

down payment



SEOUL, South Korea — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that in his meeting with Kim Jong-un on Sunday, the leader of North Korea had agreed to allow inspectors into a key nuclear testing site that the North has claimed it blew up, a down payment on the country’s commitment to denuclearize the country.

Mr. Pompeo, whose planned trip to the North in August was canceled by President Trump because of a lack of progress, described his few hours on the ground in Pyongyang, the capital, as a “good trip.”
(North Korea Agrees to Allow Inspectors Into Nuclear Testing Site, Pompeo Says. The New York Times. October 7, 2018.)



ところで、引用した記事で、”down payment”という表現が使われています。

“down payment”というのは「頭金」、つまり何か大きな買い物をする時に、購入の意思表示として総額の一部を先に支払うことですが、

the first step in a process
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)



その第一歩(a down payment)としての核査察受入なのだと理解しました。


On Sunday, Mr. Pompeo said nothing about making significant breakthroughs, except for the North’s agreement to allow inspectors into Punggye Ri, a network of underground tunnels where the North has conducted all of its nuclear tests, including one last November that it claimed was a successful test of a hydrogen bomb.

Missing from Mr. Pompeo’s account of his two-hour meeting with Mr. Kim, which was followed by a 90-minute lunch, was any mention of the first step toward denuclearization: an inventory from the North of all its nuclear weapons, its production and storage sites, its missiles and missile launchers.

ここで、”the first step (toward the denuclearization)”と出てきます。ここでは、核兵器や弾道ミサイル等、またそれら製造設備の一覧、を指しているのですが、それらについては会談で取り上げられなかった模様です。

つまり、米側が求めている”the first step”は得られていない訳で、記事冒頭の”down payment”と矛盾するように思われました。

そうなりますと、”down payment”が指す内容については「核査察の受入」ではなくて、北朝鮮が核実験場のトンネル入り口を爆破したこと、であると解釈するのが適当であると思われます。


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