-way driver.
The incident started with multiple calls to the CHP around 12:30 Sunday morning about a wrong-way driver, traveling southbound in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, just north of County Road 17 in the small community of Yolo.
When officers arrived on scene they found two vehicles engulfed in flames after a violent collision that burned portions of the freeway, leaving a white residue on the roadway.
(Mike Luery. CHP: Wrong-way driver to blame for fiery crash that killed 6 people. KCRA Sacramento. January 7, 2018.)
a wrong-way driver
“wrong”という単語を、悪い、間違っている、と暗記してしまっているからですが、”wrong”には逆の、裏の、という意味もあります。(”wrong side”は裏側、の意味ですね。)
WOODLAND, Calif. (KCRA) — Six people are dead following a fiery two-vehicle crash along Interstate 5, and the California Highway Patrol is blaming the tragedy on a wrong-way driver.
The incident started with multiple calls to the CHP around 12:30 Sunday morning about a wrong-way driver, traveling southbound in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5, just north of County Road 17 in the small community of Yolo.
When officers arrived on scene they found two vehicles engulfed in flames after a violent collision that burned portions of the freeway, leaving a white residue on the roadway.
(Mike Luery. CHP: Wrong-way driver to blame for fiery crash that killed 6 people. KCRA Sacramento. January 7, 2018.)
a wrong-way driver
“wrong”という単語を、悪い、間違っている、と暗記してしまっているからですが、”wrong”には逆の、裏の、という意味もあります。(”wrong side”は裏側、の意味ですね。)
take a page from
Taking a page from the millions of people who make New Year's resolutions to quit smoking, Philip Morris International (PM), which traces its roots to a 19th century London tobacconist's shop, has announced it hopes to kick the habit as well.
In full-page ads in several U.K. newspapers on Thursday, Philip Morris said it aims to quit selling cigarettes Britain at an unspecified future date, a goal the company admits won't be easy to meet. It plans to launch a website to provide smokers with information on quitting and on alternatives to cigarettes.
Philip Morris also plans to support antismoking efforts of local U.K. governments in areas where smoking rates are highest and to seek approvals to insert information on quitting and switching to alternatives into cigarette packs.
"We believe we have an important role to play in helping the U.K. become smoke-free," wrote Peter Nixon, managing director of PML, in a letter to U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May. "The commitments announced today are practical steps that could accelerate that goal. We recognize that never starting to smoke -- or quitting altogether -- are always the best option."
(Jonathan Berr. Philip Morris wants to quit its tobacco habit. CBS News. January 5, 2018.)
Taking a page from...
手元の英和辞書で“page”のエントリを確認してみたのですが、“taking a page from...”といった成句は確認出来ませんでした。
taking a page from someone’s book
ここで、“someone’s book”の意味するところは何なのかという疑問が沸きます。
それで、“book”のエントリを改めて辞書で引いてみると、“take a leaf out of person’s book”という成句が確認できました。
Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsでは、
If you take a leaf out of someone’s book or take a leaf from their book, you copy them and behave or do something in the same way as them...
Taking a page from the millions of people who make New Year's resolutions to quit smoking, Philip Morris International (PM), which traces its roots to a 19th century London tobacconist's shop, has announced it hopes to kick the habit as well.
In full-page ads in several U.K. newspapers on Thursday, Philip Morris said it aims to quit selling cigarettes Britain at an unspecified future date, a goal the company admits won't be easy to meet. It plans to launch a website to provide smokers with information on quitting and on alternatives to cigarettes.
Philip Morris also plans to support antismoking efforts of local U.K. governments in areas where smoking rates are highest and to seek approvals to insert information on quitting and switching to alternatives into cigarette packs.
"We believe we have an important role to play in helping the U.K. become smoke-free," wrote Peter Nixon, managing director of PML, in a letter to U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May. "The commitments announced today are practical steps that could accelerate that goal. We recognize that never starting to smoke -- or quitting altogether -- are always the best option."
(Jonathan Berr. Philip Morris wants to quit its tobacco habit. CBS News. January 5, 2018.)
Taking a page from...
手元の英和辞書で“page”のエントリを確認してみたのですが、“taking a page from...”といった成句は確認出来ませんでした。
taking a page from someone’s book
ここで、“someone’s book”の意味するところは何なのかという疑問が沸きます。
それで、“book”のエントリを改めて辞書で引いてみると、“take a leaf out of person’s book”という成句が確認できました。
Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsでは、
If you take a leaf out of someone’s book or take a leaf from their book, you copy them and behave or do something in the same way as them...
