

探偵のイメージ ー a second lens


Private investigators believe a prominent billionaire couple found dead in their Toronto mansion last month were murdered by multiple people two days before their bodies were discovered, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Saturday, citing a source “with direct knowledge of the parallel probe” into the deaths of Honey and Barry Sherman.

The private investigation — which contained graphic details of the alleged ways the Shermans had been killed — at times contradicted early reports about an ongoing investigation by Toronto police, who have remained tight-lipped about the case over the past month.


The family vehemently rejected an early report by the Toronto Star that said police were investigating the possibility of a murder-suicide.

In late December, attorney Brian Greenspan said the family said they had hired private investigators “to provide a second lens and to ensure that no stone is left unturned.”
(Billionaire couple from Toronto was murdered by multiple people, private investigators say. The Washington Post. January 21, 2018.)


provide a second lens




これに反発したのが遺族で、"private investigators"(私立探偵)を雇って独自の捜査を進めたものです。

つまり、探偵を新たに雇ったことを指して"a second lens"と言っている訳なのですが、警察当局が"first lens"、探偵が"second lens"というところでしょうか。

"lens"にもいろいろな種類がありますが、ここでは拡大鏡、もしくは虫眼鏡、英語では”magnifying lens (glass)”を指していると考えることができそうです。

シャーロック・ホームズに代表される探偵のイメージはトレンチコートに虫眼鏡、といったところですが、この”second lens”にも探偵のイメージから来ていると考えると、面白いと思いませんか?

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