Good riddance.
Airlines have been shrinking their seats for a long time, aiming to reduce the planes’ weight and squeeze in more passengers. But lately, some carriers have been going one step further in redesigning their seats: They’re taking away the seatback screens.
Formally called in-flight entertainment, the screens, and the preselected media on them, go a long way toward keeping passengers happy and distracted. The longer the flight, the more useful the seatback entertainment becomes.
(Martha C White. Those Seatback Screens on Planes Are Starting to Disappear. New York Times. January 1, 2018.)
Some travelers are happy to say “good riddance” to the seatback screens. Lindsay Renfro, an associate professor at the Mayo Clinic, is among them. She travels about once a month for her job developing clinical trials for cancer research and views seatback entertainment as something of a redundant amenity.
“There are screens everywhere else in life,” she said. “I know that when I am flying and I look around me, people are by and large using personal devices, even when a seatback screen is available to them.”
good riddance
そして、”good riddance”は、いい厄介払いだ、つまり、(無くなって)せいせいする、というくらいの意味です。
Airlines have been shrinking their seats for a long time, aiming to reduce the planes’ weight and squeeze in more passengers. But lately, some carriers have been going one step further in redesigning their seats: They’re taking away the seatback screens.
Formally called in-flight entertainment, the screens, and the preselected media on them, go a long way toward keeping passengers happy and distracted. The longer the flight, the more useful the seatback entertainment becomes.
(Martha C White. Those Seatback Screens on Planes Are Starting to Disappear. New York Times. January 1, 2018.)
Some travelers are happy to say “good riddance” to the seatback screens. Lindsay Renfro, an associate professor at the Mayo Clinic, is among them. She travels about once a month for her job developing clinical trials for cancer research and views seatback entertainment as something of a redundant amenity.
“There are screens everywhere else in life,” she said. “I know that when I am flying and I look around me, people are by and large using personal devices, even when a seatback screen is available to them.”
good riddance
そして、”good riddance”は、いい厄介払いだ、つまり、(無くなって)せいせいする、というくらいの意味です。
フレッシュの意味? ー fresh
ハンバーガー最大手のマクドナルドがアメリカ国内のいくつかの店舗限定で、”fresh beef”を使った新バーガーを試験的に導入すると発表しました。
McDonald’s is testing a new burger that is made with fresh beef, the Archburger.
A reference to the company's Golden Arches logo, the Archburger is going for a trial run at seven locations in the U.S. according to a research note by the brokerage Instinet.
In March, the Oak Park, Ill.-based chain announced it would start making its iconic Quarter Pounder with fresh beef in 2018.
McDonald's has been under increasing pressure to move to fresh-beef burgers due to the popularity of rival chains that offer them, from Shake Shack to In-N-Out Burger.
(Zlati Meyer. Fresh beef from McDonald's? Here comes the Archburger. USA Today. January 2, 2018.)
しかし、素朴な疑問なのですが、”fresh beef”を使ったハンバーガーって、実際どういうことなのでしょうか?
Merriam-Webster Dictionaryを引いてみると、
having its original qualities unimpaired: (中略)not altered by processing
それでは本題に戻りますと、マクドナルドの「究極のバーガー」なる新商品は「加工肉」を使わず、生肉(それとも、精肉?)から店舗で調理をするということでしょうか?(ビーフパティの材料になる挽肉は加工肉なのでしょうか、それとも”fresh meat”の扱いなのでしょうか?)
この前提に立てば、”fresh meat”を使うということの意味は、工場で加工されたパティを使わない、つまり各店舗で注文を受けてからパティを加工する、ということを指しているようにも解釈できます。
McDonald's confirmed the Archburger test, but declined to share details.
ハンバーガー最大手のマクドナルドがアメリカ国内のいくつかの店舗限定で、”fresh beef”を使った新バーガーを試験的に導入すると発表しました。
McDonald’s is testing a new burger that is made with fresh beef, the Archburger.
A reference to the company's Golden Arches logo, the Archburger is going for a trial run at seven locations in the U.S. according to a research note by the brokerage Instinet.
In March, the Oak Park, Ill.-based chain announced it would start making its iconic Quarter Pounder with fresh beef in 2018.
McDonald's has been under increasing pressure to move to fresh-beef burgers due to the popularity of rival chains that offer them, from Shake Shack to In-N-Out Burger.
(Zlati Meyer. Fresh beef from McDonald's? Here comes the Archburger. USA Today. January 2, 2018.)
しかし、素朴な疑問なのですが、”fresh beef”を使ったハンバーガーって、実際どういうことなのでしょうか?
Merriam-Webster Dictionaryを引いてみると、
having its original qualities unimpaired: (中略)not altered by processing
それでは本題に戻りますと、マクドナルドの「究極のバーガー」なる新商品は「加工肉」を使わず、生肉(それとも、精肉?)から店舗で調理をするということでしょうか?(ビーフパティの材料になる挽肉は加工肉なのでしょうか、それとも”fresh meat”の扱いなのでしょうか?)
この前提に立てば、”fresh meat”を使うということの意味は、工場で加工されたパティを使わない、つまり各店舗で注文を受けてからパティを加工する、ということを指しているようにも解釈できます。
McDonald's confirmed the Archburger test, but declined to share details.
退ける ー hold off
In a battle of box office heavyweights, Luke Skywalker just managed to hold off Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the world rang in another year.
Disney and LucasFilm’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” retained first place for the four-day New Year’s holiday weekend despite steep competition from Sony’s “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.” “Last Jedi” picked up an estimated $68.4 million, bringing its domestic haul to $533.1 million.
(Brent Lang. Box Office: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Holds Off ‘Jumanji’ on New Year’s Weekend. Variety. January 1, 2018.)
hold off
“hold off”を辞書で引くと、
“hold off”にはもう一つ、延期する、という意味もあるのですが、対抗相手を退けるという意味では下記のように、スポーツ試合のコンテクストで用いられることが多いようです。
Holding off major winners Mickelson and Duval and 2002 U.S. Amateur champion Ricky Barnes by two shots, Glover shot rounds of 69-64-70-73 to finish at 4-under-par 276 in the Open's first 72-hole Monday finish in 26 years.
(USA Today, 2009)
In a battle of box office heavyweights, Luke Skywalker just managed to hold off Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the world rang in another year.
Disney and LucasFilm’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” retained first place for the four-day New Year’s holiday weekend despite steep competition from Sony’s “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.” “Last Jedi” picked up an estimated $68.4 million, bringing its domestic haul to $533.1 million.
(Brent Lang. Box Office: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Holds Off ‘Jumanji’ on New Year’s Weekend. Variety. January 1, 2018.)
hold off
“hold off”を辞書で引くと、
“hold off”にはもう一つ、延期する、という意味もあるのですが、対抗相手を退けるという意味では下記のように、スポーツ試合のコンテクストで用いられることが多いようです。
Holding off major winners Mickelson and Duval and 2002 U.S. Amateur champion Ricky Barnes by two shots, Glover shot rounds of 69-64-70-73 to finish at 4-under-par 276 in the Open's first 72-hole Monday finish in 26 years.
(USA Today, 2009)
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, moved Monday to ease his country’s isolation by offering to send a delegation to the Winter Olympics in South Korea next month, even as he claimed to have accomplished the ability to launch a nuclear missile at the mainland United States.
Mixing the nuclear threat with an overture for easing tensions on the divided Korean Peninsula, Mr. Kim proposed immediate dialogue with South Korea to discuss the North’s participation in the Olympics.
If such talks were held, they would mark the first time the two Koreas have had an official dialogue since the South’s new president, Moon Jae-in, took office in May. Mr. Moon has doggedly championed dialogue with the North, even as President Trump has threatened military action to stop the North’s nuclear weapons program.
(Choe Sang Hun. Kim Jong-un’s Overture to South Korea Signals Possible Thaw in Nuclear Crisis. New York Times. December 31, 2017.)
something first offered or suggested with the hope of reaching an agreement
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, moved Monday to ease his country’s isolation by offering to send a delegation to the Winter Olympics in South Korea next month, even as he claimed to have accomplished the ability to launch a nuclear missile at the mainland United States.
Mixing the nuclear threat with an overture for easing tensions on the divided Korean Peninsula, Mr. Kim proposed immediate dialogue with South Korea to discuss the North’s participation in the Olympics.
If such talks were held, they would mark the first time the two Koreas have had an official dialogue since the South’s new president, Moon Jae-in, took office in May. Mr. Moon has doggedly championed dialogue with the North, even as President Trump has threatened military action to stop the North’s nuclear weapons program.
(Choe Sang Hun. Kim Jong-un’s Overture to South Korea Signals Possible Thaw in Nuclear Crisis. New York Times. December 31, 2017.)
something first offered or suggested with the hope of reaching an agreement
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
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